
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GettingHotfixMessage = Getting the hotfix patch with ID {0}.
    StartKeyWord = START
    EndKeyWord = END
    ActionInstallUsingWsusa = Install using 'wsusa.exe'.
    ActionUninstallUsingWsusa = Uninstall using 'wsusa.exe'.
    LogNotSpecified = Log name hasn't been specified. Hotfix will use the temporary log {0} .
    ErrorOccurredOnHotfixInstall = \nCould not install the windows update. Details are stored in the log {0}. Error message is \n\n {1}.\n\nPlease look at Windows Update error codes here for more information - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd939837(WS.10).aspx.
    ErrorOccurredOnHotfixUninstall = \nCould not uninstall the windows update. Details are stored in the log {0}. Error message is \n\n {1}.\n\nPlease look at Windows Update error codes here for more information - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd939837(WS.10).aspx.
    TestingEnsure = Testing whether hotfix is {0}.
    InvalidPath = The specified Path ({0}) is not in a valid format. Valid formats are local paths, UNC, and HTTP. The uri scheme was '{1}'.
    InvalidBinaryType = The specified Path ({0}) does not appear to specify an MSU file and as such is not supported.
    TestStandardArgumentsPathWasPath = Test-StandardArguments, Path was {0}.
    NeedToDownloadFileFromSchemeDestinationWillBeDestName = Need to download file from {0}, destination will be {1}.
    NeedsMoreInfo = Id is required.
    InvalidIdFormat = Id must be formatted as either KBNNNNNNN or NNNNNNN.
    CreatingCacheLocation = Creating cache location.
    CouldNotOpenDestFile = Cannot open the file {0} for writing.
    CreatingTheSchemeStream = Creating the {0} stream.
    SettingDefaultCredential = Setting default credential.
    SettingAuthenticationLevel = Setting authentication level.
    IgnoringBadCertificates = Ignoring bad certificates.
    GettingTheSchemeResponseStream = Getting the {0} response stream.
    CopyingTheSchemeStreamBytesToTheDiskCache = Copying the {0} stream bytes to the disk cache.
    RedirectingPackagePathToCacheFileLocation = Redirecting package path to cache file location.
    ThePathExtensionWasPathExt = The path extension was {0}.
    CreatingTheDestinationCacheFile = Creating the destination cache file.
    CouldNotGetHttpStream = Could not open the stream for the path '{1}' and the scheme '{0}'.
    ErrorCopyingDataToFile = Could not write the stream from the path '{0}' to the destination file '{1}'.