
function Get-YoutubeDLJob {
        Get a job definition
        Return a youtube-dl job definition object. If run as a standalone command, it will write the job
        details to the screen.
    .PARAMETER JobName
        The name of the job to retrieve. Accepts multiple names in an array.
        PS C:\> Get-YoutubeDLJob -JobName "test"
        Returns the youtube-dl job object for the job named "test".
        PS C:\> "test","test2" | Get-YoutubeDLJob
        Returns the youtube-dl job objects for the jobs named "test" and "test2" one after another.

    param (
        # Tab completion
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline)]
    process {
        foreach ($name in $JobName) {
            # Read in the list of job objects
            $jobList = Get-Jobs -Path "$script:DataPath\database.xml"
            # Check that the job exists
            $job = $jobList | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $name }
            if ($null -eq $job) {
                Write-Message -Message "There is no job called: $name" -DisplayWarning
            Write-Output $job