
#class Demo : System.Management.Automation.Provider.CmdletProvider {}

class AccessDBPSDriveInfo : System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo
    [string] $connectionString = $null

    AccessDBPSDriveInfo([System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo]$driveInfo) : base($driveInfo) 


    # private OdbcConnection connection;

    # /// <summary>
    # /// ODBC connection information.
    # /// </summary>
    # public OdbcConnection Connection
    # {
    # get { return connection; }
    # set { connection = value; }
    # }

    # /// <summary>
    # /// Constructor that takes one argument
    # /// </summary>
    # /// <param name="driveInfo">Drive provided by this provider</param>
    # public AccessDBPSDriveInfo(PSDriveInfo driveInfo)
    # : base(driveInfo)
    # { }

} # // class AccessDBPSDriveInfo

class AccessDBProvider : System.Management.Automation.Provider.DriveCmdletProvider
    [System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo] NewDrive([System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo] $drive)
        # // check if drive object is null
        # if (drive == null)
        # {
        # WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
        # new ArgumentNullException("drive"),
        # "NullDrive",
        # ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument,
        # null)
        # );
        # return null;
        # }
        # // check if drive root is not null or empty
        # // and if its an existing file
        # if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(drive.Root) || (File.Exists(drive.Root) == false))
        # {
        # WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
        # new ArgumentException("drive.Root"),
        # "NoRoot",
        # ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument,
        # drive)
        # );
        # return null;
        # }

        # // create a new drive and create an ODBC connection to the new drive
        # AccessDBPSDriveInfo accessDBPSDriveInfo = new AccessDBPSDriveInfo(drive);

        # OdbcConnectionStringBuilder builder = new OdbcConnectionStringBuilder();

        # builder.Driver = "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)";
        # builder.Add("DBQ", drive.Root);
        # OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection(builder.ConnectionString);
        # conn.Open();
        # accessDBPSDriveInfo.Connection = conn;

        # return accessDBPSDriveInfo;

        [AccessDBPSDriveInfo] $psDriveInfo = [AccessDBPSDriveInfo]::new($drive)
        return $psDriveInfo

    [System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo] RemoveDrive([System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo] $drive)
        # // check if drive object is null
        # if (drive == null)
        # {
        # WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
        # new ArgumentNullException("drive"),
        # "NullDrive",
        # ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument,
        # drive)
        # );

        # return null;
        # }

        # // close ODBC connection to the drive
        [AccessDBPSDriveInfo] $psDriveInfo = $drive;

        # if (accessDBPSDriveInfo == null)
        # {
        # return null;
        # }
        # accessDBPSDriveInfo.Connection.Close();
        return $psDriveInfo;
