
# Functions
# 1. Get-Secret
# 2. Add-Secret
# 3. Update-Secret
# 4. Remove-Secret

function Hide-Secrets {
    $Script:secrets = $null
function Save-Secrets {
    #Write-Host "Save secrets"

    # ConvertTo-Json $Script:secrets
    # TODO: Add encryption here

    ConvertTo-Json $Script:secrets | Out-File $Script:secretFilePath

function Restore-Secrets {
    # Function to load secrets from file

    # Create secrets file if it does not exists
    if (-not [System.IO.File]::Exists($Script:secretFilePath))
        $Script:secrets = @{}
        #ConvertTo-Json $Script:secrets | Out-File $Script:secretFilePath

    if (($null -eq $Script:passPhrase) -or ($Script:passPhrase.Length -eq 0))
        $Script:passPhrase = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter shell password" -AsSecureString
        if ($Script:passPhrase.Length -eq 0) 
            # User did not type in anything

    # TODO: Else do decrypt

    # ZX: Oops! Forgot we are not working with JSON directly.
    # We want hashtables
    # Load JSON from file as a PSCustomObject
    $psObj = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content $Script:secretFilePath -Raw )

    # Then, convert PSCustomObject to a HashTable
    $Script:secrets = @{}
    foreach($property in $psObj.PSObject.Properties.Name)
        $Script:secrets[$property] = $psObj.$property

    # $Script:secrets = Import-Clixml -Path $Script:secretFilePath
    # else {
    # $Script:secrets = @{
    # "GoDaddy" = @{
    # "ote" = @{
    # "zhixian" = "asddsa";
    # "account2" = "asdad";
    # };
    # "production" = @{
    # };
    # };
    # "Google" = @{
    # "Dummy"= "dummy-value";
    # };
    # "Status" = "Done";
    # }
    # }

# 1. Display secrets
    Display all stored secrets as JSON.
    Display all stored secrets as JSON.
    Secrets in JSON format.
    C:\PS> Get-Secrets
        "GoDaddy": {
            "production": {},
            "ote": {
                "account2": "asdad",
                "zhixian": "asddsa"
        "Status": "Done",
        "Google": {
            "Dummy": "dummy-value"

function Get-Secrets {
    param (
        [switch]$JSON = $false


    if ($JSON)
        ConvertTo-Json $Script:secrets
    } else {


# 2. Get-Secret
    Display value stored at location
    Display all stored secrets as JSON.
    Array of Ids
    Secret in table format.
    C:\PS> Get-Secret GoDaddy
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    production {}
    ote {account2, zhixian}
    Display the secret stored under GoDaddy.
    C:\PS> Get-Secret GoDaddy, ote
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    account2 asdad
    zhixian asddsa
    Display the secret under GoDaddy, ote.
    C:\PS> Get-Secret @("GoDaddy", "ote")
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    account2 asdad
    zhixian asddsa
    Alternative syntax to display the secret under GoDaddy, ote.

function Get-Secret {
    param (
        [object[]] $location

    return (Get-HashtableEntry $Script:secrets $location)

# 3. Add-Secret
    Add secret to specified location
    Add secret to specified location
    Array of Ids for the location to add secret
    Name of key
    C:\PS> Add-Secret @("GoDaddy", "ote") "NewNode" "NewNodeValue"
    C:\PS> Get-Secrets
        "Google": {
            "Dummy": "dummy-value"
        "Status": "Done",
        "GoDaddy": {
            "production": {},
            "ote": {
                "NewNode": "NewNodeValue",
                "account2": "asdad",
                "zhixian": "asddsa"
    Add a new key-value pair under GoDaddy, ote.
    C:\PS> Add-Secret "" "goDaddy" "asdasd"
    C:\PS> Add-Secret -key "goDaddy3" -value "asdasd"

function Add-Secret {
    param (
        [object[]] $location = @(""),
        $value = $null
    try {

        Write-Host "Adding to [$(ConvertTo-Json $Script:secrets)]"
        $result = (Add-HashtableEntry $Script:secrets $location $key $value)
        return $result
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception
    finally {

# 3. Update-Secret
    Update secret at specified location
    Update secret to specified location
    Array of Ids for the location to add secret
    Name of key
    C:\PS> Update-Secret @("GoDaddy", "ote") "NewNode" "SomeUpdatedNewNodeValue"
    C:\PS> Get-Secrets
        "GoDaddy": {
            "ote": {
                "NewNode": "SomeUpdatedNewNodeValue",
                "account2": "asdad",
                "zhixian": "asddsa"
            "production": {}
        "Google": {
            "Dummy": "dummy-value"
        "Status": "Done"
    Update value of key "NewNode" to "SomeUpdatedNewNodeValue" under GoDaddy, ote.

function Update-Secret {
    param (
        [object[]] $location,
        $value = $null

    return (Update-HashtableEntry $Script:secrets $location $key $value)

# 4. Remove-Secret
    Remove secret at specified location
    Remove secret to specified location
    Array of Ids for the location to add secret
    Name of key
    C:\PS> Remove-Secret @("GoDaddy", "ote") "Zhixian"
    C:\PS> Get-Secrets
        "GoDaddy": {
            "ote": {
                "NewNode": "SomeUpdatedNewNodeValue",
                "account2": "asdad",
                "zhixian": "asddsa"
            "production": {}
        "Google": {
            "Dummy": "dummy-value"
        "Status": "Done"
    Remove the key-value pair with key "zhixian" under GoDaddy, ote.

function Remove-Secret {
    param (
        [object[]] $location,

    return (Remove-HashtableEntry $Script:secrets $location $key)