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By: | 1,996 downloads | Last Updated: 5/14/2016 | Latest Version: 0.1

This module helps to simplify the conversion of a command invocation to Splatting. Usage: 1. In PowerShell ISE, navigate the caret to the line you want to splat. Then, go to the console window, and type "splatise." 2. Call "splat" directly, passing in a string containing the command you want to splat.

By: | 2,699 downloads | Last Updated: 6/2/2022 | Latest Version:

PSNotes is a PowerShell module that allows you to create your own custom snippet library, that you can use to reference commands. It is great for long command you run often or commands you don't run often and need a reminder on. Snippets can either be executed directly, copied to your clipboard, or simply output to the screen for you to do whatever... More info