

AKS HCI Module

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name AksHci -RequiredVersion 1.1.30

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name AksHci -Version 1.1.30

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Requires License Acceptance

View License.txt

Package Details


  • nwood


Install-AksHci Restart-AksHci Uninstall-AksHci Get-AksHciKubernetesVersion Get-AksHciVmSize New-AksHciAutoScalerProfile Get-AksHciAutoScalerProfile Set-AksHciAutoScalerProfile Remove-AksHciAutoScalerProfile Set-AksHciCluster New-AksHciCluster Get-AksHciCluster Remove-AksHciCluster Update-AksHciCluster New-AksHciNodePool Get-AksHciNodePool Set-AksHciNodePool Remove-AksHciNodePool Update-AksHci Get-AksHciLogs Enable-AksHciArcConnection Disable-AksHciArcConnection Install-AksHciAdAuth Uninstall-AksHciAdAuth Install-AksHciGMSAWebhook Uninstall-AksHciGMSAWebhook Add-AksHciGMSACredentialSpec Remove-AksHciGMSACredentialSpec Get-AksHciCredential Set-AksHciConfig Get-AksHciConfig Get-AksHciVersion Get-AksHciUpdates Get-AksHciClusterUpdates Get-AksHciEventLog New-AksHciNetworkSetting Repair-AksHciClusterCerts Repair-AksHciCerts Set-AksHciRegistration Get-AksHciRegistration New-AksHciStorageContainer Get-AksHciStorageContainer Install-AksHciCsiSmb Install-AksHciCsiNfs Uninstall-AksHciCsiSmb Uninstall-AksHciCsiNfs Sync-AksHciBilling Get-AksHciBillingStatus New-AksHciClusterNetwork Get-AksHciClusterNetwork Install-AksHciMonitoring Uninstall-AksHciMonitoring Remove-AksHciClusterNetwork Add-AksHciNode Remove-AksHciNode New-AksHciProxySetting Get-AksHciProxySetting New-AksHciContainerRegistry Enable-AksHciPreview Disable-AksHciPreview New-AksHciLoadBalancerSetting Invoke-RotateCACertificate Invoke-PatchCloudCertificates Test-CloudCACertificateNearingExpiry



Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.1.104 3,867 2/21/2024
1.1.103 171 2/19/2024
1.1.102 2,107 1/13/2024
1.1.95 9,534 11/10/2023
1.1.92 2,003 10/28/2023
1.1.83 16,530 8/10/2023
1.1.81 12,985 7/7/2023
1.1.74 14,569 5/15/2023
1.1.73 1,558 5/8/2023
1.1.68 6,201 4/21/2023
1.1.67 4,902 3/30/2023
1.1.66 2,280 3/20/2023
1.1.65 133,736 3/16/2023
1.1.64 602 3/12/2023
1.1.60 10,364 1/31/2023
1.1.59 451 1/26/2023
1.1.50 4,809 12/15/2022
1.1.49 6,850 11/28/2022
1.1.48 1,797 11/19/2022
1.1.47 493 11/17/2022
1.1.46 431 11/14/2022
1.1.43 132,912 10/9/2022
1.1.39 5,074 8/25/2022
1.1.38 3,848 8/3/2022
1.1.36 2,866 7/19/2022
1.1.32 2,770 6/2/2022
1.1.30 (current version) 3,414 4/17/2022
1.1.27 3,509 3/1/2022
1.1.25 1,338 1/28/2022
1.1.20 1,616 12/4/2021
1.1.19 458 11/23/2021
1.1.18 242 11/19/2021
1.1.14 3,772 10/27/2021
1.1.11 1,078 10/6/2021
1.1.9 843 10/1/2021
1.1.4 1,517 9/3/2021
1.1.1 2,524 7/30/2021
1.0.2 1,759 6/22/2021
1.0.0 1,252 5/21/2021
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