
A collection of AWS helper cmdlets for EC2, Route53, SSM and Polly

0.5.2    Bug fix for New-CMEC2Instance for when SubnetId is specified
0.5.1    Bug fix for Get-CMEC2ImageId for Windows 2008 R2 images

Added Get-CMEC2ImageId to use SSM to get latest Windows AMI much quicker than Get-Ec2ImagebyName (180msec vs 10 secs). This me
A collection of AWS helper cmdlets for EC2, Route53, SSM and Polly

0.5.2    Bug fix for New-CMEC2Instance for when SubnetId is specified
0.5.1    Bug fix for Get-CMEC2ImageId for Windows 2008 R2 images

Added Get-CMEC2ImageId to use SSM to get latest Windows AMI much quicker than Get-Ec2ImagebyName (180msec vs 10 secs). This means you now need access to SSM.
Added Edit-CMEC2DnsName which ensures the instance is valid and running before setting hostname
Updated New-CMEC2Instance uses Get-CMEC2ImageLatestWindows for AMI fetching
Updated New-CMEC2Instance and Start-CMEC2Instance uses Edit-CMEC2DnsName now to set DNS
Updated New-CMEC2Instance and Start-CMEC2Instance add private IP address to DNS if no public IP (Only recomended with private hosted zones)

0.4.5    Revamped Convert-TextToSpeech to handle errors and PCM
0.4.4    New-CMEC2Instance fixed for year roll over on pricing
0.4.3    So Many Bug Fixes, Mainly in New-CMEC2Instance
0.4.2    Fixed Convert-TextToSpeech to allow for the longer 1500 lines not including spaces
0.4.1    Fixed bug in Convert-TextToSpeech cmdlet to handle ampersands (&).
0.4.0    Added cmdlet Remove-CMS3DeleteMarkers
0.3.0    Added cmdlet Compare-CMEC2WindowsSpotPricingToOndemand
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name CMAWS -RequiredVersion 0.5.2

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name CMAWS -Version 0.5.2

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Chad Miles

Package Details


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.3.3 35 4/19/2023
1.3.2 18 1/4/2023
1.3.1 11 12/2/2022
1.3.0 6 12/1/2022
1.2.0 263 8/5/2020
1.1.0 78 11/5/2019
1.0.2 29 10/4/2019
1.0.1 25 9/6/2019
1.0.0 17 9/3/2019
0.8.0 24 8/16/2019 102 2/28/2019
0.7.3 16 2/27/2019 27 2/5/2019 27 1/8/2019
0.7.2 15 1/8/2019 35 11/26/2018
0.7.0 15 11/26/2018
0.6.4 84 3/21/2018
0.6.3 18 3/20/2018
0.6.2 19 3/20/2018
0.6.1 29 2/26/2018
0.6.0 16 2/26/2018
0.5.2 (current version) 20 2/20/2018
0.5.1 24 2/12/2018
0.5.0 18 2/9/2018
0.4.5 26 1/29/2018
0.4.4 21 1/15/2018
0.4.3 37 11/21/2017
0.4.0 82 6/11/2017
0.2.3 30 5/19/2017
0.2.2 19 5/18/2017
0.2.1 18 5/17/2017
0.2.0 18 5/17/2017
0.1.8 27 5/6/2017
0.1.7 17 5/6/2017
0.1.6 17 5/6/2017
0.1.5 17 5/6/2017
0.1.4 17 5/6/2017
0.1.3 17 5/5/2017
0.1.2 18 5/5/2017
0.1.1 18 5/5/2017
0.1 19 5/5/2017
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