

ConfigMgr healthcheck reporting

Minimum PowerShell version


The owner has unlisted this package. This could mean that the module is deprecated or shouldn't be used anymore.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name CMHealthcheck -RequiredVersion 1.0.11

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name CMHealthcheck -Version 1.0.11

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2017-2019 David Stein. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • David Stein


cmhealthcheck healthcheck health sccm configmgr systemcenter sql audit report skatterbrainz


Get-CMHealthCheck Get-CMHealthCheckSummary Export-CMHealthReport Invoke-CMHealthCheck


Release Notes

* Thanks to Rafael Perez for inventing this -
* Thanks to Carl Webster for the basis of Word functions -
* Thanks to David O'Brien for additional Word function -
* Thanks to Starbucks for empowering me to survive hours of clicking through the Office Word API reference
* Support: Database name must be CM_<SITECODE> (you need to adapt the queries if not this format)

1.0.0  - DS - first release
1.0.1  - DS - updates for documentation, error handling, cleanup functions
1.0.2  - DS - added user-appx cleanup handling
1.0.3  - DS - Added support for dbatools features
1.0.4  - DS - Updated SCCM build numbers reference table, bug fixes
1.0.5  - DS - Added HTML report output option
1.0.6  - DS - Updated SCCM and SQL build numbers reference table
1.0.7  - DS - Added Get-CMHealthCheckSummary for making a quick inventory report
1.0.8  - DS - changed default Word body style from "No Spacing" to "Normal", added autoconfig file option
             combined Export functions into one: Export-CMHealthReport
1.0.9  - DS - merged changes to cmhealthcheck.xml to correct reporting layout (thanks to @CodyMathis123 !)
1.0.10 - DS - expanded error message lookups, bug fixes
1.0.11 - DS - added Invoke-CMHealthCheck as wrapper for Get- and Export- functions as one function


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.0.28 758 10/1/2021
1.0.26 481 7/22/2020