
# Module manifest for module 'CMHealthCheck'
# Generated by: David Stein
# Generated on: 10/03/2019

RootModule    = '.\CMHealthCheck.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '1.0.11'
GUID          = 'e61ecfc4-1895-4e5d-a91e-10fb4311b09a'
Author        = 'David Stein'
CompanyName   = 'skatterbrainz'
Copyright     = '(c) 2017-2019 David Stein. All rights reserved.'
Description   = 'ConfigMgr healthcheck reporting'
PowerShellVersion = '4.0'
PowerShellHostVersion = '4.0'
RequiredModules = @('dbatools')

FunctionsToExport = @(

CmdletsToExport   = @()
VariablesToExport = '*'
AliasesToExport   = @()

FileList = @(

PrivateData = @{
    PSData = @{
        # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries.
        Tags       = @('cmhealthcheck','healthcheck','health','sccm','configmgr','systemcenter','sql','audit','report','skatterbrainz')
        LicenseUri = ''
        ProjectUri = ''
        IconUri    = ''
        ReleaseNotes = @'
* Thanks to Rafael Perez for inventing this -
* Thanks to Carl Webster for the basis of Word functions -
* Thanks to David O'Brien for additional Word function -
* Thanks to Starbucks for empowering me to survive hours of clicking through the Office Word API reference
* Support: Database name must be CM_<SITECODE> (you need to adapt the queries if not this format)
1.0.0 - DS - first release
1.0.1 - DS - updates for documentation, error handling, cleanup functions
1.0.2 - DS - added user-appx cleanup handling
1.0.3 - DS - Added support for dbatools features
1.0.4 - DS - Updated SCCM build numbers reference table, bug fixes
1.0.5 - DS - Added HTML report output option
1.0.6 - DS - Updated SCCM and SQL build numbers reference table
1.0.7 - DS - Added Get-CMHealthCheckSummary for making a quick inventory report
1.0.8 - DS - changed default Word body style from "No Spacing" to "Normal", added autoconfig file option
              combined Export functions into one: Export-CMHealthReport
1.0.9 - DS - merged changes to cmhealthcheck.xml to correct reporting layout (thanks to @CodyMathis123 !)
1.0.10 - DS - expanded error message lookups, bug fixes
1.0.11 - DS - added Invoke-CMHealthCheck as wrapper for Get- and Export- functions as one function

    } # End of PSData hashtable
} # End of PrivateData hashtable