

This is the preview version of the PowerShell module that is used to automate processes in CTGlobal Insight Analytics.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name CTGlobal.Insight.Analytics -RequiredVersion 0.2.8

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name CTGlobal.Insight.Analytics -Version 0.2.8

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



CTGlobal A/S

Package Details


  • CTGlobal A/S


CTGlobal InsightAnalytics IA


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

   - Fixed time format issue, which lead to Widgets syncing an hour late.
   - Added the NextRun field to the DataDefinition object that is mandatory with the new IA release in order for widgets to be updated.
- Merged many different changes into one (unimportant)
   - Added support for creating widgets from different connectors
       - ConfigMgr, Intune, Ad, ClientHealth
   - Added Get- and Set-IAWidgetConfigurationHistory
       - This allows to modify existing history widgets to change their chart type and other modifiers.
   - Added Get- and Set-IAWidgetConfigurationText
       - This helps with changing the text on a text widget
   - Added examples for creating all of the different widgets.
   Preferred way of querying for a IAConfigurationDataModel is now through the WidgetTemplateId
   - Added new FreeText and Clock widgets
   - WidgetConfiguration can now be passed in to specify a custom one

   - Added Set-IADataValueFieldMap
   - Fixed a mistake in the examples.

   - Updated changelog

   - Renamed module from CTGlobalInsightAnalytics to CTGlobal.Insight.Analytics
   - Connect-IA: LicenseId parameter changed to LicenseKey, LicenseId set as an alias
   - New-IAWidget: now supports creating Custom Query List widgets
   - Copy-IAWidget: now supports copying Custom Query List widgets and Text widgets.
   - Dynamic Parameters in Get-IA*.ps1 commands now have better errorhandling


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.3.4 250 5/19/2021
0.3.3 25 5/19/2021
0.3.2 26 5/18/2021
0.3.1 25 5/18/2021
0.3.0 35 3/17/2021
0.2.9 26 3/16/2021
0.2.8 (current version) 28 3/4/2021
0.2.7 25 3/4/2021
0.2.6 27 3/4/2021
0.2.5 65 6/25/2020
0.2.4 68 2/18/2020 34 2/12/2020
0.2.3 27 2/12/2020
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