
    The resource is used to export a certificate from a Windows certificate
    Key - String
    The path to the file you that will contain the exported certificate.
.PARAMETER Thumbprint
    Write - String
    The thumbprint of the certificate to export. Certificate selector parameter.
.PARAMETER FriendlyName
    Write - String
    The friendly name of the certificate to export. Certificate selector parameter.
    Write - String
    The subject of the certificate to export. Certificate selector parameter.
    Write - StringArray
    The subject alternative name of the certificate to export must contain these values. Certificate selector parameter.
    Write - String
    The issuer of the certificate to export. Certificate selector parameter.
    Write - StringArray
    The key usage of the certificate to export must contain these values. Certificate selector parameter.
.PARAMETER EnhancedKeyUsage
    Write - StringArray
    The enhanced key usage of the certificate to export must contain these values. Certificate selector parameter.
    Write - String
    The Windows Certificate Store Name to search for the certificate to export from. Certificate selector parameter. Defaults to 'My'.
.PARAMETER AllowExpired
    Write - Boolean
    Allow an expired certificate to be exported. Certificate selector parameter.
.PARAMETER MatchSource
    Write - Boolean
    Causes an existing exported certificate to be compared with the certificate identified for export and re-exported if it does not match.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Cert, P7B, SST, PFX
    Specifies the type of certificate to export.
.PARAMETER ChainOption
    Write - String
    Allowed values: BuildChain, EndEntityCertOnly
    Specifies the options for building a chain when exporting a PFX certificate.
    Write - Instance
    Specifies the password used to protect an exported PFX file.
    Write - StringArray
    Specifies an array of strings for the username or group name that can access the private key of an exported PFX file without any password.
    Read - Boolean
    Returns true if the certificate file already exists and therefore has been exported.
Exports a certificate as a CERT using the friendly name to identify it.
Configuration CertificateExport_CertByFriendlyName_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName CertificateDsc
    Node localhost
        CertificateExport SSLCert
            Type = 'CERT'
            FriendlyName = 'Web Site SSL Certificate for www.contoso.com'
            Path = 'c:\sslcert.cer'
Exports a certificate as a PFX using the friendly name to identify it.
Configuration CertificateExport_PfxByFriendlyName_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName CertificateDsc
    Node localhost
        CertificateExport SSLCert
            Type = 'PFX'
            FriendlyName = 'Web Site SSL Certificate for www.contoso.com'
            Path = 'c:\sslcert.cer'
            Password = $Credential