
function Get-CSRegistryAutoStart {
List installed autostart execution points present in the registry.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Get-CSRegistryAutoStart lists autorun points present in the registry locally or remotely.
Get-CSRegistryAutoStart was heavily influenced by the great PowerShell autoruns function written by Emin Atac (@p0w3rsh3ll) - Emin's version is ideal for use locally and when PowerShell remoting is enabled. Get-CSRegistryAutoStart can retrieve autoruns information remotely from systems regardless of the presense of PowerShell.
Each switch argument in Get-CSRegistryAutoStart represents the corresponding tab in autoruns.exe.
Retrieve logon artifacts
Retrieve LSA provider artifacts
.PARAMETER ImageHijacks
Retrieve image hijack artifacts
Retrieve appinit artifacts
Retrieve KnownDLL artifacts
Retrieve winlogon artifacts
.PARAMETER PrintMonitors
Retrieve print monitor artifacts
.PARAMETER NetworkProviders
Retrieve network provider artifacts
.PARAMETER BootExecute
Retrieve boot execute artifacts
.PARAMETER NoProgressBar
Do not display a progress bar. This parameter is designed to be used with wrapper functions.
Specifies the CIM session to use for this cmdlet. Enter a variable that contains the CIM session or a command that creates or gets the CIM session, such as the New-CimSession or Get-CimSession cmdlets. For more information, see about_CimSessions.
.PARAMETER OperationTimeoutSec
Specifies the amount of time that the cmdlet waits for a response from the computer.
By default, the value of this parameter is 0, which means that the cmdlet uses the default timeout value for the server.
If the OperationTimeoutSec parameter is set to a value less than the robust connection retry timeout of 3 minutes, network failures that last more than the value of the OperationTimeoutSec parameter are not recoverable, because the operation on the server times out before the client can reconnect.
Performs all supported autoruns entry category checks.
Get-CSRegistryAutoStart -Logon -LSAProviders
Performs specific autoruns entry category checks.
Outputs objects representing autoruns entries similar to the output of Sysinternals Autoruns.

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecificCheck')]




    BEGIN {
        # If a CIM session is not provided, trick the function into thinking there is one.
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters['CimSession']) {
            $CimSession = ''
            $CIMSessionCount = 1
        } else {
            $CIMSessionCount = $CimSession.Count

        $CurrentCIMSession = 0

        $Timeout = @{}
        if ($PSBoundParameters['OperationTimeoutSec']) { $Timeout['OperationTimeoutSec'] = $OperationTimeoutSec }

        $ParamCopy = $PSBoundParameters
        $null = $ParamCopy.Remove('CimSession')
        $null = $ParamCopy.Remove('NoProgressBar')
        $null = $ParamCopy.Remove('OperationTimeoutSec')

        # Count the number of options provided for use of displaying a progress bar
        $AutoRunOptionCount = $ParamCopy.Keys.Count

        # All checks want to be performed.
        # There is likely a better way of obtaining the number of params in the 'SpecificCheck' param set
        if (-not $AutoRunOptionCount) { $AutoRunOptionCount = 9 }

        # Helper function that maps a registry autorun artifact roughly to that of autoruns.exe output.
        # Ignore PsScriptAnalyzer rule for this verb name. It is a helper function that doesn't
        # modify system state.
        filter New-AutoRunsEntry {
        [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
            Param (
                [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

                [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

                [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

                [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

                [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $True)]

                [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            $ObjectProperties = [Ordered] @{
                PSTypeName = 'CimSweep.AutoRunEntry'
                Path = "$($Hive)\$($SubKey)"
                AutoRunEntry = $AutoRunEntry
                ImagePath = $ImagePath
                Category = $Category

            $DefaultProperties = 'Path', 'AutoRunEntry', 'ImagePath', 'Category' -as [Type] 'Collections.Generic.List[String]'

            if ($PSComputerName) {
                $ObjectProperties['PSComputerName'] = $PSComputerName
            } else {
                $ObjectProperties['PSComputerName'] = $null

            if ($Session.Id) { $ObjectProperties['CimSession'] = $Session }

            $AutoRunsEntry = [PSCustomObject] $ObjectProperties

            Set-DefaultDisplayProperty -InputObject $AutoRunsEntry -PropertyNames $DefaultProperties


        foreach ($Session in $CimSession) {
            $CurrentAutorunCount = 0

            $ComputerName = $Session.ComputerName
            if (-not $Session.ComputerName) { $ComputerName = 'localhost' }

            if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                # Display a progress activity for each CIM session
                Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'CimSweep - Registry autoruns sweep' -Status "($($CurrentCIMSession+1)/$($CIMSessionCount)) Current computer: $ComputerName" -PercentComplete (($CurrentCIMSession / $CIMSessionCount) * 100)

            $CommonArgs = @{}

            if ($Session.Id) { $CommonArgs['CimSession'] = $Session }

            # Get the SIDS for each user in the registry
            $HKUSIDs = Get-HKUSID @CommonArgs @Timeout

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['Logon']) {
                $Category = 'Logon'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\rdpwd' -ValueName StartupPrograms @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon' -ValueNameOnly @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    Where-Object { ('VmApplet', 'Userinit', 'Shell', 'TaskMan', 'AppSetup') -contains $_.ValueName } | ForEach-Object {
                        $_ | Get-CSRegistryValue | New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                # Todo: implement on domain-joined system
                'Startup', 'Shutdown', 'Logon', 'Logoff' | ForEach-Object {
                    Get-CSRegistryKey -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\Scripts'

                $GPExtensionKey = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GPExtensions'
                Get-CSRegistryKey -Hive HKLM -SubKey $GPExtensionKey @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    Get-CSRegistryValue -ValueName DllName @Timeout |
                        ForEach-Object { $_ | New-AutoRunsEntry -SubKey $GPExtensionKey -AutoRunEntry $_.Subkey.Split('\')[-1] -Category $Category }

                $AlternateShell = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot' -ValueName AlternateShell @CommonArgs @Timeout

                if ($AlternateShell) { $AlternateShell | New-AutoRunsEntry -AutoRunEntry $AlternateShell.ValueContent -Category $Category }

                $AutoStartPaths = @(

                foreach ($AutoStartPath in $AutoStartPaths) {
                    Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey $AutoStartPath @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                        New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                    # Iterate over each local user hive
                    foreach ($SID in $HKUSIDs) {
                        Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\$AutoStartPath" @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                            New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                $null, 'Wow6432Node\' | ForEach-Object {
                    $InstalledComponents = "SOFTWARE\$($_)Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components"
                    Get-CSRegistryKey -Hive HKLM -SubKey $InstalledComponents @CommonArgs @Timeout
                } | Get-CSRegistryValue -ValueName StubPath @Timeout | ForEach-Object {
                    $AutoRunEntry = $_ | Get-CSRegistryValue -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @Timeout

                    if ($AutoRunEntry.ValueContent) { $AutoRunEntryName = $AutoRunEntry.ValueContent } else { $AutoRunEntryName = 'n/a' }

                    $_ | New-AutoRunsEntry -SubKey $InstalledComponents -AutoRunEntry $AutoRunEntryName -Category $Category

                $IconLib = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows' -ValueName IconServiceLib @CommonArgs @Timeout

                if ($IconLib) { $IconLib | New-AutoRunsEntry -SubKey "$($IconLib.SubKey)\$($IconLib.ValueName)" -AutoRunEntry $IconLib.ValueContent -Category $Category }

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['BootExecute']) {
                $Category = 'BootExecute'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager' -ValueNameOnly @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    Where-Object { ('BootExecute','SetupExecute','Execute','S0InitialCommand') -contains $_.ValueName } | ForEach-Object {
                        $_ | Get-CSRegistryValue @Timeout | Where-Object { $_.ValueContent.Count } |
                            ForEach-Object { $_ | New-AutoRunsEntry -ImagePath "$($_.ValueContent)" -Category $Category }

                Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control' -ValueName ServiceControlManagerExtension @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    New-AutoRunsEntry -AutoRunEntry ServiceControlManagerExtension -Category $Category

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['PrintMonitors']) {
                $Category = 'PrintMonitors'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                Get-CSRegistryKey -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    Get-CSRegistryValue -ValueName Driver @Timeout | ForEach-Object {
                        $_ | New-AutoRunsEntry -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors' -AutoRunEntry $_.SubKey.Split('\')[-1] -Category $Category

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['NetworkProviders']) {
                $Category = 'NetworkProviders'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                $NetworkOrder = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order' -ValueName ProviderOrder @CommonArgs @Timeout

                if ($NetworkOrder.ValueContent) {
                    $NetworkOrder.ValueContent.Split(',') | ForEach-Object {
                        $NetworkOrder | New-AutoRunsEntry -AutoRunEntry $_ -ImagePath $_ -Category $Category

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['LSAProviders']) {
                $Category = 'LSAProviders'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                $SecProviders = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders' @CommonArgs @Timeout
                $SecProviders | New-AutoRunsEntry -ImagePath "$($SecProviders.ValueContent)" -Category $Category

                $AuthPackages = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa' -ValueName 'Authentication Packages' @CommonArgs @Timeout
                $AuthPackages | New-AutoRunsEntry -ImagePath "$($AuthPackages.ValueContent)" -Category $Category

                $NotPackages =  Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa' -ValueName 'Notification Packages' @CommonArgs @Timeout
                $NotPackages | New-AutoRunsEntry -ImagePath "$($NotPackages.ValueContent)" -Category $Category

                $SecPackages = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\OSConfig' -ValueName 'Security Packages' @CommonArgs @Timeout
                $SecPackages | New-AutoRunsEntry -ImagePath "$($SecPackages.ValueContent)" -Category $Category

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['ImageHijacks']) {
                $Category = 'ImageHijacks'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                $CommonKeys = @(

                foreach ($CommonKey in $CommonKeys) {
                    Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey $CommonKey -ValueName '' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                        New-AutoRunsEntry -AutoRunEntry $CommonKey.Split('\')[2] -Category $Category

                    # Iterate over each local user hive
                    foreach ($SID in $HKUSIDs) {
                        Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\$CommonKey" -ValueName '' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                            New-AutoRunsEntry -AutoRunEntry $CommonKey.Split('\')[2] -Category $Category

                Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\open\command -ValueName 'IsolatedCommand' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                $null, 'Wow6432Node\' | ForEach-Object {
                    Get-CSRegistryKey -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\$($_)Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                        Get-CSRegistryValue -ValueName Debugger @Timeout | ForEach-Object {
                            $_ | New-AutoRunsEntry -AutoRunEntry $_.SubKey.Substring($_.SubKey.LastIndexOf('\') + 1) -Category $Category

                    Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\$($_)Microsoft\Command Processor" -ValueName 'Autorun' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                        New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                $Class_exe = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SOFTWARE\Classes\.exe' -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                if ($Class_exe.ValueContent) {
                    $OpenCommand = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\Classes\$($Class_exe.ValueContent)\Shell\Open\Command" -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                    if ($OpenCommand.ValueContent) {
                        $OpenCommand | New-AutoRunsEntry -Hive $Class_exe.Hive -SubKey $Class_exe.SubKey -AutoRunEntry $Class_exe.ValueContent -Category $Category

                $Class_cmd = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SOFTWARE\Classes\.cmd' -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                if ($Class_cmd.ValueContent) {
                    $OpenCommand = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\Classes\$($Class_cmd.ValueContent)\Shell\Open\Command" -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                    if ($OpenCommand.ValueContent) {
                        $OpenCommand | New-AutoRunsEntry -Hive $Class_cmd.Hive -SubKey $Class_cmd.SubKey -AutoRunEntry $Class_cmd.ValueContent -Category $Category

                foreach ($SID in $HKUSIDs) {
                    Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor" -ValueName 'Autorun' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                        New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                    $Class_exe = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\SOFTWARE\Classes\.exe" -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                    if ($Class_exe.ValueContent) {
                        $OpenCommand = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\SOFTWARE\Classes\$($Class_exe.ValueContent)\Shell\Open\Command" -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                        if ($OpenCommand.ValueContent) {
                            $OpenCommand | New-AutoRunsEntry -Hive $Class_exe.Hive -SubKey $Class_exe.SubKey -AutoRunEntry $Class_exe.ValueContent -Category $Category

                    $Class_cmd = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\SOFTWARE\Classes\.cmd" -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                    if ($Class_cmd.ValueContent) {
                        $OpenCommand = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\SOFTWARE\Classes\$($Class_cmd.ValueContent)\Shell\Open\Command" -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                        if ($OpenCommand.ValueContent) {
                            $OpenCommand | New-AutoRunsEntry -Hive $Class_cmd.Hive -SubKey $Class_cmd.SubKey -AutoRunEntry $Class_cmd.ValueContent -Category $Category

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['AppInit']) {
                $Category = 'AppInit'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                $null,'Wow6432Node\' | ForEach-Object {
                    Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\$($_)Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" -ValueName 'AppInit_DLLs' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                        New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category
                    Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\$($_)Microsoft\Command Processor" -ValueName 'Autorun' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                        New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\AppCertDlls' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['KnownDLLs']) {
                $Category = 'KnownDLLs'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDLLs' @CommonArgs @Timeout |
                    New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

            if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'SpecificCheck') -or $PSBoundParameters['Winlogon']) {
                $Category = 'Winlogon'

                if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                    Write-Progress -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Activity " ($($CurrentAutorunCount+1)/$($AutoRunOptionCount)) Current autoruns type:" -Status $Category -PercentComplete (($CurrentAutorunCount / $AutoRunOptionCount) * 100)

                $CmdLine = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\Setup' -ValueName 'CmdLine' @CommonArgs @Timeout

                if ($CmdLine -and $CmdLine.ValueContent) {
                    $CmdLine | New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category

                'Credential Providers', 'Credential Provider Filters', 'PLAP Providers' |
                    ForEach-Object { Get-CSRegistryKey -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\$_" @CommonArgs @Timeout } | ForEach-Object {
                        $LastBSIndex = $_.SubKey.LastIndexOf('\')
                        $ParentKey = $_.SubKey.Substring(0, $LastBSIndex)
                        $Guid = $_.SubKey.Substring($LastBSIndex + 1)

                        if ($Guid -as [Guid]) {
                            $AutoRunEntry = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\$Guid" -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout
                            $InprocServer32 = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\$Guid\InprocServer32" -ValueName '' -ValueType REG_EXPAND_SZ @CommonArgs @Timeout

                            New-AutoRunsEntry $_.Hive $ParentKey $AutoRunEntry.ValueContent $InprocServer32.ValueContent $Category $_.PSComputerName

                $BootVer = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKLM -SubKey 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\BootVerificationProgram' -ValueName 'ImagePath' @CommonArgs @Timeout

                if ($BootVer) {
                    $BootVer | New-AutoRunsEntry -Hive $BootVer.Hive -SubKey "$($BootVer.SubKey)\ImagePath"

                foreach ($SID in $HKUSIDs) {
                    $Scrnsave = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop" -ValueName 'Scrnsave.exe' @CommonArgs @Timeout
                    if ($Scrnsave) { $Scrnsave | New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category }

                    $Scrnsave = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive HKU -SubKey "$SID\Control Panel\Desktop" -ValueName 'Scrnsave.exe' @CommonArgs @Timeout
                    if ($Scrnsave) { $Scrnsave | New-AutoRunsEntry -Category $Category }

function Get-CSStartMenuEntry {
List user and common start menu items.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Get-CSStartMenuEntry returns file information for all files present (excluding desktop.ini) in user and system-wide start menus.
.PARAMETER NoProgressBar
Do not display a progress bar. This parameter is designed to be used with wrapper functions.
Specifies the CIM session to use for this cmdlet. Enter a variable that contains the CIM session or a command that creates or gets the CIM session, such as the New-CimSession or Get-CimSession cmdlets. For more information, see about_CimSessions.
.PARAMETER OperationTimeoutSec
Specifies the amount of time that the cmdlet waits for a response from the computer.
By default, the value of this parameter is 0, which means that the cmdlet uses the default timeout value for the server.
If the OperationTimeoutSec parameter is set to a value less than the robust connection retry timeout of 3 minutes, network failures that last more than the value of the OperationTimeoutSec parameter are not recoverable, because the operation on the server times out before the client can reconnect.
Lists all files present in user and system-level start menus on a local system.
Get-CSStartMenuEntry -CimSession $CimSession
Lists all files present in user and system-level start menus on a remote system.
Get-CSStartMenuEntry outputs Win32_ShortcutFile objects representing LNK files present in the start menus.
If a shortcut is present in the start menu, an instance of a Win32_ShortcutFile is returned that has a Target property.



    BEGIN {
        # If a CIM session is not provided, trick the function into thinking there is one.
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters['CimSession']) {
            $CimSession = ''
            $CIMSessionCount = 1
        } else {
            $CIMSessionCount = $CimSession.Count

        $CurrentCIMSession = 0

        $Timeout = @{}
        if ($PSBoundParameters['OperationTimeoutSec']) { $Timeout['OperationTimeoutSec'] = $OperationTimeoutSec }

        foreach ($Session in $CimSession) {
            $ComputerName = $Session.ComputerName
            if (-not $Session.ComputerName) { $ComputerName = 'localhost' }

            if (-not $PSBoundParameters['NoProgressBar']) {
                # Display a progress activity for each CIM session
                Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity 'CimSweep - Temp directory sweep' -Status "($($CurrentCIMSession+1)/$($CIMSessionCount)) Current computer: $ComputerName" -PercentComplete (($CurrentCIMSession / $CIMSessionCount) * 100)

            $CommonArgs = @{}

            if ($Session.Id) { $CommonArgs['CimSession'] = $Session }

            Get-CSShellFolderPath -SystemFolder -FolderName 'Common Startup' -NoProgressBar @CommonArgs @Timeout | ForEach-Object {
                Get-CSDirectoryListing -DirectoryPath $_.ValueContent -File @CommonArgs @Timeout | Where-Object {
                    $_.FileName -ne 'desktop' -and $_.Extension -ne 'ini'

            Get-CSShellFolderPath -UserFolder -FolderName 'Startup' -NoProgressBar @CommonArgs @Timeout | ForEach-Object {
                Get-CSDirectoryListing -DirectoryPath $_.ValueContent -File @CommonArgs @Timeout | Where-Object {
                    $_.FileName -ne 'desktop' -and $_.Extension -ne 'ini'

function Get-CSWmiPersistence {
List registered permanent WMI event subscriptions.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Get-CSWmiPersistence lists all registered __FilterToConsumerBinding objects and the __EventFilter and __EventConsumer that the binding corresponds to.
Specifies the CIM session to use for this cmdlet. Enter a variable that contains the CIM session or a command that creates or gets the CIM session, such as the New-CimSession or Get-CimSession cmdlets. For more information, see about_CimSessions.
.PARAMETER OperationTimeoutSec
Specifies the amount of time that the cmdlet waits for a response from the computer.
By default, the value of this parameter is 0, which means that the cmdlet uses the default timeout value for the server.
If the OperationTimeoutSec parameter is set to a value less than the robust connection retry timeout of 3 minutes, network failures that last more than the value of the OperationTimeoutSec parameter are not recoverable, because the operation on the server times out before the client can reconnect.
List all __FilterToConsumerBinding instances with their corresponding __EventFilter and __EventConsumer.
Outputs objects representing the combination of __EventFilter, __EventConsumer, and __FilterToConsumerBinding.
Get-CSWmiPersistence only returns output when __FilterToConsumerBinding instances exist which implies installed WMI persistence. You may still want to enumerate __EventConsumer instances which may be remnants of a previous attack (e.g. ActiveScriptEventConsumer and CommandLineEventConsumer).



    BEGIN {
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters['CimSession']) {
            # i.e. Run the function locally
            $CimSession = ''
            # Trick the loop below into thinking there's at least one CimSession
            $SessionCount = 1
        } else {
            $SessionCount = $CimSession.Count

        $Current = 0

        $Timeout = @{}
        if ($PSBoundParameters['OperationTimeoutSec']) { $Timeout['OperationTimeoutSec'] = $OperationTimeoutSec }

        foreach ($Session in $CimSession) {
            Write-Progress -Activity 'CimSweep - WMI persistence sweep' -Status "($($Current+1)/$($SessionCount)) Current computer: $($Session.ComputerName)" -PercentComplete (($Current / $SessionCount) * 100)

            $CommonArgs = @{}

            if ($Session.Id) { $CommonArgs['CimSession'] = $Session }

            Write-Verbose "[$($Session.ComputerName)] Retrieving __FilterToConsumerBinding instance."

            Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/subscription -ClassName __FilterToConsumerBinding @CommonArgs @Timeout | ForEach-Object {
                Write-Verbose "[$($Session.ComputerName)] Correlating referenced __EventFilter instance."
                $Filter = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/subscription -ClassName __EventFilter -Filter "Name=`"$($_.Filter.Name)`"" @CommonArgs @Timeout

                $ConsumerClass = $_.Consumer.PSObject.TypeNames[0].Split('/')[-1]
                Write-Verbose "[$($Session.ComputerName)] Correlating referenced __EventConsumer instance."
                $Consumer = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/subscription -ClassName $ConsumerClass -Filter "Name=`"$($_.Consumer.Name)`"" @CommonArgs @Timeout

                [PSCustomObject] @{
                    PSTypeName = 'CimSweep.WmiPersistence'
                    Filter = $Filter
                    ConsumerClass = $ConsumerClass
                    Consumer = $Consumer
                    FilterToConsumerBinding = $_
                    PSComputerName = $_.PSComputerName