
Function Get-CSProxyConfig
Enumerates a target host's proxy settings.
Author: Chris Ross (@xorrior)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Get-CSProxyConfig enumerates a target host's proxy settings. Provide a user name to enumerate the proxy settings through the HKU root key with the specified user's SID.
Specifies the user name to enumerate proxy settings for.
Specifies the CIM session to use for this cmdlet. Enter a variable that contains the CIM session or a command that creates or gets the CIM session, such as the New-CimSession or Get-CimSession cmdlets. For more information, see about_CimSessions.
.PARAMETER OperationTimeoutSec
Specifies the amount of time that the cmdlet waits for a response from the computer.
Get-CSProxyConfig -UserName bob
Enumerate the proxy settings for bob for the localhost
Get-CSProxyConfig -CimSession $Session
Enumerate the proxy settings, in the user context of the specified CimSession.




        if(-not $PSBoundParameters['CimSession'])
            $CimSession = ''

        $Timeout = @{}
        if ($PSBoundParameters['OperationTimeoutSec']) { $Timeout['OperationTimeoutSec'] = $OperationTimeoutSec }

        foreach ($Session in $CimSession)
            $CommonArgs = @{}
            #Set the CimSession common argument if set
            if($Session.Id) {$CommonArgs['CimSession'] = $Session}

            $InstanceArgs = @{
                NameSpace = 'root\cimv2'
                ClassName = 'Win32_Account'
                Property = 'Name', 'SID'

            $Hive = 'HKCU'
            $SubKey = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections'
            #If a UserName was given, map the
                $InstanceArgs['Filter'] = "Name=`'$UserName`'"
                $SID = (Get-CimInstance @InstanceArgs @CommonArgs @Timeout).SID 

                $Hive = 'HKU'
                $SubKey = "$SID\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections"

            $ProxyConfig = Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive $Hive -SubKey $SubKey -ValueName 'DefaultConnectionSettings' @CommonArgs @Timeout

            if (-not $ProxyConfig) { break }

            $AutoDetectProxy = $False 
            #If the 5th byte is even, the AutoDetectProxySetting is most likely enabled
            if (($ProxyConfig.ValueContent[4] % 2) -eq 0) { $AutoDetectProxy = $True }

            $ProxySettings = [PSCustomObject] @{
                PSTypeName = 'CimSweep.ProxyConfig'
                AutoDetectProxy = $AutoDetectProxy
                InternetSettings = $null
                PSComputerName = $Session.ComputerName

            #Get the current Internet Settings from the registry
            $SubKey = $SubKey.TrimEnd('Connections')
            $InternetSettings = [PSCustomObject] @{}

            Get-CSRegistryValue -Hive $Hive -SubKey $SubKey @CommonArgs @Timeout | ForEach-Object {
                $InternetSettings | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $_.ValueName -NotePropertyValue $_.ValueContent

            $ProxySettings.InternetSettings = $InternetSettings
