
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RecoveryCmdlet">
            This is the base class for all CmdLets, which pulls in the
            PSCmdLet base class from which all others derive their Cmdletness.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.AddProtectedVMToGroup">
            <para type="synopsis">Adds HX protected VMs to a specified group.</para>
            <para type="description">Adds HX protected VMs to a specified group.</para>
            <code>C:\> Add-HXProtectedVMToGroup -ClusterIP -GroupId cc4d1fb0-ce87-4550-a32f-2ed28ead4dad -VMId 421f008c-ee7a-b74a-559c-ad481c119b72 -Brief</code>
            <para>Group Name: DemoGroup </para>
            <para>Group ID: cc4d1fb0-ce87-4550-a32f-2ed28ead4dad</para>
            <para>Group ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
            <para>Group Members: </para>
            <para> VM Name: 11 </para>
            <para> VM ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
            <para> VM ID: 421fa002-e68b-a95c-9dbe-ae721b7b2112</para>
            <para> Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
            <para> Start Time: 7/15/2018 7:11:54 PM</para>
            <para> End Time: 7/15/2018 7:11:54 PM</para>
            <para> BytesReplicated: 2421 </para>
            <para> --------------------------------------------</para>
            <para> VM Name: 22 </para>
            <para> VM ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
            <para> VM ID: 421f008c-ee7a-b74a-559c-ad481c119b72</para>
            <para> Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
            <para> Start Time: 7/15/2018 7:11:54 PM</para>
            <para> End Time: 7/15/2018 7:11:54 PM</para>
            <para> BytesReplicated: 2505 </para>
            <para> --------------------------------------------</para>
            <para>Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
            <para>Target Cluster: skmtgt_711</para>
            <para>Replication Interval(in Minutes): 5 </para>
            <para>BytesReplicated: 2446</para>
            <code>C:\> Add-HXProtectedVMToGroup -ClusterIP -GroupName grp1 -VMName newvm1</code>
            <para>VM is added to the Group provided.</para>
            <para type="link">Remove-HXProtectedVMFromGroup</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.AddProtectedVMToGroup.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.AddProtectedVMToGroup.GroupId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify exisiting protection group id to which you want to add the VMs.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.AddProtectedVMToGroup.GroupName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify existing protection group name to which you want to add the VMs.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.AddProtectedVMToGroup.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify list of VM names you want to add to the protected group.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.AddProtectedVMToGroup.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify list of VM ids you want to add to the protected group.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.AddProtectedVMToGroup.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.AddProtectedVMToGroup.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectedVMInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectedVMInfo object, or type a command or
             expression that gets the ProtectedVMInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupMigrate">
            <para type="synopsis">Prepares the protection group for migrate.</para>
            <para type="description">Prepares the protection group for migrate.</para>
            <para type="description">Since the ProtectionGroup does not have a migrate functionality, it will first move out the VMs from the protection group and then perform prepare group for migrate on the individual protected VMs.</para>
            <code>Invoke-HXPrepareGroupMigrate -ClusterIP -GroupName Gr</code>
            <para>ProtectionStatus : ACTIVE </para>
            <para>ProtectionStatusV2 : FAILOVERCOMPLETED </para>
            <para>Er : class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: Gr </para>
            <para> Type: DPVMGROUP </para>
            <para> Id: 6f989156-606e-4444-b306-671467770d9e </para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para>Description : </para>
            <para>PrimaryEr : class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: source </para>
            <para> Type: CLUSTER </para>
            <para> Id: 11125698743286105:6544070822059896282 </para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para>Members : {} </para>
            <para>Schedule : {class ReplicationClusterErToSchedule { </para>
            <para> TargetClusterEr: class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: target </para>
            <para> Type: CLUSTER </para>
            <para> Id: 6213976327835006658:4775923387153986355</para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para> Schedule: class ReplicationSchedule { </para>
            <para> Enabled: True </para>
            <para> IntervalInMinutes: 5 </para>
            <para> StartTime: 1537516954345 </para>
            <para> QuiesceType: NONE </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para>Ex : </para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXProtectionGroup</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupMigrate.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupMigrate.GroupId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the group id on which you want to prepare for migrate.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupMigrate.GroupName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the group name on which you want to prepare for migrate.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupMigrate.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectionGroupInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectionGroupInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectionGroupInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupRecovery">
            <para type="synopsis">Prepares the protection group for recovery.</para>
            <para type="description">Prepares the protection group for recovery.</para>
            <para type="description">Since the ProtectionGroup does not have a failover functionality, it will first move out the VMs from the protection group and then perform prepare group recovery on the individual protected VMs.</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery -ClusterIP -GroupId 6ed3920a-7fc4-4f92-8da5-814f98f05f5c</code>
            <para>ProtectionStatusV2 : FAILOVERCOMPLETED </para>
            <para>Er : class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: Group1 </para>
            <para> Type: DPVMGROUP </para>
            <para> Id: 6ed3920a-7fc4-4f92-8da5-814f98f05f5c </para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para>Description : </para>
            <para>PrimaryEr : class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: skmsrc_711 </para>
            <para> Type: CLUSTER </para>
            <para> Id: 316711787155901742:8013209598152688184</para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para>Members : {} </para>
            <para>Schedule : {class ReplicationClusterErToSchedule { </para>
            <para> TargetClusterEr: class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: skmtgt_711 </para>
            <para> Type: CLUSTER </para>
            <para> Id: 196170859791797843:6439004119086246008</para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para> Schedule: class ReplicationSchedule { </para>
            <para> Enabled: True </para>
            <para> IntervalInMinutes: 5 </para>
            <para> StartTime: 1531297344621 </para>
            <para> QuiesceType: NONE </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para>Ex : </para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXProtectionGroup</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupRecovery.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupRecovery.GroupId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the group id on which you want to perform prepare group recovery.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupRecovery.GroupName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the group name on which you want to perform prepare group recovery.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareGroupRecovery.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectionGroupInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectionGroupInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectionGroupInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectGroup">
            <para type="synopsis">Creates the new HX protection group with a schedule.</para>
            <para type="description">Creates the new HX protection group with a schedule.</para>
            <code>C:\> New-HXProtectionGroup Protect-HXGroup -ClusterIP -GroupName DemoGroup1 -Interval '1 hr'</code>
            <para>Protection Group has been created.</para>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> New-HXProtectionGroup -ClusterIP -GroupName test8 -Interval '1 hr' -QuiesceUsingTools -StartTime '08/07/2018 08:25'</code>
            <para>Protection Group has been created.</para>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> New-HXProtectionGroup -ClusterIP -GroupId 1ef53a37-d4c8-4456-8335-a478dbee572d -Interval '1 hr' -QuiesceUsingTools -StartTime '08/07/2018 08:25'</code>
            <para>Protection Group has been created.</para>
            <para> </para>
            <para type="link">Remove-HXProtectionGroup</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectGroup.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectGroup.GroupName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Group Name for the protection group to be created.
            The group name parameter cannot contain special characters.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectGroup.Interval">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Interval after which the VM will be replicated.
            Valid values are "5 min", "15 min", "30 min","1 hr","90 min","2 hr", "4 hr", "8 hr", "12 hr", "24 hr"
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectGroup.QuiesceUsingTools">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the flag if the Quiesce has to be done using tools.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectGroup.StartTime">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Start Time after which the VM will be protected.
            Valid format is M/d/yyyy HH:mm .
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM">
             <para type="synopsis">Protects an independent virtual machine or list of VMs by adding it to the protection group.</para>
             <para type="description">Protects an independent standalone VM with a schedule or list of VMs by adding it to the protection group.</para>
             <code>C:\> Protect-HXVM -ClusterIP -VMName DemoVM2 -Interval '12 hr'</code>
             <para>VM has been protected.</para>
             <para> </para>
             <code>C:\> Protect-HXVM -ClusterIP -VMId 421f0f84-0b3f-fe3a-311c-763f409b3665 -Interval '5 min'</code>
             <para>VM has been protected.</para>
             <code>C:\> Protect-HXVM -ClusterIP -VMId 421f0f84-0b3f-fe3a-311c-763f409b3665 -Interval '5 min' -QuiesceUsingTools -StartTime '08/07/2018 13:40'</code>
             <para>Output </para>
             <para>VM has been protected.</para>
             <code>Protect-HXVM -ClusterIP -VMName testvm3,testvm4 -GroupName Grp1</code>
             <para>Output </para>
             <para>VM has been protected.</para>
             <para type="link">Unprotect-HXVM</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name to protect an independent VM or list of VM Names to protect by adding it to a protection group.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Id to protect an independent VM or list of VM ids to protect by adding it to a protection group.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM.GroupName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the exisitng protection group name to which list of VMs has to be added.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM.GroupId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the exisitng protection group id to which list of VMs has to be added.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM.Interval">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Interval after which the VM will be replicated.
            Valid values are "5 min", "15 min", "30 min","1 hr","90 min","2 hr", "4 hr", "8 hr", "12 hr", "24 hr"
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM.QuiesceUsingTools">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the flag if the Quiesce has to be done using tools.
            Valid value being used is VMTOOLS
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectVM.StartTime">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Start Time after which the VM will be protected.
            Valid format is M/d/yyyy HH:mm
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup">
            <para type="synopsis">Removes HX protected VMs from the specified group.</para>
            <para type="description">Removes HX protected VMs from the specified group.This causes the VMs to become standalone protected VMs.</para>
            <code>C:\> Remove-HXProtectedVMFromGroup -ClusterIP -GroupName Group1 -All</code>
            <para>ProtectionStatus : ACTIVE </para>
            <para>ProtectionStatusV2 : ACTIVE </para>
            <para>Er : class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: Group1 </para>
            <para> Type: DPVMGROUP </para>
            <para> Id: 6ed3920a-7fc4-4f92-8da5-814f98f05f5c </para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para>Description : </para>
            <para>PrimaryEr : class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: skmsrc_711 </para>
            <para> Type: CLUSTER </para>
            <para> Id: 316711787155901742:8013209598152688184</para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para>Members : {} </para>
            <para>Schedule : {class ReplicationClusterErToSchedule { </para>
            <para> TargetClusterEr: class EntityRef { </para>
            <para> Name: skmtgt_711 </para>
            <para> Type: CLUSTER </para>
            <para> Id: 196170859791797843:6439004119086246008</para>
            <para> Idtype: </para>
            <para> Confignum: 0 </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para> Schedule: class ReplicationSchedule { </para>
            <para> Enabled: True </para>
            <para> IntervalInMinutes: 5 </para>
            <para> StartTime: 1531297344621 </para>
            <para> QuiesceType: NONE </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para> } </para>
            <para>Ex :</para>
            <code>C:\> Remove-HXProtectedVMFromGroup -ClusterIP -GroupId 6ed3920a-7fc4-4f92-8da5-814f98f05f5c -VMName DemoVM1,DemoVM2</code>
            <para>ProtectionStatus : ACTIVE</para>
            <para>ProtectionStatusV2 : ACTIVE</para>
            <para>Er : class EntityRef {</para>
            <para> Name: Group1</para>
            <para> Type: DPVMGROUP</para>
            <para> Id: 6ed3920a-7fc4-4f92-8da5-814f98f05f5c</para>
            <para> Idtype:</para>
            <para> Confignum: 0</para>
            <para> }</para>
            <para>Description :</para>
            <para>PrimaryEr : class EntityRef {</para>
            <para> Name: skmsrc_711</para>
            <para> Type: CLUSTER</para>
            <para> Id: 316711787155901742:8013209598152688184</para>
            <para> Idtype:</para>
            <para> Confignum: 0</para>
            <para> }</para>
            <para>Members : {}</para>
            <para>Schedule : {class ReplicationClusterErToSchedule {</para>
            <para> TargetClusterEr: class EntityRef {</para>
            <para> Name: skmtgt_711</para>
            <para> Type: CLUSTER</para>
            <para> Id: 196170859791797843:6439004119086246008</para>
            <para> Idtype:</para>
            <para> Confignum: 0</para>
            <para> }</para>
            <para> Schedule: class ReplicationSchedule {</para>
            <para> Enabled: True</para>
            <para> IntervalInMinutes: 5</para>
            <para> StartTime: 1531297344621</para>
            <para> QuiesceType: NONE</para>
            <para> }</para>
            <para> }</para>
            <para> }</para>
            <para>Ex :</para>
            <para type="link">Add-HXProtectedVMToGroup</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup.GroupId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify exisiting protection group id from which you want to remove the VMs.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup.GroupName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify exisiting protection group name from which you want to remove the VMs.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify list of VM names you want to remove to the protected group.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify list of VM ids you want to remove to the protected group.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup.All">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will remove all the VMs that exists in the protection group.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectedVMFromGroup.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectionGroupInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectionGroupInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectionGroupInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectionGroup">
             <para type="synopsis">Removes the group by deleting it.</para>
             <para type="description">Removes the group by deleting it.All the member VMs become unprotected.</para>
             <code>C:\> Remove-HXProtectionGroup -ClusterIP -GroupName DemoGroup1</code>
             <para>This command deletes the Group and the member VMs are unprotected.</para>
             <para> </para>
             <code>C:\> Remove-HXProtectionGroup -ClusterIP -GroupId 421f57c4-ebbd-a64e-a32b-426a251f9f43</code>
             <para>This command deletes the Group and the member VMs are unprotected.</para>
             <para type="link">New-HXProtectionGroup</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectionGroup.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectionGroup.GroupId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Group Id which has to be removed from protection.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectionGroup.GroupName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Group name which has to be removed from protection.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.RemoveProtectionGroup.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectionGroupInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectionGroupInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectionGroupInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.UnprotectVM">
            <para type="synopsis">Unprotects a standalone protected VM.</para>
            <para type="description">Removes a standalone Protected VM and makes it unprotected. </para>
            <code>C:\> Unprotect-HXVM -ClusterIP -VMName DemoVM1</code>
            <para>VM :DemoVM1 has been unprotected.</para>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> Unprotect-HXVM -ClusterIP -VMID 421f57c4-ebbd-a64e-a32b-426a251f9f43</code>
            <para>VM :DemoVM2 has been unprotected.</para>
            <para type="link">Protect-HXVM</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.UnprotectVM.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.UnprotectVM.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name which has to be removed from protection(or unprotected).
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.UnprotectVM.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name which has to be removed from protection(or unprotected).
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.UnprotectVM.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectedVMInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectedVMInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectedVMInfo object.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.FailoverBase.ResourcePoolName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the resource pool name.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.FailoverBase.ResourcePoolID">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the resource pool id.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.FailoverBase.FolderName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the folder name.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.FailoverBase.FolderID">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the folder id.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.FailoverBase.NetworkMap">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the network mapping.Format is "SourceNetwork1:TargetNetwork1","SourceNetwork2:TargetNetwork2".
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.FailoverBase.PowerOn">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates if the VM will be powered on/off after recovery.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetTaskStatus">
            <para type="synopsis">Gets the task status for the cluster.</para>
            <para type="description">Gets the task status for the cluster.</para>
            <code>C:\> Get-HXTaskStatus -ClusterIP -TaskName task4</code>
            <para>This command uses the TaskName parameter to get the task status for a specific task in the cluster.</para>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> Get-HXTaskStatus -ClusterIP -Brief</code>
            <para>This command displays all the tasks that have been created in the cluster.</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXTestFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXReverseProtect </para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetTaskStatus.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetTaskStatus.TaskName">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates the Task Name.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetTaskStatus.TaskId">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates the Task Id.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetTaskStatus.TaskType">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates the Task Type.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetTaskStatus.TaskState">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates the Task State.
            Accepted values are "ALL", "NEW", "RUNNING", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED".
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetTaskStatus.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeFailover">
            <para type="synopsis">Performs Failover of the protected VM on the recovery site.</para>
            <para type="description">Performs Failover of the protected VM on the recovery site.</para>
            <para type="description">1. Mutual exclusive optional parameters are ResourcePoolName/ResourcePoolId, FolderName/FolderId .</para>
            <para type="description">2. Incase the source network map is invalid, the VM will failover to default network map setting(s).</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXFailover -VMID 421ffa79-7380-4b72-7bd8-6651b11def58 -PowerOn -ClusterIP -FolderName DemoFolder -NetworkMap "Storage Controller Data Network:VM Network" -Async</code>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXFailover -VMName DemoVM3 -ClusterIP -Brief</code>
            <para>Failover of VM Completed</para>
            <para>State: COMPLETED</para>
            <para>Summary Step State: NOTSTARTED</para>
            <para>Job ID: 2c611807-260d-45cf-9294-4f93a84204a1</para>
            <para>Method Name: failoverVm</para>
            <para>Time Submitted: 7/15/2018 5:44:00 PM</para>
            <para>Time Started: 7/15/2018 5:44:00 PM</para>
            <para>Time Elapsed: 7/15/2018 5:44:05 PM</para>
            <para>Message: Successfully completed %s recovery for VM %s</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXFailover -ClusterIP -VMName testvm2 -ResourcePoolName RPName -PowerOn -Async </code>
            <para>Failover of VM Completed in the Resource Pool provided.</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXTestFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXTaskStatus</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeFailover.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeFailover.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Id on which failover has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeFailover.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name on which failover has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeFailover.Async">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete.
            In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task Id.
            To get the status of Task please refer to Get-HXTaskStatus.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeFailover.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
            By default the json would be displayed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeFailover.ValidateRecovery">
            <para type="description">
            Validates whether VM already recovered and returns a warning message.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeFailover.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectedVMInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectedVMInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectedVMInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeMigrate">
            <para type="synopsis">Performs migrate of the protected VM on the recovery site.</para>
            <para type="description">Performs migrate of the protected VM on the recovery site.</para>
            <para type="description">1. Mutual exclusive optional parameters are ResourcePoolName/ResourcePoolId, FolderName/FolderId .</para>
            <para type="description">2. In case the source network map is invalid, the VM will migrate to default network map setting(s).</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXMigrate -VMId 423f2a33-2255-ca1e-62ec-4adf21dc884a -PowerOn -ClusterIP -FolderName DemoFolder -NetworkMap "Storage Controller Data Network:VM Network" -Async</code>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXMigrate -ClusterIP -VMName NewVM1 -Brief</code>
            <para>Migrate of VM Completed</para>
            <para>State: COMPLETED</para>
            <para>Summary Step State: SUCCEEDED</para>
            <para>Job ID: 3d28616f-61d4-4067-971d-e5ab85711d6b</para>
            <para>Method Name: Migrate</para>
            <para>Time Submitted: 9/24/2018 5:16:15 AM</para>
            <para>Time Started: 9/24/2018 5:16:15 AM</para>
            <para>Time Elapsed: 9/24/2018 5:17:39 AM</para>
            <para>Message: Successfully completed migrate for VM: %s</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXMigrate -ClusterIP -VMName NewVM4 -ResourcePoolName RPName -PowerOn -Async </code>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXTestFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXTaskStatus</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeMigrate.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeMigrate.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Id on which migrate has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeMigrate.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name on which migrate has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeMigrate.Async">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete.
            In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task Id.
            To get the status of Task please refer to Get-HXTaskStatus.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeMigrate.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
            By default the json would be displayed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeMigrate.ValidateRecovery">
            <para type="description">
            Validates whether VM already recovered and returns a warning message.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeMigrate.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectedVMInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectedVMInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectedVMInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareFailover">
            <para type="synopsis">Prepares the protected VM for the failover on the protected site.</para>
            <para type="description">Prepares the protected VM for the failover on the primary site.</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXPrepareFailover -ClusterIP -VMID 421fcaff-8592-428a-61a7-0181bf0314a3 -Async</code>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXPrepareFailover -ClusterIP -VMID 421f8bbb-540f-11e1-038a-4e66c2ebcc70 -Brief</code>
            <para>Prepare Failover of VM Completed</para>
            <para>State: COMPLETED</para>
            <para>Summary Step State: NOTSTARTED</para>
            <para>Job ID: 2d6c7d49-1ac9-4bc1-9bb7-8a0efa112d1c</para>
            <para>Method Name: prepareFailoverVm</para>
            <para>Time Submitted: 7/15/2018 7:02:47 PM</para>
            <para>Time Started: 7/15/2018 7:02:47 PM</para>
            <para>Time Elapsed: 7/15/2018 7:02:53 PM</para>
            <para>Message: Successfully completed prepareFailover for VMID %s</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXTestFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXTaskStatus</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareFailover.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareFailover.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Id on which Prepare failover has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareFailover.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name on which test failover has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareFailover.Async">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete.
            In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task Id.
            To get the status of task please refer to Get-HXTaskStatus.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareFailover.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareFailover.ValidateRecovery">
            <para type="description">
            Validates whether VM already recovered and returns a warning message.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareFailover.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectedVMInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectedVMInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectedVMInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareReverseProtect">
            <para type="synopsis">Prepares virtual machines for reverse protect on the protected site.</para>
            <para type="description">Prepares virtual machines for reverse protect on the primary site.</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect -ClusterIP -VMID 421f0f84-0b3f-fe3a-311c-763f409b3665 -Async</code>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect -ClusterIP -VMName DemoVM2 -Brief</code>
            <para>Prepare Reverse Protect of VM Completed</para>
            <para>State: COMPLETED</para>
            <para>Summary Step State: NOTSTARTED</para>
            <para>Job ID: 843054d8-11da-47bf-aa05-4ec334dabea6</para>
            <para>Method Name: prepareReverseProtectVm</para>
            <para>Time Submitted: 7/15/2018 5:52:27 PM</para>
            <para>Time Started: 7/15/2018 5:52:27 PM</para>
            <para>Time Elapsed: 7/15/2018 5:52:28 PM</para>
            <para>Message: Successfully completed prepareReverseProtect for vm: %s</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXTestFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXTaskStatus</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareReverseProtect.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareReverseProtect.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name on which Prepare Reverse Protect has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareReverseProtect.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Id on which Prepare Reverse Protect has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareReverseProtect.Async">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete.
            In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task Id.
            To get the status of task please refer to Get-HXTaskStatus.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareReverseProtect.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareReverseProtect.ValidateRecovery">
            <para type="description">
            Validates whether VM already recovered and returns a warning message.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokePrepareReverseProtect.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectedVMInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectedVMInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectedVMInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect">
            <para type="synopsis">Reverse protects the virtual machines on the recovery site.</para>
            <para type="description">Reverse protects the virtual machines after the Failover is complete.</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXReverseProtect -ClusterIP -VMID 421f0f84-0b3f-fe3a-311c-763f409b3665 -Async</code>
            <para> </para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXReverseProtect -ClusterIP -VMName DemoVM1 -Brief</code>
            <para>Reverse Protect of VM Completed</para>
            <para>State: COMPLETED</para>
            <para>Summary Step State: NOTSTARTED</para>
            <para>Job ID: 5d154cf0-ff85-482a-ae7c-252c0ca324b8</para>
            <para>Method Name: reverseProtectVm</para>
            <para>Time Submitted: 7/15/2018 5:57:49 PM</para>
            <para>Time Started: 7/15/2018 5:57:49 PM</para>
            <para>Time Elapsed: 7/15/2018 5:57:49 PM</para>
            <para>Message: Successfully completed reverseProtect for vm: %s</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXTestFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXTaskStatus</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name on which Reverse Protect has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Id on which Reverse Protect has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect.SecondaryOnly">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates to execute reverseProtect only on secondary, assumes prepareReverseProtect is completed on Primary
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect.Async">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete.
            In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task Id.
            To get the status of task please refer to Get-HXTaskStatus.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect.ValidateRecovery">
            <para type="description">
            Validates whether VM already recovered and returns a warning message.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeReverseProtect.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectedVMInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectedVMInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectedVMInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover">
            <para type="synopsis">Performs test failover of the protected VM.</para>
            <para type="description">Performs test fail over of the protected VM.</para>
            <para type="description">1. Mutual exclusive optional parameters are ResourcePoolName/ResourcePoolId, FolderName/FolderId and TestNetwork/Networkmap.</para>
            <para type="description">2. Incase the source network map is invalid, the VM will failover to default network map setting(s).</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXTestFailover -VMName DemoVM2 -ClusterIP -ResourcePoolName DemoRP -Brief</code>
            <para>Test Failover of VM Completed</para>
            <para>State: COMPLETED</para>
            <para>Summary Step State: NOTSTARTED</para>
            <para>Job ID: 5b1cdaf6-bca9-42a3-b6a8-b1f7d16e7d29</para>
            <para>Method Name: failoverVm</para>
            <para>Time Submitted: 7/15/2018 5:39:08 PM</para>
            <para>Time Started: 7/15/2018 5:39:09 PM</para>
            <para>Time Elapsed: 7/15/2018 5:39:23 PM</para>
            <para>Message: Successfully completed %s recovery for VM %s</para>
            <code>C:\> Invoke-HXTestFailover -VMName DemoVM2 -ClusterIP -FolderName DemoFLDR -Async</code>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXTestFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXTaskStatus</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Id on which test failover has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the VM Name on which test failover has to be performed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.TestNetwork">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the TestNetwork.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.NewName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the NewName to change the vm name to newname after failover.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.Async">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete.
            In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task Id.
            To get the status of task please refer to Get-HXTaskStatus.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.ValidateRecovery">
            <para type="description">
            Validates whether VM already recovered and returns a warning message.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.InvokeTestFailover.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies process object-ProtectedVMInfo.Enter a variable that contains the ProtectedVMInfo object,
             or type a command or expression that gets the ProtectedVMInfo object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.WaitTask">
            <para type="synopsis">Waits for the completion of the specified tasks.</para>
            <code>C:\> Wait-HXTask -ClusterIP -TaskId 5b1cdaf6-bca9-42a3-b6a8-b1f7d16e7d29</code>
            <para>Step Status </para>
            <para>------------------------------------------- </para>
            <para>Name:TestFailover </para>
            <para>Description:Test Failover completed for VM vmC4</para>
            <para>State:SUCCEEDED </para>
            <para>------------------------------------------- </para>
            <para>Step Status </para>
            <para>------------------------------------------- </para>
            <para>Name:Step1 </para>
            <para>Description:Summary Step </para>
            <para>State:SUCCEEDED </para>
            <para>------------------------------------------- </para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareGroupRecovery</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXPrepareReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXReverseProtect</para>
            <para type="link">Invoke-HXTestFailover</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXTaskStatus</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.WaitTask.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.WaitTask.Task">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the Task object of type TaskIdentity.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.WaitTask.TaskId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the TaskId.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.WaitTask.InputObject">
            <para type="description">
             Specifies HxTaskDT object returned from Get-HXClusterTasks.Enter a variable that contains the HxTaskDT object, or type a command or
             expression that gets the HxTaskDT object.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ConnectCluster">
            <para type="synopsis">Connects to the HX Cluster.</para>
            <para type="description">Connects to the HX Cluster.</para>
            <code>C:\> Connect-HXCluster -ClusterIP -Username root -Password abc</code>
            <para> is connected..</para>
            <para type="link">Disconnect-HXCluster</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXCluster</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ConnectCluster.Credential">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the user's credential for the cluster.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ConnectCluster.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ConnectCluster.Username">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the username for the HX Cluster.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ConnectCluster.Password">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the password for the HX Cluster.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.DisconnectCluster">
            <para type="synopsis">Disconnects from the HX Cluster.</para>
            <para type="description">Disconnects from the HX Cluster.</para>
            <code>C:\> Disconnect-HXCluster -ClusterIP</code>
            <para> is disconnected.</para>
            <para type="link">Connect-HXCluster</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXCluster</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.DisconnectCluster.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetProtectedVM">
            <para type="synopsis">Retrieves the HX protected VMs.</para>
            <para type="description">Retrieves the HX protected VMs.</para>
            <code>C:\> Get-HXProtectedVM -ClusterIP -Brief</code>
            <para>VM Name: DemoVM1</para>
            <para>VM ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
            <para>VM ID: 421ffa79-7380-4b72-7bd8-6651b11def58</para>
            <para>Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
            <para>Target Cluster: skmtgt_711</para>
            <para>Replication Interval(in Minutes) : 5</para>
            <para>Bios Uuid: 421ffa79-7380-4b72-7bd8-6651b11def58</para>
            <para>Instance Uuid: 501ffa05-293f-0480-b4d3-3de146cb5d30</para>
            <para>Start Time: 7/15/2018 12:33:58 PM</para>
            <para>End Time: 7/15/2018 12:33:58 PM</para>
            <para>BytesReplicated: 2446</para>
            <code>C:\> Get-HXProtectedVM -ClusterIP -VMName ash2 -Brief</code>
            <para>VM Name: ash2</para>
            <para>VM ProtectionStatus: PREPAREFAILOVERCOMPLETED</para>
            <para>VM ID: 422a9cb5-0fef-b30f-ad2d-1004755c50b4</para>
            <para>Source Cluster: Sample-source</para>
            <para>Target Cluster: Sample-target</para>
            <para>Replication Interval(in Minutes) : 5</para>
            <para>Bios Uuid: 422a9cb5-0fef-b30f-ad2d-1004755c50b4</para>
            <para>Instance Uuid: 502a615b-36db-d624-fc97-4de6dbe30daa</para>
            <para>Start Time: 7/15/2018 12:33:58 PM</para>
            <para>End Time: 7/15/2018 12:33:58 PM</para>
            <para>BytesReplicated: 2539</para>
            <code>C:\> Get-HXProtectedVM -ClusterIP -VMName ash* -Brief</code>
            <para>VM Name: ash1</para>
            <para>VM ProtectionStatus: PREPAREFAILOVERCOMPLETED</para>
            <para>VM ID: 422a9cb5-0fef-b30f-ad2d-1004755c50b4</para>
            <para>Source Cluster: Sample-source</para>
            <para>Target Cluster: Sample-target</para>
            <para>Replication Interval(in Minutes) : 5</para>
            <para>Bios Uuid: 422a9cb5-0fef-b30f-ad2d-1004755c50b4</para>
            <para>Instance Uuid: 502a615b-36db-d624-fc97-4de6dbe30daa</para>
            <para>Start Time: 7/15/2018 12:33:58 PM</para>
            <para>End Time: 7/15/2018 12:33:58 PM</para>
            <para>BytesReplicated: 2539</para>
            <para>VM Name: ash2</para>
            <para>VM ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
            <para>VM ID: 422a1745-5dc3-d1de-00f0-b50851bb970d</para>
            <para>Source Cluster: Sample-source</para>
            <para>Target Cluster: Sample-target</para>
            <para>Replication Interval(in Minutes) : 5</para>
            <para>Bios Uuid: 422a9cb5-0fef-b30f-ad2d-1004755c50b4</para>
            <para>Instance Uuid: 502a615b-36db-d624-fc97-4de6dbe30daa</para>
            <para>Start Time: 7/15/2018 12:33:58 PM</para>
            <para>End Time: 7/15/2018 12:33:58 PM</para>
            <para>BytesReplicated: 2539</para>
            <para type="link">Get-HXProtectionGroup</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetProtectedVM.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetProtectedVM.VMId">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the specific VM Id you want to retrieve.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetProtectedVM.VMName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the specific VM Name you want to retrieve.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetProtectedVM.Direction">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the type of VM to limit the search.The valid values are All, Incoming, Outgoing.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetProtectedVM.State">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the state of VM to limit the search.The valid values are Active, CreationInProgress,
            CreationFailed, FailoverStarted, FailoverFailed, FailoverCompleted, PrepareFailoverStarted,
            PrepareFailoverFailed, PrepareFailoverCompleted, PrepareReverseProtectStarted, PrepareReverseProtectFailed,
            PrepareReverseProtectCompleted, ReverseProtectStarted, ReverseProtectFailed.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetProtectedVM.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectionGroup">
             <para type="synopsis">Retrieves HX protection groups.</para>
             <para type="description">Retrieves the HX protection groups.</para>
             <code>C:\> Get-HXProtectionGroup -ClusterIP -GroupName ABC -Brief</code>
             <para>Group Name: Group1</para>
             <para>Group ID: 6ed3920a-7fc4-4f92-8da5-814f98f05f5c</para>
             <para>Group ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
             <para>Group Members:</para>
             <para> VM Name: vm1</para>
             <para> VM ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
             <para> VM ID: 421f57c4-ebbd-a64e-a32b-426a251f9f43</para>
             <para> Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
             <para> Start Time: 7/15/2018 1:11:05 PM</para>
             <para> End Time: 7/15/2018 1:11:06 PM</para>
             <para> BytesReplicated: 2426</para>
             <para> -------------------------------------------</para>
             <para>Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
             <para>Target Cluster: skmtgt_711</para>
             <para>Replication Interval(in Minutes): 5</para>
             <code>C:\> Get-HXProtectionGroup -ClusterIP -Brief</code>
             <para>This example will provide all groups in the the cluster.</para>
             <para>Group Name: ABC</para>
             <para>Group ID: 6ed3920a-7fc4-4f92-8da5-814f98f05f5c</para>
             <para>Group ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
             <para>Group Members:</para>
             <para> VM Name: vm1</para>
             <para> VM ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
             <para> VM ID: 421f57c4-ebbd-a64e-a32b-426a251f9f43</para>
             <para> Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
             <para> Start Time: 7/15/2018 1:11:05 PM</para>
             <para> End Time: 7/15/2018 1:11:06 PM</para>
             <para> BytesReplicated: 2426</para>
             <para> -------------------------------------------</para>
             <para>Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
             <para>Target Cluster: skmtgt_711</para>
             <para>Replication Interval(in Minutes): 5</para>
             <para>Group Name: Group1</para>
             <para>Group ID: c2d26ade-7674-44ab-982e-3bc044292738</para>
             <para>Group ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
             <para>Group Members:</para>
             <para> VM Name: shaz</para>
             <para> VM ProtectionStatus: ACTIVE</para>
             <para> VM ID: 421f57c4-ebbd-a64e-a32b-426a251f9f43</para>
             <para> Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
             <para> Start Time: 7/15/2018 1:11:05 PM</para>
             <para> End Time: 7/15/2018 1:11:06 PM</para>
             <para> BytesReplicated: 2426</para>
             <para> -------------------------------------------</para>
             <para>Source Cluster: skmsrc_711</para>
             <para>Target Cluster: skmtgt_711</para>
             <para>Replication Interval(in Minutes): 5</para>
             <para type="link">Get-HXProtectedVM</para>
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectionGroup.ClusterIP">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the HX Cluster IP.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectionGroup.GroupID">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the specific protection group id you want to retrieve.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectionGroup.GroupName">
            <para type="description">
            Specify the specific protection group name you want to retrieve.
        <member name="P:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.ProtectionGroup.Brief">
            <para type="description">
            Indicates that command will return the brief formatted output.
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.GetCluster">
            <para type="synopsis">Gets the list of connected HX clusters.</para>
            <para type="description">Gets the list of connected HX clusters.</para>
            <code>C:\> Get-HXCluster</code>
            <para type="link">Connect-HXCluster</para>
            <para type="link">Disconnect-HXCluster</para>
        <member name="T:Cisco.HXPowerCLI.SPCmdlet">
            This is the base class for all CmdLets, which pulls in the
            PSCmdLet base class from which all others derive their Cmdletness.