

DSC composite resource for

Minimum PowerShell version


There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name CommonTasks -RequiredVersion 0.9.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name CommonTasks -Version 0.9.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright the DSC Community contributors. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • DSC Community


DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResource


AddsDomain AddsDomainController AddsDomainPrincipals AddsOrgUnitsAndGroups AddsProtectFromAccidentalDeletion AddsServicePrincipalNames AddsSiteLinks AddsSitesSubnets AddsTrusts AddsWaitForDomains AuditPolicies Bitlocker CertificateAuthorities CertificateExports CertificateImports CertificateRequests ChocolateyPackages ChocolateyPackages2nd ChocolateyPackages3rd Cluster ComputerSettings ConfigurationBase ConfigurationManagerConfiguration ConfigurationManagerDeployment ConfigurationManagerDistributionGroups DfsNamespaces DhcpScopeOptions DhcpScopes DhcpServer DhcpServerOptionDefinitions DhcpServerOptions DiskAccessPaths Disks DnsServerAdZones DnsServerARecords DnsServerCNameRecords DnsServerConditionalForwarders DnsServerForwarders DnsServerLegacySettings DnsServerMxRecords DnsServerPrimaryZones DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicies DnsServerResponseRateLimiting DnsServerRootHints DnsServerSettings DnsServerZonesAging DscDiagnostic DscLcmController DscLcmMaintenanceWindows DscPullServer DscPullServerSql DscTagging EnvironmentVariables ExchangeAutoMountPoints ExchangeConfiguration ExchangeDagProvisioning ExchangeMailboxDatabaseCopies ExchangeMailboxDatabases ExchangeProvisioning FileContents FilesAndFolders FirewallProfiles FirewallRules HostsFileEntries HyperV IpConfiguration JeaEndpoints JeaRoles LocalGroups LocalUsers MmaAgent MountImages Network NetworkIpConfiguration OfficeOnlineServerFarmConfig OfficeOnlineServerMachineConfig OfficeOnlineServerSetup OpticalDiskDrives PowerPlans PowershellExecutionPolicies PowerShellRepositories RegistryPolicies RegistryValues RemoteDesktopCertificates RemoteDesktopCollections RemoteDesktopDeployment RemoteDesktopHAMode RemoteDesktopLicensing RestartSystem Robocopies ScheduledTasks ScomComponents ScomManagementPacks ScomSettings Scripts SecurityBase SecurityPolicies SharePointCacheAccounts SharePointContentDatabases SharePointManagedAccounts SharePointManagedPaths SharePointPrereq SharePointProvisioning SharePointServiceAppPools SharePointServiceInstances SharePointSetup SharePointSites SharePointWebApplications SmbShares SoftwarePackages SqlAGDatabases SqlAgentAlerts SqlAgentOperators SqlAGListeners SqlAGReplicas SqlAGs SqlAliases SqlAlwaysOnServices SqlConfigurations SqlDatabaseMailSetups SqlDatabases SqlEndpoints SqlLogins SqlPermissions SqlRoles SqlScriptQueries SqlServer SwitchLcmMode UpdateServices VirtualMemoryFiles VSTSAgents WaitForAllNodes WaitForAnyNode WaitForSomeNodes Wds WebApplicationPools WebApplications WebBrowser WebConfigProperties WebConfigPropertyCollections WebSites WebVirtualDirectories WindowsEventForwarding WindowsEventLogs WindowsFeatures WindowsOptionalFeatures WindowsServices XmlContent


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## [0.9.0] - 2023-02-08

### Added

- `PowershellExecutionPolicies` Composite for managing Powershell execution policies.
- `VSTSAgents` Composite for installing the Azure DevOps agents.
- `Robocopies` Composite for leveraging the Robocopy command.
- `VirtualMemoryFiles` Composite for adjusting the system page file via the resource `VirtualMemory` from the `ComputerManagementDsc` Module.
- `SharePointSetup` Composite for installing the SharePoint Prerequisits, Setup and optionally Language Packs.
- `AddsWaitForDomains` Composite for making sure a domain is reachable before going further.
- `CertificateExports` is used to export a certificate from the Windows certificate store.
- `AddsTrusts` Composite for establishing Forest trusts with more configuration options than using AddsDomain-property DomainTrusts.
- `FilesAndFolder` Add property to embed binary files into MOF.
- `SmbShares`  Add check and remove of duplicates from access properties in MOF.
- Complete YAML documentation
- `FileContents` Composite for managing file content.
- `RemoteDesktopDeployment` Composite to configure a remote desktop deployment
- `RemoteDesktopCollections` Composite to configure RD session collections, including their settings
- `RemoteDesktopLicensing` Composite to configure RD License server and license mode
- `ScomComponents` Composite to install SCOM components
- `ScomManagementPacks` Composite to import SCOM management packs from file or via inline XML
- `ScomSettings` Composite to set all available SCOM settings
- `CertificateRequest` Composite to request certificates from a certificate authority, includes automatic wait for ADCS to become available
- `ConfigurationManagerDistributionGroup` Composite to configure one or more distribution point groups
- `SQLAgentAlerts` Composite to configure one or more SQL Server Agent Alert on a SQL Server/Instance
- `SQLAgentOperators` Composite to configure one or more SQL Server Agent Operator on a SQL Server/Instance
- `SQLDatabaseMailSetups` Composite to configure one or more Database Mail Accounts/Profiles on a SQL Server/Instance
- `SQLScriptQueries` Composite to run one or more SQL Scripts against a SQL Server/Instance
- `RemoteDesktopCertificates` Composite to import Remote Desktop Certificates. Ideally combined with CertificateRequests and CertificateExports composites.
- `RemoteDesktopHAMode` Composite to configure High Availability mode on a RDS connection broker.

### Changed

- Changed the build pipeline to Sampler.
 - Debugging Sampler migration:
   - Added 'Sampler.GitHubTasks'.
   - Moved DSCResources for faster build.
   - Removed dependencies for faster build.
- Fixed badges.
- Added back configurations and dependencies.
- Fixing issue with Cluster when only NodeMajority is used.
 - Fixed the fix: Quorum is not required in some SQL Always-On scenarios which did not work after the fix.
- Add new resource LocalUsers.
- Make DscLcmController independent from the DscDiagnostics resource.
- Add optional attributes to DscTagging resource.
- Update documentation.
- Applied HQRM standards.
- Fixing issue with AddsOrgUnitsAndGroups when OUs contain other non-word characters.
- Added MmaAgent to configure Microsoft Monitoring Agent.
- Added AddsServicePrincipalNames to configure SPNs.
- Disabling RebootNodeIfNeeded when LCM is on Monitor mode.
- Made 'WaitForClusterRetryIntervalSec' and 'WaitForClusterRetryCount' configurable in Cluster config.
- Added new configuration 'WebConfigPropertyCollections'.
- Fixed an issue with duplicate resource identifiers in 'WebConfigProperties'.
- Changed parameter 'Name' to 'Names' in 'WindowsFeatures' and 'WindowsOptionalFeatures' resources according to coding convention.
- Made the Office Online Server resources actually work and redesigned them.
 - Added 'OfficeOnlineServerMachineConfig' configuration.
- WindowsFeatures configuration does not longer install all sub features. If needed, use prefix '*'.
- Changed dependencies in 'OfficeOnlineServerSetup'.
- Added CertificateImports to import certificates.
- Added parameter 'CheckPrerequisites' to 'WindowsEventForwarding' resource.
- Fixed issue with names containing special characters in 'LocalUsers' and 'LocalGroups' resources.
- Fixed issue with quotation marks in 'SqlServer' resource.
- Fixed issue with inter-configuration DependsOn by removing DependsOn inside configurations
- Added remote desktop control to 'ComputerSettings'.
- Fixed an issue with DscLcmController, the RebootNodeIfNeeded property is not.
set to false before the first execution of maintenance window.
- Fixed issue with DscLcmController, The RebootNodeIfNeeded property is not
set to true when the LCM is already in ApplyAndAutoCorrect mode.
- Fixed GitVersion depreciated version in azurepipeline.
- Fixed issue #156, switch plublish task to 'unbuntu-latest' vmimage.
- WindowsEventForwarding - replace localized system user names by SID to avoid problems on none english Windows systems.
- Documentation update.
- Removed DependsOn in ComputerSettings to ensure cross-configuration dependencies.
- Migration of tests to Pester 5.
- Added support for CimInstance parameters.
- Fixed issue with Cluster composite ignoring the IgnoreNetwork parameter.
- Fix #172 - RegistryPolicies: Error when Key or ValueName parameters contain bracket "()".
- ConfigurationManagerDeployment updated to allow Windows feature installation.
 - InstallWindowsFeatures could create duplicate resource issues if WindowsFeatures composite is used as well.
- ConfigurationManagerDeployment now has configurable Product Key.
- Made reading binary files in FilesAndFolders and CertificateImports more robust.
- Updated to latest version of 'PackageManagement' to fix module discovery error.
- WindowsServices: fix support of absent services (Ensure: Absent)
- HyperV: fix support of absent switches and VMs (Ensure: Absent)
- Changing to `windows-latest` for all pipeline jobs.
- Upgrade the following DSC resources to latest stable version:
 - NetworkingDsc
 - xWebAdministration
 - ActiveDirectoryDsc
 - xDhcpServer
 - xFailoverCluster
 - SqlServerDsc
 - xHyper-V
 - VSTSAgent
- Refactoring of SqlPermissions after upgrade of SqlServerDsc to 16.0.0
- WindowsFeatures: Include support for more elaborate lists of features, giving
 more control.
- Added task `FixEncoding` for being able to run the build on Windows PowerShell
 due to an encoding issue with the psd1 file
- Add missing documentation
- Added Read-Only Domaincontroller Variable to AddsDomainController


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.10.0-previ... 175 12/22/2023
0.10.0-previ... 7 12/22/2023
0.10.0-previ... 12 11/30/2023
0.10.0-previ... 10 11/22/2023
0.10.0-previ... 7 11/22/2023
0.10.0-previ... 1,507 7/27/2023
0.10.0-previ... 13 5/23/2023
0.10.0-previ... 83 4/20/2023
0.10.0-previ... 8 4/18/2023
0.10.0-previ... 7 4/18/2023
0.10.0-previ... 11 3/22/2023
0.10.0-previ... 10 3/12/2023
0.10.0-previ... 6 3/8/2023
0.9.1-previe... 12 2/9/2023
0.9.0 (current version) 1,929 2/8/2023
0.9.0-previe... 7 2/7/2023
0.9.0-previe... 7 2/7/2023
0.9.0-previe... 8 1/15/2023
0.9.0-previe... 7 1/13/2023
0.9.0-previe... 13 12/25/2022
0.9.0-previe... 8 12/16/2022
0.8.1-previe... 40 10/10/2022
0.8.1-previe... 14 9/15/2022
0.8.1-previe... 15 9/11/2022
0.8.1-previe... 13 9/6/2022
0.8.0 417 8/23/2022
0.8.0-previe... 20 7/13/2022
0.8.0-previe... 524 6/10/2022
0.8.0-previe... 14 6/5/2022
0.8.0-previe... 396 5/6/2022
0.8.0-previe... 18 5/6/2022
0.7.0 232 4/21/2022
0.7.0-previe... 19 4/21/2022
0.7.0-previe... 125 4/16/2022
0.7.0-previe... 16 4/15/2022
0.7.0-previe... 123 3/23/2022
0.7.0-previe... 19 3/20/2022
0.7.0-previe... 150 3/12/2022
0.7.0-previe... 21 3/11/2022
0.7.0-previe... 15 3/11/2022
0.7.0-previe... 15 3/10/2022
0.7.0-previe... 124 2/24/2022
0.7.0-previe... 20 2/19/2022
0.7.0-previe... 17 2/17/2022
0.7.0-previe... 16 2/15/2022
0.6.1-previe... 97 2/3/2022
0.6.0 124 1/31/2022
0.6.0-previe... 15 1/28/2022
0.6.0-previe... 16 1/28/2022
0.6.0-previe... 15 1/27/2022
0.6.0-previe... 15 1/26/2022
0.6.0-previe... 16 1/26/2022
0.6.0-previe... 15 1/26/2022
0.5.2-previe... 15 1/25/2022
0.5.1 34 1/24/2022
0.5.1-previe... 16 1/24/2022
0.5.1-previe... 19 1/21/2022
0.5.0 29 1/17/2022
0.5.0-previe... 19 1/15/2022
0.5.0-previe... 17 11/5/2021
0.5.0-previe... 15 11/4/2021
0.3.259 247 11/2/2021
0.3.239 59 10/15/2021
0.3.228 54 9/16/2021
0.3.212 182 4/20/2021
0.3.197 347 4/1/2021
0.3.190 23 3/29/2021
0.3.179 27 3/24/2021
0.3.171 39 3/18/2021
0.3.168 41 3/16/2021
0.3.163 56 3/9/2021
0.3.155 47 2/25/2021
0.3.131 39 1/13/2021
0.3.125 25 1/12/2021
0.3.105 149 12/15/2020
0.3.90 35 11/24/2020
0.3.79 33 10/21/2020
0.3.76 73 10/21/2020
0.3.66 29 10/6/2020
0.3.60 47 8/26/2020
0.3.57 18 8/26/2020
0.3.33 213 5/11/2020
0.3.30 89 3/4/2020
0.3.5 258 9/18/2019
0.2.101 43 9/17/2019
0.2.85 80 8/20/2019
0.2.79 38 8/13/2019
0.2.76 28 8/9/2019
0.2.73 23 8/9/2019
0.2.69 43 7/13/2019
0.2.56 103 5/15/2019
0.2.48 107 4/25/2019
0.2.45 86 4/15/2019
0.2.42 28 4/11/2019
0.2.38 31 4/9/2019
0.2.34 57 3/9/2019
0.2.29 33 3/7/2019
0.2.25 23 3/6/2019
0.2.22 57 3/6/2019
0.2.17 169 2/5/2019
0.2.14 66 1/23/2019
0.2.2 92 1/19/2019
0.1.94 20 1/19/2019
0.1.82 48 1/1/2019
0.1.79 88 10/16/2018
0.1.74 22 10/16/2018
0.1.71 27 10/15/2018
0.1.68 63 10/14/2018
0.1.65 27 10/13/2018
0.1.60 39 10/10/2018
0.1.57 28 10/10/2018
0.1.48 79 9/20/2018
0.1.47 34 9/19/2018
0.1.46 25 9/19/2018
0.0.2 28 9/14/2018
0.0.1 98 7/10/2018
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