
function New-WikiPage {
    Create a new page in your Confluence instance.

    Create a new page in Confluence. Optionally include content in -Body.
    Content needs to be in "Confluence storage format;" see also -Convert.

    New-WikiPage -Title 'Test New Page' -ParentID 123456 -Body '<p>Hello world</p>' -WhatIf
    Creates a new test page (as a child member of existing page 123456) with one line of page text.
    Automatically finds 123456 in space 'ABC' via Get-WikiPage and applies the key to the REST post.
    -WhatIf support, so the page will not actually be created.

    Get-WikiPage -Title 'Darth Vader' | New-WikiPage -Title 'Luke Skywalker' -Body $Body -Confirm
    Searches for pages named *Darth Vader*, pipes page ID and space key. New page is a child of existing page.
    Note that this can grab multiple pages via wildcard matching, potentially attempting multiple posts.
    You will be asked to confirm each creation. Choose wisely.

    New-WikiPage -Title 'Loner Page' -SpaceKey TEST -Body $Body -Convert -Verbose
    Creates a new page at the root of the specified space (no parent page). Verbose flag enabled.
    $Body is not yet in Confluence storage format ("XHTML-based"), and needs to be converted.




    param (
        # Name of your new page.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # The ID of the parent page. Accepts pipeline input by value/name.
        # NOTE: This feature is not in the 5.8 REST API documentation, and should be considered experimental.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        # Key of the space where the new page should exist. Only needed if you don't utilize ParentID.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        # The contents of your new page. Accepts pipeline input by property name.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        # Optional flag to call ConvertTo-WikiStorageFormat against your Body.

    BEGIN {
        If (!($Header) -or !($BaseURI)) {
            Write-Warning 'Confluence instance info not yet defined in this session. Calling Set-WikiInfo'

        If (($ParentID) -and !($SpaceKey)) {
            Write-Verbose "SpaceKey not specified. Retrieving from Get-WikiPage -PageID $ParentID"
            $SpaceKey = Get-WikiPage -PageID $ParentID | Select -ExpandProperty Space

        # If -Convert is flagged, call ConvertTo-WikiStorageFormat against the -Body
        If ($Convert) {
            Write-Verbose '-Convert flag active; converting content to Confluence storage format'
            $Body = ConvertTo-WikiStorageFormat -Content $Body
        $URI = $BaseURI + '/content'

        $Content = @{type      = 'page'
                     title     = "$Title"
                     space     = @{key = "$SpaceKey"}
                     body      = @{storage = @{value          = "$Body"
                                               representation = 'storage'
                     # Ancestors is undocumented! May break in the future
                     # Using [ordered] (requires Posh v3) to ensure -replace below works as desired
                     ancestors = [ordered]@{id   = "$ParentID"
                                            type = 'page'
                    # Using -Compress to make the -replace below easier
                    } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
        # Ancestors requires [] brackets around its JSON values to work correctly
        $Content = $Content -replace '"ancestors":','"ancestors":[' -replace '"page"},','"page"}],'

        Write-Verbose "Posting to $URI"
        If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Space $SpaceKey, Parent $ParentID")) {
            $Rest = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Header -Uri $URI -Body $Content -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'

            # Hashing everything because I don't like the lower case property names from the REST call
            $Rest | Select @{n='ID';      e={$}},
                           @{n='Key';     e={$}},
                           @{n='Title';   e={$_.title}},