
function Get-WikiSpace {
    Retrieve a listing of spaces in your Confluence instance.

    Fetch all Confluence spaces, optionally filtering by Name/Key/ID.
    Input for all parameters is not case sensitive.
    Piped output into other cmdlets is generally tested and supported.

    Get-WikiSpace -ID 123456
    Display the info of the space with ID 123456.

    Get-WikiSpace -Name test
    Display all spaces containing 'test' in the name.


    param (
        # Filter results by name. Supports wildcard matching on partial input.

        # Filter results by key. Supports wildcard matching on partial input.

        # Filter results by ID.

        # Defaults to 25 max results; can be modified here.

    BEGIN {
        If (!($Header) -or !($BaseURI)) {
            Write-Warning 'Confluence instance info not yet defined in this session. Calling Set-WikiInfo'

        $URI = $BaseURI + '/space'

        If ($Limit) {
            $URI = $URI + "?limit=$Limit"

        Write-Verbose "Fetching info from $URI"
        $Rest = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Header -Uri $URI -Method Get | Select -ExpandProperty Results | Select Key,Name,ID,Type

        If ($ID) {
            $Rest | Where {$_.ID -eq $ID} |
                Select @{n='Key';     e={$_.key}},
                       @{n='Name';    e={$}},
                       @{n='SpaceID'; e={$}},
                       @{n='Type';    e={$_.type}}
        } ElseIf ($Key) {
            $Rest | Where {$_.Key -like "*$Key*"} | Sort Key |
                Select @{n='Key';     e={$_.key}},
                       @{n='Name';    e={$}},
                       @{n='SpaceID'; e={$}},
                       @{n='Type';    e={$_.type}}
        } ElseIf ($Name) {
            $Rest | Where {$_.Name -like "*$Name*"} | Sort Key |
                Select @{n='Key';     e={$_.key}},
                       @{n='Name';    e={$}},
                       @{n='SpaceID'; e={$}},
                       @{n='Type';    e={$_.type}}
        } Else {
            $Rest | Select @{n='Key';     e={$_.key}},
                           @{n='Name';    e={$}},
                           @{n='SpaceID'; e={$}},
                           @{n='Type';    e={$_.type}}