Module contains functions that allows you to check for PowerShell code/script/module dependencies through static code analysis (AST).
Some of the interesting functions:
- Get-CodeDependency - searches for PowerShell code/script/module dependencies through static code analysis. Supports also checks against PowerShell Gallery
- Get-CorrespondingGraphCom
Some of the interesting functions:
- Get-CodeDependency - searches for PowerShell code/script/module dependencies through static code analysis. Supports also checks against PowerShell Gallery
- Get-CorrespondingGraphCom
Module contains functions that allows you to check for PowerShell code/script/module dependencies through static code analysis (AST).
Some of the interesting functions:
- Get-CodeDependency - searches for PowerShell code/script/module dependencies through static code analysis. Supports also checks against PowerShell Gallery
- Get-CorrespondingGraphCommand - translates given AzureAD or MSOnline command to Graph command
- Get-ModuleCommandUsedInCode - searches for commands (defined in specific module) in given script file
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Some of the interesting functions:
- Get-CodeDependency - searches for PowerShell code/script/module dependencies through static code analysis. Supports also checks against PowerShell Gallery
- Get-CorrespondingGraphCommand - translates given AzureAD or MSOnline command to Graph command
- Get-ModuleCommandUsedInCode - searches for commands (defined in specific module) in given script file
Installation Options
(c) 2023 @AndrewZtrhgf. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- @AndrewZtrhgf
Get-AddPSSnapinFromAST Get-CodeDependency Get-CodeDependencyStatus Get-CorrespondingGraphCommand Get-ImportModuleFromAST Get-ModuleCommandUsedInCode
- DependencySearch.nuspec
- DependencySearch.psd1
- DependencySearch.psm1