

A module to help simplify the deployment of Nano Server, Windows to Go and other WIM files to both physical and VHD

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name DeployImage -RequiredVersion 1.5

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name DeployImage -Version 1.5

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2015 Sean Kearney. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • SeanKearney


Copy-WithProgress Remove-DriveLetter Get-ArchitectureString Test-WindowsADK Get-AttachedDisk Clear-DiskStructure New-PartitionStructure Send-SanPolicy New-UnattendXMLContent Send-UnattendXML Send-BootCode New-NanoServerWIM New-WindowsPEWim


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

This module can be found on the PowerShell Gallery under 'DeployImage' and also on Github under

It introduces 13 new Cmdlets to try and simplify Deploying Nanoserver and Wim files to VHD, USB and Physical Disk environments.  (Nano Server being the Dominant reason)


This Cmdlets task is to Enhance the Clear-Disk Cmdlet and simplify it as I have encountered situations in which you need to remove Partitions first before Clear-Disk successfully cleans the Target Disk


This Cmdlet is still being tested and is meant as a "Copy-Item" with Progress to show SOME indication of where a large folder copy is at


This Cmdlet returns the string " (x86)" if you are on 64bi Windows.  It is meant as a way to inject into the 32 Program Files pathname


Get-AttachedDisk is a Wrapper on the Get-Disk Cmdlet which targets either Internal or USB.  It also provides a GUI parameter to launch Out-Gridview to select disks


This creates a Custom Nanoserver WIM based upon Selected roles and stores it away for deployment.   It works but uses the filename


This Cmdlet creates one of three stock basic Parition structures, either MBR for USB, MBR for Filesystem or GPT for UEFI and Formats targeted drives


This is a Parameterized Cmdlet to provide an Unattend.XML file content.  Domain Join is an option and will populate the additional needed content.


This builds a WindowsPE Wim file pre-populated with the necessary OCS for Windows PowerShell, DISM and Storage Cmdlets.  It also autolaunches PowerShell with the Set-ExecutionPolicy to Bypass


This simply Removes and verifies removal of a Drive Letter from the Drive system


Makes a Disk bootable


This is meant for Windows to Go.  It just builds and applies a targeted disk with the SanPolicy for Windows to Go


Deploys an Unattend file to a target Operating System


Test for the Presence of the Windows 10 ADK

There are also 4 sample scripts provided


Prompts for an available USB key, Prepares it as Bootable WinPE with PowerShell and with Nanoserver media, Drivers and DeployImage Module


Prompts for an available USB key, Prepares it as Bootable WinPE with PowerShell


Deploy Nanoserver Wim file to a VHD


Deploy Nano Server to a Targeted Disk


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.1 671 8/14/2019
2.0 19 8/14/2019
1.21 1,129 5/2/2016
1.11 113 2/29/2016
1.10 70 1/23/2016
1.9 25 1/19/2016
1.8 70 12/15/2015
1.7 20 12/14/2015
1.6 50 12/7/2015
1.5 (current version) 29 12/1/2015
1.4 20 11/29/2015
1.3 20 11/29/2015
1.2 23 11/27/2015
1.1 22 11/20/2015
1.0 23 11/15/2015
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