
LXCAPSTool provides cmdlets that you can run in a Microsoft PowerShell session to automate the resource management functions that are available from Lenovo XClarity Administrator.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name LXCAPSTool -RequiredVersion 1.1.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name LXCAPSTool -Version 1.1.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2016 Lenovo. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Lenovo Corporation




Get-LXCAThinkServer Get-LXCARackSwitch Invoke-LXCARestMethod Get-LXCAScalableComplexSystem Import-LXCAConfigPattern Set-LXCASystemIPInterface Get-LXCAServiceFile Get-LXCARackServer Add-LXCAManagedDevice Add-LXCAUserAccount Backup-LXCAEventLog Get-LXCAConnection Get-LXCAActiveSession Get-LXCAEventExclusionFilter Get-LXCAUpdatePackage Remove-LXCAEventExclusionFilter Set-LXCASystemProperty Add-LXCAEventExclusionFilter Install-LXCAConfigProfile Install-LXCAConfigPattern Get-LXCAAvailableMachineType Get-LXCAUpdateCompliancePolicy Import-LXCAUpdatePackage Install-LXCAUpdatePackage Join-LXCAUpdateCompliancePolicy Remove-LXCAManagedDevice Get-LXCAConfigPatternDeployableServer Remove-LXCAConfigProfileFromSystem Get-LXCAConfigPattern Get-LXCAConfigProfile Get-LXCAInformation Stop-LXCAJob Remove-LXCAJob Get-LXCAJob Get-LXCAActiveStatus Get-LXCAFFDCFile Get-LXCAAuditLog Get-LXCAActiveAlert Get-LXCASystemCompliance Get-LXCAUserAccount Install-LXCAOSImage Disconnect-LXCA Get-LXCAEvent Get-LXCADeployableServer Invoke-LXCASystemAction New-LXCADeployTask Remove-LXCAUserAccount Set-LXCAUserAccount Set-LXCAUserAccountPassword Start-LXCAEventMonitor Get-LXCADeployGlobalSetting Get-LXCAStorageNode Get-LXCAChassis Get-LXCAChassisInventory Get-LXCAChassisMember Get-LXCAComputeNode Get-LXCAIOModule Get-LXCAOSImage Import-LXCAOSImage Remove-LXCAOSImage Set-LXCADeployGlobalSetting Connect-LXCA Set-LXCAPSLogLevel


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

Released v1.1.0 (Mar.23, 2016)

The LXCAPSTool cmdlets use REST APIs that are provided for Lenovo XClarity Administrator to enable you to automate functions such as:
- Logging in to Lenovo XClarity Administrator
- Collecting inventory data to support the management of chassis and servers (endpoints)
- Deploying an operating system image to one or more endpoints
- Configuring endpoints through the use of Configuration Patterns
- Applying firmware update to endpoint
- Managing user accounts
- Monitoring events

The LXCAPSTool supports the following Lenovo XClarity Administrator versions:
- 1.0.0
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.3
- 1.1.0

What's new in version 1.1.0:
The following cmdlets were added:
- Get-LXCARackSwitch. Retrieves information about one or more RackSwitch switches.
- Get-LXCAThinkServer. Retrieves information about one or more ThinkServer servers.
- Import-LXCAConfigPattern. Imports configuration-pattern settings into Lenovo XClarity Administrator.
- Invoke-LXCARestMethod. Invokes a Lenovo XClarity Administrator REST API directly.
The following cmdlets were updated:
- Add-LXCAManagedDevice. Added the -ThinkServerUuid parameter to manage ThinkServer servers and the -ForceManage parameter to force management of an endpoint. You can also manage RackSwitch switches by specifying its IP address.
- Add-LXCAUserAccount. The -RoleGroups parameter supported the lxc-fw-admin and lxc-os-admin roles.
- Get-LXCAAuditLog. Added the -EventID parameter to return information about specific audit events and the -StartSequenceNumber and -EndSequenceNumber to return information about a range of audit events.
- Get-LXCAConfigPattern. Added the -IncludeSettings parameter to return additional information about the referenced category patterns.
- Get-LXCAEvent. Added the -StartSequenceNumber and -EndSequenceNumber parameters to return information about a range of events, and the -All parameter to return the event log entries.
- Get-LXCAInformation. This cmdlets also returns information about the PowerShell toolkit.
- Install-LXCAUpdatePackage. Added the -ForceUpdate parameter to apply firmware updates to the specified endpoints even if the firmware is in compliance.
- Invoke-LXCASystemAction. Added the -ThinkServerUuid and -ThinkServerAction parameters to invoke a power action on a specific ThinkServer server, and -RackSwitchUuid and -RackSwitchAction parameters to invoke a power action on a specific RackSwitch switch.
- New-LXCADeployTask. Added the -VlanId parameter to specify the VLAN ID for operating-system VLAN tagging.
- Remove-LXCAManagedDevice. Added the -ThinkServerUuid and -RackSwitchUuid parameters to remove a ThinkServer server from management.
- Set-LXCASystemProperty. Added the -ThinkServerUuid and -RackSwitchUuid parameters to modify the properties for ThinkServer servers and RackSwitch switches.
- Start-LXCAEventMonitor. Added support to reconnect to Lenovo XClarity Administrator when the network is not available or the management server is rebooted, and to continue monitoring events.

Lenovo XClarity Administrator is a centralized, resource-management solution that is aimed at reducing complexity, speeding response, and enhancing the availability of Lenovo server systems and solutions. It runs as a virtual appliance that you can use to manage Flex System chassis and System x rack servers in a secure environment.

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Version History

Version Downloads Last updated 1,230 9/5/2023 600 3/1/2023 893 6/15/2022 569 2/3/2022 1,260 9/14/2021 211 6/4/2021 130 3/30/2021 246 9/18/2020 78 8/26/2020 239 4/9/2020 252 11/27/2019 174 9/5/2019 172 4/24/2019
1.1.0 (current version) 609 4/6/2016
1.0.1 710 9/24/2015
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