The LXCOPSTool cmdlets use REST APIs that are provided for Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator to enable you to automate functions such as:
- Logging in to Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator;
Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator is a centralized, resource-management solution that is aimed at reducing complexity, speeding response, and en
The LXCOPSTool cmdlets use REST APIs that are provided for Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator to enable you to automate functions such as:
- Logging in to Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator;
Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator is a centralized, resource-management solution that is aimed at reducing complexity, speeding response, and enhancing the availability of Lenovo server systems and solutions. It runs as a virtual appliance that you can use to manage Flex System chassis and System x rack servers in a secure environment.
Get more detail information from:
Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator REST APIs used in this module:
Installation Options
Copyright (c) Lenovo. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Lenovo Corporation
Add-LXCOPSLogHeader Add-LXCOManager Connect-LXCO Get-LXCOManagers Get-LXCODevices Get-LXCOFirmwareCatalog Get-LXCOUpdatePolicies Get-LXCOAlerts Get-LXCOEvents Get-LXCOJobs Get-LXCODeviceInventory Disconnect-LXCO Import-LXCOUpdatePolicies Import-LXCOFirmwarePackage Invoke-LXCORestMethod Invoke-LXCOServerPowerAction Install-LXCOResourceManagerUpdates Install-LXCODeviceFirmwareUpdates Join-LXCOUpdatePolicy New-LXCOUpdatePolicy Remove-LXCOManager Set-LXCOPSLogLevel Split-LXCOUpdatePolicy Update-LXCOFirmwareCatalog
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
Released v1.6.0 (May 2022)
This LXCOPSTool version supports the following Lenovo XClarity Orchestrator versions:
- 1.4.0, 1.5.0
New features and bug fixes:
- New cmdlets added in this release:
* Get-LXCOAlerts
* Get-LXCOEvents
* Import-LXCOFirmwarePackage
* Invoke-LXCOServerPowerAction
* Get-LXCOJobs
* Get-LXCODeviceInventory
- Cmdlets updated in this release:
* Join-LXCOUpdatePolicy: added Overwrite parameter
- LXCOPSTool.nuspec
- EULA_Notice.txt
- net4.8\LXCOPSTool.psd1
- net4.8\NLog.dll
- LXCOPSTool.psd1
- net6.0\Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Automation.dll
- LXCOPSTool.psm1
- net6.0\Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Common.dll
- en-US\Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Automation.dll-help.xml
- net6.0\Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.dll
- net4.8\Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Automation.dll
- net6.0\LXCOPSTool.psd1
- net4.8\Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Common.dll
- net6.0\NLog.dll
- net4.8\Lenovo.XClarityOrchestrator.PowerShell.Data.dll