
This DSC module is used to configure and monitor Microsoft tenants, including SharePoint Online, Exchange, Teams, etc.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Microsoft365DSC -RequiredVersion

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Microsoft365DSC -Version

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResourceKit DSCResource Microsoft365


Export-M365DSCConfiguration Assert-M365DSCTemplate


Format-EXOParams Get-TimeZoneNameFromID Get-TimeZoneIDFromName Get-TeamByGroupID Get-TeamByName Convert-M365DscHashtableToString New-EXOAntiPhishPolicy New-EXOAntiPhishRule New-EXOHostedContentFilterRule New-EXOSafeAttachmentRule New-EXOSafeLinksRule Set-EXOAntiPhishRule Set-EXOAntiPhishPolicy Set-EXOHostedContentFilterRule Confirm-ImportedCmdletIsAvailable Set-EXOSafeAttachmentRule Set-EXOSafeLinksRule Compare-PSCustomObjectArrays Test-Microsoft365DSCParameterState Export-M365DSCConfiguration Get-SPOAdministrationUrl Split-ArrayByBatchSize Split-ArrayByParts Invoke-M365DSCCommand Get-SPOUserProfilePropertyInstance ConvertTo-SPOUserProfilePropertyInstanceString Install-M365DSCDevBranch Get-AllSPOPackages Remove-NullEntriesFromHashtable Assert-M365DSCTemplate SectionChanged Show-M365DSCGUI SelectComponentsForMode Start-M365DSCConfigurationExtract New-M365DSCLogEntry Add-M365DSCEvent Get-ApplicationInsightsTelemetryClient Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent Set-M365DSCTelemetryOption Get-M365DSCTelemetryOption Get-M365StubFiles


AADGroupsNamingPolicy AADGroupsSettings AADMSGroupLifecyclePolicy EXOAcceptedDomain EXOActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule EXOAddressBookPolicy EXOAddressList EXOAntiPhishPolicy EXOAntiPhishRule EXOApplicationAccessPolicy EXOAtpPolicyForO365 EXOAvailabilityAddressSpace EXOAvailabilityConfig EXOCASMailboxPlan EXOClientAccessRule EXODkimSigningConfig EXOEmailAddressPolicy EXOGlobalAddressList EXOHostedConnectionFilterPolicy EXOHostedContentFilterPolicy EXOHostedContentFilterRule EXOHostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy EXOInboundConnector EXOIntraOrganizationConnector EXOMailboxSettings EXOMailTips EXOMalwareFilterPolicy EXOMalwareFilterRule EXOManagementRole EXOMobileDeviceMailboxPolicy EXOOfflineAddressBook EXOOnPremisesOrganization EXOOrganizationConfig EXOOrganizationRelationship EXOOutboundConnector EXOOwaMailboxPolicy EXOPartnerApplication EXOPolicyTipConfig EXORemoteDomain EXORoleAssignmentPolicy EXOSafeAttachmentPolicy EXOSafeAttachmentRule EXOSafeLinksPolicy EXOSafeLinksRule EXOSharedMailbox EXOSharingPolicy O365AdminAuditLogConfig O365Group O365OrgCustomizationSetting O365User ODSettings PPPowerAppsEnvironment SCAuditConfigurationPolicy SCCaseHoldPolicy SCCaseHoldRule SCComplianceCase SCComplianceSearch SCComplianceSearchAction SCComplianceTag SCDeviceConditionalAccessPolicy SCDeviceConfigurationPolicy SCDLPCompliancePolicy SCDLPComplianceRule SCFilePlanPropertyAuthority SCFilePlanPropertyCategory SCFilePlanPropertyCitation SCFilePlanPropertyDepartment SCFilePlanPropertyReferenceId SCFilePlanPropertySubCategory SCRetentionCompliancePolicy SCRetentionComplianceRule SCSensitivityLabel SCSupervisoryReviewPolicy SCSupervisoryReviewRule SPOAccessControlSettings SPOApp SPOHomeSite SPOHubSite SPOPropertyBag SPOSearchManagedProperty SPOSearchResultSource SPOSharingSettings SPOSite SPOSiteAuditSettings SPOSiteDesign SPOSiteDesignRights SPOSiteGroup SPOStorageEntity SPOTenantCDNPolicy SPOTenantSettings SPOTheme SPOUserProfileProperty TeamsCallingPolicy TeamsChannel TeamsChannelsPolicy TeamsClientConfiguration TeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy TeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy TeamsGuestCallingConfiguration TeamsGuestMeetingConfiguration TeamsGuestMessagingConfiguration TeamsMeetingBroadcastConfiguration TeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy TeamsMeetingConfiguration TeamsMeetingPolicy TeamsMessagingPolicy TeamsTeam TeamsUpgradeConfiguration TeamsUpgradePolicy TeamsUser


Release Notes

* Re-branding to Microsoft365DSC
           * All components re-branded;
         * AADMSGroupLifecyclePolicy
           * Initial Release;
         * AADGroupsNamingPolicy
           * Initial Release;
         * AADGroupsSettings
           * Initial Release;
         * AADMSGroupLifecyclePolicy
           * Initial Release;
         * SCAuditConfigurationPolicy
           * Fix issue with the Remove scenario;
         * SCDLPCompliancePolicy
           * Fix issue with the Remove scenario;
         * SCFilePropertyAuthority
           * Fix issue with the Remove scenario;
         * SCFilePlanPropertyCategory
           * Fix issue with the Remove scenario;
         * SCFilePlanPropertyCitation
           * Fix issue with the Remove scenario;
         * SCFilePlanPropertyDepartment
           * Fix issue with the Remove scenario;
         * SCFilePlanPropertyReferenceId
           * Fix issue with the Remove scenario;
         * SCFilePlanPropertySubCategory
           * Fix issue with the Remove scenario;
         * SCRetentionCompliancePolicy
           * Fix issue with Teams Policy in the Get;
         * SPOPropertyBag
           * Fixed an issue where false positive drifts were being detected;
         * SPOSiteAuditSettings
           * Generalized the URL not to capture hardcoded dmomains;
         * SPOSiteGroup
           * Fixed an issue where now, groups with Null owners are not extracted;
           * Generalized the URL not to capture hardcoded dmomains;
         * TeamsCallingPolicy
           * Removed the AllowCalling parameter since it is no longer supported;
           * Fixed an issue with Policies without tags in their name (e.g. Global);
         * TeamsMessagingPolicy
           * Fixed and issue where the Global policy was always flagged as having
             a drift;
         * TeamsUpgradePolicy
           * Initial Release;
         * M365DSCUtil
           * Added the new Assert-M365DSCTemplate cmdlet to assess remote templates;
         * ReverseDSC
           * Change to allow ComponentsToExtract without the chck prefix;
           * Introduction of Extraction Modes and Visual Indicators;
           * Major refactoring, having UI dynamic and items displayed by
             Resources names;
         * Metadata
           * Updated Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell to 2.0.56;
           * Updated MicrosoftTeams dependency to 1.0.5;
           * Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant dependency to 1.0.6;
           * Updated SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline dependency to 3.20.2004.0;


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.24.417.1 2,062 4/18/2024
1.24.403.1 16,046 4/4/2024
1.24.313.1 23,244 3/13/2024 15,817 2/29/2024 7,928 2/22/2024 2,290 2/20/2024 5,543 2/15/2024 557 2/15/2024 6,271 2/9/2024 5,433 2/2/2024 6,702 1/25/2024 8,064 1/17/2024 7,070 1/10/2024 6,863 1/3/2024
1.23.1227.1 3,556 12/29/2023
1.23.1220.1 4,987 12/20/2023
1.23.1213.1 1,826 12/14/2023
1.23.1206.1 2,214 12/6/2023
1.23.1129.1 1,839 11/30/2023
1.23.1122.1 2,154 11/22/2023
1.23.1115.1 2,159 11/16/2023
1.23.1108.3 413 11/14/2023
1.23.1108.1 1,808 11/8/2023
1.23.1101.1 2,021 11/1/2023
1.23.1025.1 1,679 10/25/2023
1.23.1018.1 2,384 10/18/2023
1.23.1011.1 1,964 10/11/2023
1.23.1004.1 2,028 10/4/2023
1.23.927.1 1,634 9/27/2023
1.23.920.2 1,941 9/20/2023
1.23.913.2 2,046 9/14/2023
1.23.906.1 3,989 9/6/2023
1.23.830.1 1,672 8/30/2023
1.23.823.1 1,763 8/23/2023
1.23.809.1 2,872 8/10/2023
1.23.726.1 3,835 7/26/2023
1.23.719.1 1,707 7/19/2023
1.23.712.1 2,192 7/12/2023
1.23.628.1 2,600 6/30/2023
1.23.621.1 3,168 6/22/2023
1.23.614.1 1,962 6/15/2023
1.23.607.1 1,671 6/8/2023
1.23.517.1 4,768 5/18/2023
1.23.510.1 1,962 5/11/2023
1.23.503.1 1,543 5/3/2023
1.23.426.3 1,105 4/27/2023
1.23.419.1 1,197 4/19/2023
1.23.412.1 1,189 4/12/2023
1.23.405.1 487 4/11/2023
1.23.322.1 3,219 3/22/2023
1.23.315.1 2,106 3/15/2023
1.23.308.1 1,286 3/9/2023
1.23.301.1 1,763 3/1/2023 1,484 2/22/2023 1,049 2/15/2023 1,122 2/8/2023 1,948 2/1/2023 2,181 1/25/2023 1,452 1/18/2023 1,408 1/11/2023 982 1/4/2023
1.22.1221.1 1,301 12/21/2022
1.22.1214.1 1,692 12/14/2022
1.22.1207.1 1,181 12/8/2022
1.22.1130.1 1,308 12/1/2022
1.22.1123.1 1,400 11/23/2022
1.22.1116.1 1,514 11/16/2022
1.22.1109.1 1,516 11/9/2022
1.22.1102.1 1,466 11/2/2022
1.22.1026.2 1,607 10/27/2022
1.22.1026.1 211 10/26/2022
1.22.1019.1 4,563 10/19/2022
1.22.1012.1 1,211 10/13/2022
1.22.1005.1 1,368 10/5/2022
1.22.921.1 5,904 9/21/2022
1.22.914.1 2,106 9/14/2022
1.22.907.1 2,460 9/7/2022
1.22.831.1 2,089 9/1/2022
1.22.824.1 2,468 8/25/2022
1.22.727.1 1,487 8/22/2022
1.22.720.1 13,648 7/20/2022
1.22.713.1 4,782 7/13/2022
1.22.706.1 4,642 7/6/2022
1.22.629.1 4,059 6/29/2022
1.22.622.1 4,425 6/22/2022
1.22.615.1 4,081 6/15/2022
1.22.608.1 3,913 6/9/2022
1.22.601.1 2,384 6/1/2022
1.22.525.1 2,048 5/25/2022
1.22.518.1 2,796 5/18/2022
1.22.511.1 2,925 5/11/2022
1.22.504.1 3,541 5/6/2022
1.22.420.1 36,895 4/20/2022
1.22.413.1 2,677 4/14/2022
1.22.406.1 1,704 4/6/2022
1.22.323.1 2,513 3/24/2022
1.22.316.1 1,378 3/16/2022
1.22.309.1 1,546 3/9/2022 4,037 2/16/2022 1,530 2/9/2022 1,499 2/2/2022 1,488 1/26/2022 1,552 1/20/2022 313 1/19/2022 1,576 1/12/2022 2,196 1/5/2022
1.21.1229.1 2,154 12/29/2021
1.21.1222.1 2,114 12/22/2021
1.21.1215.1 2,199 12/15/2021
1.21.1208.1 4,797 12/8/2021
1.21.1124.2 13,078 11/24/2021
1.21.1117.2 5,555 11/18/2021
1.21.1110.1 4,820 11/11/2021
1.21.1103.1 6,360 11/3/2021
1.21.1027.1 4,660 10/28/2021
1.21.1013.1 9,128 10/15/2021
1.21.1006.3 1,080 10/6/2021
1.21.922.1 5,290 9/22/2021
1.21.915.1 1,849 9/16/2021
1.21.908.1 4,634 9/8/2021
1.21.901.1 696 9/7/2021
1.21.825.1 3,115 8/25/2021
1.21.804.1 11,856 8/5/2021
1.21.728.1 4,068 7/28/2021
1.21.721.1 2,685 7/21/2021
1.21.714.1 3,213 7/14/2021
1.21.707.1 2,952 7/7/2021
1.21.630.1 4,574 7/1/2021
1.21.616.1 9,042 6/16/2021
1.21.609.2 1,127 6/11/2021
1.21.602.1 4,518 6/2/2021
1.21.526.2 4,342 5/26/2021
1.21.519.2 3,328 5/20/2021
1.21.512.1 5,030 5/12/2021
1.21.505.1 4,959 5/6/2021
1.21.428.1 6,256 4/28/2021
1.21.421.2 5,064 4/21/2021
1.21.414.2 5,587 4/14/2021
1.21.407.1 5,524 4/7/2021
1.21.331.1 5,807 3/31/2021
1.21.317.1 10,311 3/18/2021 16,041 2/25/2021 10,302 2/3/2021 4,920 1/27/2021 5,577 1/20/2021 3,791 1/14/2021
1.20.1223.1 10,938 12/23/2020
1.20.1216.1 4,848 12/16/2020
1.20.1209.1 5,274 12/9/2020
1.20.1202.1 4,783 12/2/2020
1.20.1125.1 4,872 11/25/2020
1.20.1118.1 10,705 11/18/2020
1.20.1111.1 35,287 11/11/2020
1.20.1104.1 34,981 11/4/2020
1.20.1028.1 29,144 10/28/2020
1.20.1021.1 32,831 10/21/2020
1.20.1016.1 4,560 10/16/2020
1.20.1014.1 37 10/14/2020
1.20.1007.1 12,221 10/7/2020
1.20.930.1 50 9/30/2020
1.20.923.1 38 9/23/2020
1.20.916.1 8,546 9/16/2020
1.20.909.1 31,823 9/9/2020
1.20.902.1 36,421 9/2/2020
1.20.805.1 180,492 8/5/2020
1.20.730.2 31,493 7/30/2020
1.20.723.1 34,887 7/23/2020
1.20.716.1 30,717 7/16/2020
1.20.603.1 228,478 6/3/2020 133,025 5/8/2020 (current version) 167,502 4/14/2020
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