

Get NTP Time from a specified NTP Server

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name NtpTime

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name NtpTime

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2015 Chris Warwick. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Chris Warwick


NTP PowerShell SNTP Network Time rfc1305 rfc2030 UDP ps1xml PsCustomObject




This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

Chris Warwick, @cjwarwickps, September 2015.

v1.1 release to the PowerShell Gallery.

This module contains a single PS Function 'Get-NtpTime' which sends an NTP request to a specified NTP server and
decodes the returned raw NTP packet. The function will connect to pool.ntp.org if no server is specified.

I originally wrote this script to check NTP responses from Windows Domain Controllers - but it works with
any NTP server.  See rfc-1305: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1305.html

Refer to the PowerShell help and additional background information included in the module for further details.

   The NTP Server to contact.  Uses pool.ntp.org by default.
   The maximum acceptable offset between the local clock and the NTP Server, in milliseconds.
   The script will throw an exception if the time difference exceeds this value (on the assumption
   that the returned time may be incorrect).  Default = 10000 (10s).
   (Switch) If specified do not attempt to resolve Version 3 Secondary Server ReferenceIdentifiers.
   Get-NtpTime uk.pool.ntp.org
   Gets time from the specified server.
   Get-NtpTime | fl *
   Get time from default server (pool.ntp.org) and displays all output object attributes.
   Get-NtpTime DC01.company.org
   Get time from a domain controller.


PS:\> Get-NtpTime

NtpServer           : pool.ntp.org
NtpTime             : 21/09/2015 12:17:26
OffsetSeconds       : -0.009
NtpVersionNumber    : 3
Mode_text           : server
Stratum             : 2
ReferenceIdentifier : <ntp0.linx.net>

PS:\> Get-NtpTime -Server uk.pool.ntp.org | Format-List *

NtpServer           : uk.pool.ntp.org
NtpTime             : 21/09/2015 12:18:23
Offset              : -18.845458984375
OffsetSeconds       : -0.019
Delay               : 22.98193359375
t1ms                : 3588751103158.74
t2ms                : 3588751103151.39
t3ms                : 3588751103151.43
t4ms                : 3588751103181.77
t1                  : 21/09/2015 12:18:23
t2                  : 21/09/2015 12:18:23
t3                  : 21/09/2015 12:18:23
t4                  : 21/09/2015 12:18:23
LI                  : 0
LI_text             : no warning
NtpVersionNumber    : 3
Mode                : 4
Mode_text           : server
Stratum             : 2
Stratum_text        : secondary reference (via NTP or SNTP)
PollIntervalRaw     : 0
PollInterval        : 00:00:01
Precision           : -23
PrecisionSeconds    : 1.19209289550781E-07
ReferenceIdentifier : <ntp0.linx.net>
RootDelay           : 0.003143310546875
RootDispersion      : 0.02679443359375
Raw                 : {28, 2, 0, 233, 0, 0, 0, 206, 0, 0, 6, 220, 195, 66, 241, 2, 213, 231, 252, 27...}

Version History:

V1.1 (This version)
 - Updated help to reflect usage against domain controllers
 - Removed default display format code from script and replaced with .ps1xml format file

V1.0 (Initial PowerShell Gallery version)
 - Copy with updates from original script

V0.9 (Initial Technet ScriptCenter version)

V0.1-0.8 Dev versions


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.1 (current version) 3,281,153 10/2/2015
1.0 192 9/8/2015