

This module allows you to get token from Azure AD and execute OMS query against OMS search API.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name OMSSearch -RequiredVersion 6.0.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name OMSSearch -Version 6.0.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2015 Stanislav Zhelyazkov.

Package Details


  • Stanislav Zhelyazkov Stefan Stranger Tao Yang Daniele Grandini


MSOMS OMS Azure Log Search


Get-AADToken Get-OMSSavedSearch Invoke-OMSSearchQuery Get-OMSWorkspace Invoke-OMSSavedSearch Get-OMSResourceGroup Remove-OMSSavedSearch New-OMSSavedSearch


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

*   SMAConnection parameter set changed to OMSConnection in Get-AADToken
*   IndividualParameter parameter set changed to - DefaultParameterSet - in Get-AADToken
*   Changes in code for better reading the code - all functions
*   DefaultParameterSetName used - for all functions
*   Improved Help for all functions
*   Changed resourceAppIdURI to
*   Changed authority to
*   Option to authenticate by TenantID or TenantADName
*   Added TenantID field in OMSConnection (might not appear if you have previously imported the module in Azure Automation)
*   Get-Help for parameters added for all functions
*   Added Name parameter to find individual saved searches in Get-OMSSavedSearch. You can now get a single saved search.
*   Improved Invoke-OMSSavedSearch algorithm. Now it will find saved search by Name instead by ID. ID can be GUID for some saved searches which previously resulted in faulty results.
*   Removed function Invoke-ARMGet - Not needed.
*   Deprecated Get-ARMAzureSubscription. Official AzureRM cmdlets can be used to get Subscriptions.
*   You can use OMSConnection parameter in almost all cmdlets instead of providing individual parameters like subscriptionID, ResourceGroupName and OMSWorkspaceName
*   new cmdlet - New-OMSSavedSearch
*   new cmdlet - Remove-OMSSavedSearch


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
6.1.0 1,145 1/24/2016
6.0.0 (current version) 26 1/17/2016
5.1.4 112 8/16/2015
5.1.3 21 8/11/2015
5.1.1 33 7/9/2015
5.1.0 20 7/8/2015
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