

Provides function to access OneDrive with PowerShell. You can list directories, get metadata of files and folder, create folders, delete folders and file and for sure: Upload and download files. This module uses the OneDrive web api and you need a free id to use this module von Microsoft ( At this time there are some func
Provides function to access OneDrive with PowerShell. You can list directories, get metadata of files and folder, create folders, delete folders and file and for sure: Upload and download files. This module uses the OneDrive web api and you need a free id to use this module von Microsoft ( At this time there are some functions missing, like rename files. Please write me a mail if you find some errors or if you have a request.
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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name OneDrive -RequiredVersion 0.9.1

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name OneDrive -Version 0.9.1

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2016

Package Details


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.2.8 33,659 6/22/2022
2.2.7 9,211 8/11/2020
2.2.6 121 8/6/2020
2.2.5 2,018 4/15/2020
2.2.4 868 3/9/2020
2.2.3 1,781 11/25/2019
2.2.2 213 11/14/2019
2.2.1 1,929 7/2/2019
2.2 341 6/21/2019
2.1.1 7,043 11/10/2018
2.1.0 30 11/10/2018
2.0.0 218 10/27/2018
1.1.4 199 10/23/2018
1.1.3 3,898 10/8/2017
1.1.2 26 10/8/2017
1.1.1 25 10/7/2017
1.1.0 36 10/6/2017
1.0.3 1,862 11/9/2016
1.0.2 36 11/8/2016
0.9.2 1,024 2/21/2016
0.9.1 (current version) 29 2/19/2016
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