
#region synopsis

#----------------------------------------------------[Function synopsis]-----------------------------------------------------

Function Export-OutlookMessageBody {

    OutlookConnector function: Saves message body of Outlook message to a file on disk.
    Saves body text of one or messages to a file on disk at specified path. All messages are saved in same folder, and file names are built based on customizable parameter FileNameFormat.
    Messages can be obtained by one of Get-Outlook commands. Messages are saved in HTML, TXT or RTF format. If message with same name exists, numbering will be added at the end of file name.
    Message body does not contain header information, i.e. info who sent message, when, etc. Also, it has no attachments.
    (Get-OutlookInbox)[0] | Export-OutlookMessageBody -OutputFolder 'C:\tmp' -ExportFormat HTML
    Saves body of first message in Inbox as HTML file
    Get-OutlookMessage -DefaultFolder DeletedItems | Export-OutlookMessageBody -OutputFolder 'C:\tmp\deleted' -ExportFormat TXT
    Saves all messaged from Deleted items Outlook folder to a txt files on a disk
   .PARAMETER Messages
    Mandatory parameter which is content of one or more messages that will be saved to disk.
    Messages can be obtained with one of Get-Outlook commands. Type Get-Command Get-Outlook* for list of commands.
    Messages can be provided either as parameter, or via pipeline.
    .PARAMETER OutputFolder
    Mandatory parameter which specifies to which folder messages will be saved. It can be both local disk, as well as network location.
    .PARAMETER FileNameFormat
    Optional parameter that specifies how individual files will be named based. If omitted, files will be saved in format 'FROM= %SenderName% SUBJECT= %Subject%'.
    File name can contain any of message parameters surrounded with %. For list of parameters, type Get-OutlookInbox | Get-Member.
   .PARAMETER ExportFormat
    Mandatory parameter which specifies to which format message body will be exported to. Allowed values are HTML, TXT (text) and RTF (rich-text).
   .PARAMETER SkippedMessages
    Optional parameter that specifies varaible to which will be stored messages that can not be processed.
    Messages can be skipped for different reasons (wrong object, missing property specified in FileNameFormat parameter, etc.
    Variable must be referenced, i.e. sent in format [ref]$Variable, and it must be declared in advance. Current value of variable will be deleted.
    Function is not returning any value.
    NAME: Export-OutlookMessageBody
    AUTHOR: Igor Iric, IricIgor@GMail.com
    CREATEDATE: November, 2015


#region parameters and constants
#-------------------------------------------------[Parameters definitions]--------------------------------------------------


    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [psobject[]]$Messages,
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [string]$OutputFolder,
    [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [string]$FileNameFormat='FROM= %SenderName% SUBJECT= %Subject%',
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [ValidateSet('HTML','TXT','RTF')] [string]$ExportFormat,
    [parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [ref]$SkippedMessages

) #end param

#-------------------------------------------------[Constant declarations]---------------------------------------------------


#region function main code
#-------------------------------------------------[Function initialization]--------------------------------------------------
    # function begin phase
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Export-OutlookMessageBody starting...'

    # convert format message to real file name, replace %...% with message attribute
    $RegEx = '(\%)(.+?)(\%)'
    $ReqProps = @('Subject','HTMLBody','RTFBody','Body')
    $ReqProps += ([regex]::Matches($FileNameFormat,$RegEx) ).Value -replace '%',''

    # initialize queue for skipped messages, if it is passed
    if ($SkippedMessages) {
        $SkippedMessages.Value = @()

#---------------------------------------------------[Function processing]----------------------------------------------------

    foreach ($Message in @($Messages)) {
        # function process phase, executed once for each element in main Prameter
        # check input object
        $NotFoundProps = Validate-Properties -InputObject $Message -RequiredProperties $ReqProps
        if ($NotFoundProps) {
            if ($Message.Subject) {
                $ErrorMessage = 'Message ' + $Message.Subject + ' is not proper object.'
            } else {
                $ErrorMessage = 'Message is not proper object.'
            $ErrorMessage += ' Missing: ' + ($NotFoundProps -join ',')
            if ($SkippedMessages) {
                $SkippedMessages.Value += $Message # adding skipped messages to referenced variable if passed
            Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage
            Continue # next foreach

        Write-Verbose -Message ('Processing '+($Message.Subject))
        # main code
        $FileName = Create-FileName -InputObject $Message -FileNameFormat $FileNameFormat   # Create-FileName is internal function
        $FileName = Get-ValidFileName -FileName  $FileName
        $FullFilePath = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath ($FileName + '.' + $ExportFormat)
        # Check if file exists, and if yes, update name with numbering
        $i = 0
        while (Test-Path -Path $FullFilePath) {
            $FullFilePath = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath ($FileName + ' (' + (++$i) + ').' + $ExportFormat)

        Write-Verbose -Message "Saving message body to $FullFilePath"

            switch ($ExportFormat) {
                'HTML' {Set-Content -Value ($Message.HTMLBody) -LiteralPath $FullFilePath}
                'RTF'  {Set-Content -Value ($Message.RTFBody) -LiteralPath $FullFilePath -Encoding Byte}
                'TXT'  {Set-Content -Value ($Message.Body) -LiteralPath $FullFilePath}
        } catch {
            if ($SkippedMessages) {
                $SkippedMessages.Value += $Message # adding skipped messages to referenced variable if passed
            Write-Error -Message ('Message save exception. '+$Error[0].Exception)

    } # end of foreach

} # end of function

#-----------------------------------------------------[Function closing]-----------------------------------------------------

    # function closing phase
    Write-Verbose -Message 'Export-OutlookMessageBody completed.'

} # end of function code
#----------------------------------------------------[End of function]------------------------------------------------------

#region free text
#-------------------------------------------------[TO DO / Done section]----------------------------------------------------

#---------------------------------------------------[Comments section]------------------------------------------------------
