

Create Gitlog Changelog

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PSGitChangeLog -RequiredVersion 0.0.6

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PSGitChangeLog -Version 0.0.6

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2019 MichielThai. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • MichielThai


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

# Changelog (Updated on 2019-11-21)
## Version 0.0
### 0.0.6 [?????](  11/21/2019 22:57:17
#### Other
- Update - @[abde4b1d](

### 0.0.5 [?????](  11/21/2019 22:50:41
#### Configuration, Testing
- ?? create local git tag so that it shows on the changelog - @[3d1c105f](
- ?? use UTF8 encoding - @[e8b4a5af](
- ?? use Force when installing modules - @[2766127a](

### 0.0.4 [?????](  11/21/2019 21:59:38
#### Configuration, Testing
- ?? use UTF8 encoding - @[818d1a43](

### 0.0.3 [?????](  11/21/2019 21:55:24
#### Other
- Merge branch 'master' of - @[1c9d5ac7](
- Add Testresults, New SemVerId - @[d5372e73](
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' - @[ba0c52f9](
- Create build.yml - @[055c97ca](
- Set up CI with Azure Pipelines - @[2ae39ba3](
- Add PSSA - @[f8c1a2b9](
- Merge branch 'master' of - @[6e42dfef](
- add Github release step - @[359ffc48](
- Move intentcodes to config, add Audience - @[0fe4a1e8](

#### New features, Improvements
- ? Add Publish to PSGallery script - @[0ae30e60](
- ?? Add support for tags with no tagprefix - @[ea3270db](
- ?? Move Parameters to config file - @[8f926582](

#### Configuration, Testing
- ? Add Project Tests - @[8322d1c3](
- ????? Publish script to PSGAllery - @[7c859910](
- ?? fix publish script - @[2c5f3e11](
- ?? ensure Pester - @[4e15ef11](
- ? Add Unit Tests - @[27b5b78c](
- ?? Add -force to install-module - @[380a222a](

#### Code Optimization, Refactoring
- ?? add Validate set - @[4c339bd2](

#### Bugs, Problems
- ?? Fix where empty TagPrefix would be a component - @[681293c7](

### 0.0.2 [?????](  11/20/2019 09:54:27
#### New features, Improvements
- ?? Add support for lightweight tags - @[8173f535](

### 0.0.1 [?????](  11/20/2019 09:25:27
#### Other
- Create Get-GitTagList.Tools.ps1 - @[4ef77cc3](
- Initial commit - @[858dbdf3](
- Create Get-GitHistory.Tools.ps1 - @[cd1e997a](

#### Configuration, Testing
- ? Add psm1, psd1 file - @[e134e7ab](


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.1.2 291 2/2/2020
0.1.1 16 2/2/2020
0.1.0 17 2/2/2020
0.0.8 42 11/29/2019
0.0.7 39 11/26/2019
0.0.6 (current version) 20 11/21/2019
0.0.5 18 11/21/2019
0.0.4 21 11/21/2019
0.0.3 17 11/21/2019
0.0.2 17 11/21/2019
0.0.1 20 11/20/2019
0.0.0 18 11/20/2019
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