
# Declares various 'my' automatic variables

function PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MyCallstack {
        $MyCallstack is an automatic variable that contains the current callstack.

    @(Get-PSCallstack) # Set $MyCallstack

function PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MySelf {
        $MySelf contains the currently executing ScriptBlock.
        A Command can & $myself to use anonymous recursion.
        } | Use-PipeScript
        # By using $Myself, we can write an anonymously recursive fibonacci sequence.
        Invoke-PipeScript {
            param([int]$n = 1)
            if ($n -lt 2) {
            } else {
                (& $myself ($n -1)) + (& $myself ($n -2))
        } -ArgumentList 10
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock # Set $mySelf

function PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MyParameters {
        $MyParameters contains a copy of $psBoundParameters.
        This leaves you more free to change it.
        Invoke-PipeScript -ScriptBlock {

    [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters

function PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MyCaller {
        $MyCaller (aka $CallStackPeek) contains the CallstackFrame that called this command.
        Invoke-PipeScript { $myCaller }

 $myCallStack[-1] # Initialize MyCaller

function PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MyCommandAst {
        $MyCommandAst contains the abstract syntax tree used to invoke this command.
        & (Use-PipeScript { $myCommandAst })
 if ($MyCaller) {
        $myInv = $MyInvocation
                $ast.Extent.StartLineNumber -eq $myInv.ScriptLineNumber -and
                $ast.Extent.StartColumnNumber -eq $myInv.OffsetInLine -and 
                $ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]