

An Extensible Transpiler for PowerShell (and anything else)

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PipeScript -RequiredVersion 0.2.6

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PipeScript -Version 0.2.6

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



2022 Start-Automating

Package Details


  • James Brundage


PipeScript PowerShell Transpilation Compiler


Export-Pipescript Get-PipeScript Get-Transpiler Import-PipeScript Invoke-PipeScript Join-PipeScript New-PipeScript Search-PipeScript Update-PipeScript Use-PipeScript PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.IsPipedTo PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.IsPipedFrom PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MyCallstack PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MySelf PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MyParameters PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MyCaller PipeScript.Automatic.Variable.MyCommandAst PipeScript.Optimizer.ConsolidateAspects Protocol.HTTP Protocol.JSONSchema Protocol.OpenAPI Protocol.UDP Aspect.DynamicParameter Aspect.ModuleExtensionType Aspect.ModuleExtensionPattern Aspect.ModuleExtensionCommand PipeScript.PostProcess.InitializeAutomaticVariables PipeScript.PostProcess.PartialFunction


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## PipeScript 0.2.6:

* PipeScript can now be sponsored! (please show your support) (#488)

* PipeScript now has several formalized command types (#452)
 * Aspects
   * DynamicParameters (#462)
   * ModuleExtensionType (#460)
   * ModuleExtensionPattern (#460)
   * ModuleExtensionCommand (#460)  
 * Automatic Variables (Fixes #426)
   * $MySelf
   * $MyParameters
   * $MyCallstack
   * $MyCaller
   * $MyCommandAst (#434)
   * $IsPipedTo (#430)
   * $IsPipedFrom (#431)
 * PostProcessing/Optimization now applies to Functions (#432)
   * Partial functions are now a PostProcessor (#449)
 * Protocol Functions
    * Made HTTP, UDP, and JSON Schema Protocols into functions (#474)
    * Added OpenAPI Protocol (#457)
* Core Command Improvements
 * Get-PipeScript is now built with PipeScript (#463)
 * Export-PipeScript
   * Is _much_ more transparent in GitHub Workflow (#438)
   * Now lists all files built, time to build each, transpilers used, and PipeScript factor.
   * Auto Installs simple #requires in build files (#491)
 * Update-PipeScript uses AST Based Offsets (#439)
 * New-PipeScript
   * Making Description/Synopis ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName (#453)
   * Adding -InputObject parameter.
   * Making -Parameter _much_ more open-ended (#454)
   * Improving Reflection Support (#467)
   * Allowing -Parameter as `[CommandInfo]`/`[CommandMetaData]` (#477)
   * Supporting DefaultValue/ValidValue (Fixes #473)
   * Adding -Verb/-Noun (#468)
 * Invoke-PipeScript
   * Improving Positional Attribute Parameters (Fixes #70)
   * Clarifying 'Transpiler Not Found' Messages (#484)  

* Sentence Parsing Support
 * Improving Mutliword alias support (#444)
 * Adding Clause.ParameterValues (#445)
 * Allowing N words to be skipped (#479)

* 'All' Improvements
 * Expanding Syntax for 'All' (#436)
 * Compacting generating code (#440)
 * Adding Greater Than / Less Than aliases (#446)
 * Enabling 'should' (#448)
 * 'all applications in $path' (#475)  

* New Transpilers:
 * ValidValues (#451)
 * Adding WhereMethod (#465)
 * Adding ArrowOperator/ Lambdas ! (#464)

* Extended Type Improvements
 * VariableExpressionAst.GetVariableType - Enabling InvokeMemberExpression (#490)
 * CommandInfo.BlockComments - Resolving aliases (#487)
 * CommandInfo.GetHelpField - Skipping additional script blocks (Fixes #486)

* Minor Fixes:
 * Requires is now Quieter (#433)
 * Appending Unmapped Locations to Alias Namespace (Fixes #427)  
 * Fixing Examples in New-PipeScript (thanks @ninmonkey !)  
 * Namespaced Alias/Function - Not Transpiling if command found (#455)  
 * Automatically Testing Examples (greatly expanded test coverage) (#461)
 * Templates now report errors more accurately (#489)
 * Inherit - Fixing Abstract/Dynamic Inheritance (#480)
 * Include - Allowing Including URLs (#481)
 * Partial Functions will not join their headers (#483)
Additional history in [CHANGELOG](https://pipescript.start-automating.com/CHANGELOG)


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.2.8 2,875 2/19/2024
0.2.7 986 12/18/2023
0.2.6 (current version) 112 6/29/2023
0.2.5 28 4/27/2023
0.2.4 11 3/31/2023
0.2.3 23 3/12/2023
0.2.2 35 12/24/2022
0.2.1 22 11/16/2022
0.2 9 11/14/2022
0.1.9 16 11/7/2022
0.1.8 14 10/21/2022
0.1.7 14 10/9/2022
0.1.6 11 10/8/2022
0.1.5 20 9/22/2022
0.1.4 22 9/19/2022
0.1.3 18 9/15/2022
0.1.2 13 9/8/2022
0.1.1 19 8/8/2022
0.1 15 8/1/2022
0.0.14 11 7/31/2022
0.0.13 16 7/26/2022
0.0.12 11 7/24/2022
0.0.11 15 7/20/2022
0.0.9 14 7/15/2022
0.0.8 13 7/10/2022
0.0.7 14 7/4/2022
0.0.6 12 7/2/2022
0.0.5 14 6/29/2022
0.0.4 12 6/28/2022
0.0.3 16 6/22/2022
0.0.2 11 6/21/2022
0.0.1 12 6/21/2022
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