
    CSS Template Transpiler.
    Allows PipeScript to generate CSS.

    Multiline comments with /*{}*/ will be treated as blocks of PipeScript.

    Multiline comments can be preceeded or followed by 'empty' syntax, which will be ignored.

    The CSS Inline Transpiler will consider the following syntax to be empty:

    * ```(?<q>["'])\#[a-f0-9]{3}(\k<q>)```
    * ```\#[a-f0-9]{6}```
    * ```[\d\.](?>pt|px|em)```
    * ```auto```
    .> {
        $StyleSheet = @'
MyClass {
    text-color: "#000000" /*{
"'red'", "'green'","'blue'" | Get-Random

    .> .\StyleSheet.ps1.css

# The command information. This will include the path to the file.

# If set, will return the information required to dynamically apply this template to any text.

# A dictionary of parameters.

# A list of arguments.

begin {
    # We start off by declaring a number of regular expressions:
    $startComment = '/\*' # * Start Comments ```\*```
    $endComment   = '\*/' # * End Comments ```/*```
    $Whitespace   = '[\s\n\r]{0,}'
    $ignoreEach = '[''"]{0,1}\#[a-f0-9]{6}[''"]{0,1}', 

    $IgnoredContext = "(?<ignore>(?>$($ignoreEach -join '|'))\s{0,}){0,1}"
    # * StartRegex ```$IgnoredContext + $StartComment + '{' + $Whitespace```
    $startRegex = "(?<PSStart>${IgnoredContext}${startComment}\{$Whitespace)"
    # * EndRegex ```$whitespace + '}' + $EndComment + $ignoredContext```
    $endRegex   = "(?<PSEnd>$Whitespace\}${endComment}\s{0,}${IgnoredContext})"
    # Create a splat containing arguments to the core inline transpiler
    $Splat      = [Ordered]@{
        StartPattern  = $startRegex
        EndPattern    = $endRegex

process {
    # If we have been passed a command
    if ($CommandInfo) {
        # add parameters related to the file.
        $Splat.SourceFile = $commandInfo.Source -as [IO.FileInfo]
        $Splat.SourceText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($commandInfo.Source)
    if ($Parameter)    { $splat.Parameter = $Parameter }
    if ($ArgumentList) { $splat.ArgumentList = $ArgumentList }
    $Splat.Begin = {
        filter OutputCSS($depth) {
            $in = $_ # Capture the input object into a variable.
            if ($in -is [string]) { # If the input was a string
                return $in # directly embed it.
            elseif ($in -is [object[]]) { # If the input was an array
                # pipe back to ourself (increasing the depth)
                @($in | & $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock -Depth ($depth + 1)) -join [Environment]::NewLine
            else { # Otherwise
                # we want to treat everything as a dictionary
                $inDictionary = [Ordered]@{}
                # so take any object that isn't a dictionary
                if ($in -isnot [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                    # and make it one.
                    foreach ($prop in $ {
                        $inDictionary[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
                } else {
                    $inDictionary += $in
                # Then walk over each key/valye in the dictionary
                $innerCss = $(@(foreach ($kv in $inDictionary.GetEnumerator()) {                            
                    if ($kv.Value -isnot [string]) {
                        $kv.Key + ' ' + "$($kv.Value |
                            & $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock -Depth ($depth + 1))"
                    else {
                        $kv.Key + ':' + $kv.Value
                }) -join (
                    ';' + [Environment]::NewLine + (' ' * 2 * ($depth))
                $(if ($depth){'{'} else {''}) + 
                    [Environment]::NewLine + 
                    (' ' * 2 * ($depth)) + 
                    $innerCss + 
                    [Environment]::NewLine + 
                    (' ' * 2 * ([Math]::max($depth - 1,0))) +
                    $(if ($depth){'}'} else {''})
    $Splat.ForeachObject = {
        $_ | OutputCSS        
    # If we are being used within a keyword,
    if ($AsTemplateObject) {
        $splat # output the parameters we would use to evaluate this file.
    } else {
        # Otherwise, call the core template transpiler
        .>PipeScript.Template @Splat # and output the changed file.