
#!/usr/bin/env powershell
using namespace System.Collections.Generic

# A convoluted way of loading the right assembly
# On PowerShell Core the assembly is loaded from disk
# Otherwise that fails, and we compile it here
if(!("PowerLine.Prompt" -as [Type])) {
    Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot PowerLine.cs)

if(!$PowerLinePrompt) {
    [PowerLine.Prompt]$Script:PowerLinePrompt = @(,@(
        @{ bg = "Cyan";     fg = "White"; text = { $MyInvocation.HistoryId } },
        @{ bg = "DarkBlue"; fg = "White"; text = { $pwd } }
    # Get-Location -Stack doesn't work when we define the scriptblock in the module -- not sure why
    # [PowerLine.Block]@{ bg = "cyan"; fg = "white"; text = { if($pushd = (Get-Location -Stack).count) { "»" + $pushd } } }

function Get-Elapsed {
        Get the time span elapsed during the execution of command (by default the previous command)
        Calls Get-History to return a single command and returns the difference between the Start and End execution time

        # The command ID to get the execution time for (defaults to the previous command)

        # A Timespan format pattern such as "{0:ss\.ffff}"
        [string]$Format = "{0:h\:mm\:ss\.ffff}"
    $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Format")
    $LastCommand = Get-History -Count 1 @PSBoundParameters
    if(!$LastCommand) { return "" }
    $Duration = $LastCommand.EndExecutionTime - $LastCommand.StartExecutionTime
    $Format -f $Duration

function Test-Success {
        Get a value indicating whether the last command succeeded or not



function Test-Elevation {
        Get a value indicating whether the process is elevated (running as administrator)


    [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Owner -eq 'S-1-5-32-544'

function New-PowerLineBlock {
            Create PowerLine.Blocks with variable background colors
            Allows changing the foreground and background colors based on elevation or success.

            Tests elevation fist, and then whether the last command was successful, so if you pass separate colors for each, the Elevated*Color will be used when PowerShell is running as administrator and there is no error. The Error*Color will be used whenever there's an error, whether it's elevated or not.
            New-PowerLineBlock (Get-Elapsed) -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkBlue -ErrorBackground DarkRed -ElevatedForegroundColor Yellow

            This example shows the time elapsed executing the last command in White on a DarkBlue background, but switches the text to yellow if elevated, and the background to red on error.

        # The text, object, or scriptblock to show as output
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]

        # The foreground color to use when the last command succeeded

        # The background color to use when the last command succeeded

        # The foreground color to use when the process is elevated (running as administrator)

        # The background color to use when the process is elevated (running as administrator)

        # The foreground color to use when the last command failed

        # The background color to use when the last command failed
    $output = [PowerLine.BlockFactory]@{
        Object = $Object
    # Always set the defaults first, if they're provided
    if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ForegroundColor")) {
        $output.DefaultForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor
    if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("BackgroundColor")) {
        $output.DefaultBackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor

    # If it's elevated, and they passed the elevated color ...
    if(Test-Elevation) {
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ElevatedForegroundColor")) {
            $output.DefaultForegroundColor = $ElevatedForegroundColor
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ElevatedBackgroundColor")) {
            $output.DefaultBackgroundColor = $ElevatedBackgroundColor

    # If it failed, and they passed an error color ...
    if(!(Test-Success)) {
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ErrorForegroundColor")) {
            $output.DefaultForegroundColor = $ErrorForegroundColor
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ErrorBackgroundColor")) {
            $output.DefaultBackgroundColor = $ErrorBackgroundColor


function Get-ShortenedPath {
        $Path = $pwd,


        $MaximumLength = [int]::MaxValue

    if ($MaximumLength -le 0) {
        return [string]::Empty

    if ($RelativeToHome -and $Path.ToLower().StartsWith($Home.ToLower())) {
        $Path = '~' + $Path.Substring($Home.Length)

    if (($MaximumLength -gt 0) -and ($Path.Length -gt $MaximumLength)) {
        $Path = $Path.Substring($Path.Length - $MaximumLength)
        if ($Path.Length -gt 3) {
            $Path = "..." + $Path.Substring(3)


function Set-PowerLinePrompt {
    # Set the default PowerLine prompt function which uses the $PowerLinePrompt variable
    # Overwrites the current prompt function with one that uses the PowerLinePrompt variable
    # Note that this doesn't try to preserve any changes already made to the prompt by modules like ZLocation
    # Set-PowerLinePrompt -CurrentDirectory
    # Sets the powerline prompt and activates and option supported by this prompt function to update the .Net environment with the current directory each time the prompt runs.
    # Set-PowerLinePrompt -PowerLineFont
    # Sets the powerline prompt using the actual PowerLine font characters, and ensuring that we're using the default characters. Note that you can still change the characters used to separate blocks in the PowerLine output after running this, by setting the static members of [PowerLine.Prompt] like Separator and ColorSeparator...
    # Set-PowerLinePrompt -ResetSeparators
    # Sets the powerline prompt and forces the use of "safe" separator characters. You can still change the characters used to separate blocks in the PowerLine output after running this, by setting the static members of [PowerLine.Prompt] like Separator and ColorSeparator...
    # Set-PowerLinePrompt -UseAnsiEscapes
    # Sets the powerline prompt and forces the use of ANSI escape sequences in the string output (rather than Write-Host) to change colors, regardless of what we're able to detect about the console.
        # A script which outputs a string used to update the Window Title each time the prompt is run

        # Keep the .Net Current Directory in sync with PowerShell's

        # If true, set the [PowerLine.Prompt] static members to extended characters from PowerLine fonts

        # If true, set the [PowerLine.Prompt] static members to characters available in Consolas and Courier New

        # If true, override the default testing for ANSI consoles and force the use of Escape Sequences rather than Write-Host
        [switch]$UseAnsiEscapes = $($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -or $Env:ConEmuANSI -eq "ON")
    if($null -eq $script:OldPrompt) {
        $script:OldPrompt = $function:global:prompt
        $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.OnRemove = {
            $function:global:prompt = $script:OldPrompt
    if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Title")) {
        $global:PowerLinePrompt.Title = $Title
    if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CurrentDirectory")) {
        $global:PowerLinePrompt.SetCurrentDirectory = $CurrentDirectory

    $global:PowerLinePrompt.UseAnsiEscapes = $UseAnsiEscapes

    if($ResetSeparators -or ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PowerLineFont") -and !$PowerLineFont) ) {
        # Use characters that at least work in Consolas
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::ColorSeparator  = [char]0x258C
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::ReverseColorSeparator = [char]0x2590
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::Separator  = [char]0x25BA
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::ReverseSeparator = [char]0x25C4
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::Branch   = [char]0x00A7
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::Gear     = [char]0x263C
    if($PowerLineFont) {
        # Make sure we're using the PowerLine custom use extended characters:
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::ColorSeparator = [char]0xe0b0
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::ReverseColorSeparator = [char]0xe0b2
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::Separator = [char]0xe0b1
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::ReverseSeparator = [char]0xe0b3
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::Branch   = [char]0xE0A0
        [PowerLine.Prompt]::Gear     = [char]0x26EF

    $function:global:prompt =  {

        # FIRST, make a note if there was an error in the previous command
        [bool]$script:LastSuccess = $?

        try {
            if($PowerLinePrompt.Title) {
                $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo( (& $PowerLinePrompt.Title), [string] )
            if($PowerLinePrompt.SetCurrentDirectory) {
                # Make sure Windows & .Net know where we are
                # They can only handle the FileSystem, and not in .Net Core
                [System.IO.Directory]::SetCurrentDirectory( (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath )
        } catch {}

        if($PowerLinePrompt.UseAnsiEscapes) {
        } else {
            Write-Host "No PowerLine for you! `$Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal is false, and `$Env:ConEmuANSI` is not 'ON'" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
            return "> "

Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-PowerLinePrompt, Get-Elapsed, Get-ShortenedPath, Test-Success, Test-Elevation, New-PowerLineBlock -Variable PowerLinePrompt