
# Consolidated resource for MOF generation
# IISObject must include WebsiteName + WebAppPool - Get-Website -> foreach($i in $sites) {(inv-cmd -comp $serv -scr {get-website $i}).applicationpool}
# SQLObject must include SqlVersion, SqlRole, ServerInstance, Database







DynamicParam {
    $ParameterName = 'Role'
    $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
    $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
    $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
    $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
    $roleSet = @(Import-CSV "$(Split-Path $PsCommandPath)\Roles.csv" -Header Role | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Role)
    $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($roleSet)
    $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string[]], $AttributeCollection)
    $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
    return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

    #Bound the dynamic parameter to a new Variable
    $Role = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]


    if($null -ne $LogPath -and $LogPath -ne "")
        Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Starting mof generation for $ComputerName"

    Configuration PowerSTIG
        Import-DscResource -ModuleName PowerStig -ModuleVersion 3.2.0

        Node $ComputerName
            # Org Settings will always be passed. Log file will be used.
            # Question will be if skip rule will be
            # if Skip rule is not empty/null do 1 else do 2
                "WindowsServer-DC" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding DomainController Configuration"
                    WindowsServer DomainController
                        OsVersion       = $OsVersion
                        OsRole          = 'DC'
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "WindowsServer-DC" -OSVersion $osVersion)
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "WindowsDNSServer" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding DNS Configuration"
                    WindowsDnsServer DNS
                        OsVersion       = $OsVersion
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "WindowsDNSServer" -OSVersion $osVersion)
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "WindowsServer-MS" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding MemberServer Configuration"
                    WindowsServer MemberServer
                        OsVersion       = $OsVersion
                        OsRole          = 'MS'
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "WindowsServer-MS" -OSVersion $osVersion)
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "InternetExplorer" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding InternetExplorer Configuration"
                    InternetExplorer IE
                        BrowserVersion  = '11'
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "InternetExplorer")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "WindowsFirewall" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding FireWall Configuration"
                    WindowsFirewall Firewall
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "WindowsFirewall")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "WindowsClient" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding Windows10 Configuration"
                    WindowsClient Client
                        OsVersion       = '10'
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "WindowsClient" -OSVersion "10")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "OracleJRE" {
                    #continue until this is finalized - must find config and properties path
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding OracleJRE Configuration"
                    OracleJRE JRE
                        ConfigPath      = $ConfigPath
                        PropertiesPath  = $PropertiesPath
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "OracleJRE")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "IISServer" {
                    #continue until this is finalized - must find app pool website relationships
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding IIS Configuration"
                    IisServer IIS-Server-$ComputerName
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "IISServer")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                    IisSite IIS-Site-$WebsiteName
                        WebsiteName     = $WebsiteName
                        WebAppPool      = $WebAppPool
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "IISSite")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "SqlServer-2012-Database" {
                    #continue until finalized, must find instance and database relationships
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding SQL Configuration"
                    SqlServer Sql-$Database
                        SqlVersion      = $SqlVersion
                        SqlRole         = $SqlRole
                        ServerInstance  = $SqlInstance
                        Database        = $Database
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "SqlServer-2012-Database")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "Outlook2013" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding Outlook2013 Configuration"
                    Office Outlook
                        OfficeApp       = "Outlook2013"
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "Outlook2013")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding PowerPoint2013 Configuration"
                    Office PowerPoint
                        OfficeApp       = "PowerPoint2013"
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "PowerPoint2013")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "Excel2013" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding Excel2013 Configuration"
                    Office Excel
                        OfficeApp       = "Excel2013"
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "Excel2013")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "Word2013" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding Word2013 Configuration"
                    Office Word
                        OfficeApp       = "Word2013"
                        StigVersion     = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "Word2013")
                        OrgSettings     = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "FireFox" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding FireFox Configuration"
                        $installDirectory = (Get-PowerStigFireFoxDirectory -ServerName $ComputerName)
                        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][FireFoxDSC][ERROR]:$_"

                    if($null -eq $installDirectory -or $installDirectory -eq "")
                        Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][FireFoxDSC][ERROR]:Could not find FireFox install directory."
                    FireFox Firefox
                        StigVersion         = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "FireFox")
                        InstallDirectory    = $installDirectory
                        OrgSettings         = $OrgSettingsFilePath
                "DotNetFramework" {
                    Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Time):[$ComputerName][Info]: Adding DotNet Configuration"
                    DotNetFramework DotNet
                        FrameworkVersion    = 'DotNet4'
                        StigVersion         = (Get-PowerStigXMLVersion -Role "DotNetFramework")
                        OrgSettings         = $OrgSettingsFilePath
