
    CN01 - Get-PowerStigSqlConfig
    CN02 - Set-PowerStigSqlConfig
    CN03 - Get-PowerStigConfig
    CN04 - Set-PowerStigConfig

#region Private

#endregion Private

#region Public
Command to retrieve configuration data from the PowerStig database

Retrieves information from the ConfigData table in the PowerStig database. This can only retrieve one configuration setting at a time.

.PARAMETER SqlInstance
SQL instance name that hosts the PowerStig database. If empty, this will use the settings in the ModuleBase\Common\config.ini file.

.PARAMETER DatabaseName
Name of the database that hosts the PowerStig tables. If empty, this will use the settings in the ModuleBase\Common\config.ini file.

Get-PowerStigSqlConfig -SqlInstance TestSQL01 -DatabaseName Master -OutputFileLoc

Get-PowerStigSqlConfig -OutputFileLoc


function Get-PowerStigSqlConfig


    $workingPath                = Split-Path $PsCommandPath
    $iniVar                     = Import-PowerStigConfig -configFilePath $workingPath\Config.ini

    if($null -eq $sqlInstance -or $sqlInstance -eq '')
        $sqlInstance = $iniVar.SqlInstanceName
    if($null -eq $DatabaseName -or $DatabaseName -eq '')
        $DatabaseName = $iniVar.DatabaseName

        "1"     { $checkConfig = "ORGsettingXML" }
        "2"     { $checkConfig = "FindingRepoTableRetentionDays" }
        "3"     { $checkConfig = "LastComplianceCheckAlert" }
        "4"     { $checkConfig = "LastComplianceCheckInDays" }
        "5"     { $checkConfig = "LastComplianceCheckAlertRecipients" }
        "6"     { $checkConfig = "ScanImportErrorLogRetentionDays" }
        "7"     { $checkConfig = "ScanImportLogRetentionDays" }
        "8"     { $checkConfig = "ScanLogRetentionDays" }
        "9"     { $checkConfig = "ComplianceCheckLogTableRetentionDays" }
        "10"    { $checkConfig = "FindingImportFilesTableRetentionDays" }
        "11"    { $checkConfig = "MailProfileName" }


    $Query = "powerstig.sproc_GetConfigSetting @ConfigProperty = $checkConfig"
        Write-Host $Query
    $Results = Invoke-PowerStigSqlCommand -Query $Query -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName

    return $Results

Command to allow changes to the configuration database for PowerStig

Allows for changes to the ConfigData table in the PowerStig database. This can only impact one configuration setting at a time.

.PARAMETER SqlInstance
SQL instance name that hosts the PowerStig database. If empty, this will use the settings in the ModuleBase\Common\config.ini file.

.PARAMETER DatabaseName
Name of the database that hosts the PowerStig tables. If empty, this will use the settings in the ModuleBase\Common\config.ini file.

Set-PowerStigSqlConfig -SqlInstance TestSQL01 -DatabaseName Master -OutputFileLoc C:\Temp\CSV

Set-PowerStigSqlConfig -OutputFileLoc C:\Temp\CSV


function Set-PowerStigSqlConfig


    $workingPath                = Split-Path $PsCommandPath
    $iniVar                     = Import-PowerStigConfig -configFilePath $workingPath\Config.ini

    if($null -eq $sqlInstance -or $sqlInstance -eq '')
        $sqlInstance = $iniVar.SqlInstanceName
    if($null -eq $DatabaseName -or $DatabaseName -eq '')
        $DatabaseName = $iniVar.DatabaseName

    #Switch ParameterSet since each stored procedure can only handle a single change
    #TODO switch to a foreach loop per parameter
        "1"     { 
                    $setConfig = "ORGsettingXML" 
                    $newConfig = $ORGsettingXML
        "2"     { 
                    $setConfig = "FindingRepoTableRetentionDays"
                    $newConfig = $FindingRepoTableRetentionDays
        "3"     { 
                    $setConfig = "LastComplianceCheckAlert" 
                    $newConfig = $LastComplianceCheckAlert
        "4"     { 
                    $setConfig = "LastComplianceCheckInDays"
                    $newConfig = $LastComplianceCheckInDays 
        "5"     { 
                    $setConfig = "LastComplianceCheckAlertRecipients" 
                    $newConfig = $LastComplianceCheckAlertRecipients
        "6"     { 
                    $setConfig = "ScanImportErrorLogRetentionDays" 
                    $newConfig = $ScanImportErrorLogRetentionDays  
        "7"     { 
                    $setConfig = "ScanImportLogRetentionDays" 
                    $newConfig = $ScanImportLogRetentionDays
        "8"     { 
                    $setConfig = "ScanLogRetentionDays" 
                    $newConfig = $ScanLogRetentionDays
        "9"     { 
                    $setConfig = "ComplianceCheckLogTableRetentionDays" 
                    $newConfig = $ComplianceCheckLogTableRetentionDays
        "10"    { 
                    $setConfig = "FindingImportFilesTableRetentionDays" 
                    $newConfig = $FindingImportFilesTableRetentionDays
        "11"    { 
                    $setConfig = "MailProfileName" 
                    $newConfig = $MailProfileName

    # ' is escaped around $newConfig to prevent issues with Strings being passed, removal will cause filepaths to parse incorrectly
    $Query = "powerstig.sproc_UpdateConfig @ConfigProperty = $($setConfig), @NewConfigSetting = `'$newConfig`'"
        Write-Host $Query
    $Results = Invoke-PowerStigSqlCommand -Query $Query -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName

    return $Results



function Get-PowerStigConfig
    $workingPath = Split-Path $PsCommandPath
    $iniVar = Import-PowerStigConfig -configFilePath $workingPath\Config.ini

    $configObject = New-Object PSobject
    Add-Member -InputObject $configObject -NotePropertyName "CKLOutPath" -NotePropertyValue $iniVar.CKLOutPath
    Add-Member -InputObject $configObject -NotePropertyName "LogPath" -NotePropertyValue $iniVar.LogPath
    Add-Member -InputObject $configObject -NotePropertyName "ConcurrentScans" -NotePropertyValue $iniVar.ConcurrentScans
    Add-Member -InputObject $configObject -NotePropertyName "ScapProfile" -NotePropertyValue $iniVar.ScapProfile
    Add-Member -InputObject $configObject -NotePropertyName "ScapInstallDir" -NotePropertyValue $iniVar.ScapInstallDir
    Add-Member -InputObject $configObject -NotePropertyName "SQLInstanceName" -NotePropertyValue $iniVar.SQLInstanceName
    Add-Member -InputObject $configObject -NotePropertyName "DatabaseName" -NotePropertyValue $iniVar.DatabaseName

    Return $configObject



function Set-PowerStigConfig




    # Pull the current config to cover any unchanged parameter
    $workingObj = Get-PowerStigConfig

    #check each potential parameter, if they are used check to make sure there is an ending dash then write the value
    #to the working object. Working Object will be used to generate the final config file
    if($CKLOutPath -ne '')
        if (!($CKLOutPath.EndsWith("\")))
            $CKLOutPath = $CKLOutPath + "\"
        $workingObj.CKLOutPath = $CKLOutPath
    if($LogPath -ne '')
        if (!($LogPath.EndsWith("\")))
            $LogPath = $LogPath + "\"
        $workingObj.LogPath = $LogPath
    if($ScapInstallDir -ne '')
            $ScapInstallDir = $ScapInstallDir + "\"
        $workingObj.ScapInstallDir = $ScapInstallDir
    if($SQLInstanceName -ne '')
        $workingObj.SQLInstanceName = $SQLInstanceName
    if($DatabaseName -ne '')
        $workingObj.DatabaseName = $DatabaseName
    if($ScapProfile -ne '')
        $workingObj.ScapProfile = $ScapProfile
    if($ConcurrentScans -ne '')
        $workingObj.ConcurrentScans = $ConcurrentScans

    $someFile += "; All Entries are space sensitive. Further versions will fix input validation.`r`n"
    $someFile += "; Concurrent scan option is only used here if you are running a standalone function`r`n"
    $someFile += "; else it falls back to SQL configuration`r`n"
    $someFile += "`r`n"
    $someFile += "[general]`r`n"
    $someFile += "CKLOutPath=$($workingObj.CKLOutPath)`r`n"
    $someFile += "LogPath=$($workingObj.LogPath)`r`n"
    $someFile += "ConcurrentScans=$($workingObj.ConcurrentScans)`r`n"
    $someFile += "`r`n"
    $someFile += "[SCAP]`r`n"
    $someFile += "ScapProfile=$($WorkingObj.ScapProfile)`r`n"
    $someFile += "ScapInstallDir=$($workingObj.ScapInstallDir)`r`n"
    $someFile += "`r`n"
    $someFile += "[database]`r`n"
    $someFile += "SQLInstanceName=$($workingObj.SQLInstanceName)`r`n"
    $someFile += "DatabaseName=$($workingObj.DatabaseName)`r`n"

    $workingPath = Split-Path $PsCommandPath
    $someFile | Out-File -FilePath $workingPath\Config.ini

Function Get-PowerStigOrgSettings




    DynamicParam {
        $ParameterName = 'Role'
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.ParameterSetName = 'Role'
        $roleSet = Import-CSV "$(Split-Path $PsCommandPath)\Roles.csv" -Header Role | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Role
        $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($roleSet)
        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary

        $Role = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName]


        $workingPath    = Split-Path $PsCommandPath
        $iniVar         = Import-PowerStigConfig -configFilePath $workingPath\Config.ini    

        if($null -eq $OutPath -or $OutPath -eq '')
            $OutPath = "$($iniVar.LogPath)\PSOrgSettings\$($Role)_org.xml"

        if($null -eq $sqlInstance -or $sqlInstance -eq '')
            $sqlInstance = $iniVar.SqlInstanceName
        if($null -eq $DatabaseName -or $DatabaseName -eq '')
            $DatabaseName = $iniVar.DatabaseName
        $generateOrgXML = "PowerSTIG.sproc_GenerateORGxml @OSName = `"$Version`", @ComplianceType = `"$Role`""
        [xml]$orgFile = (Invoke-PowerStigSqlCommand -SqlInstance $SqlInstanceName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -Query $GenerateOrgXML).OrgXML
        $orgFile.Save($OutPath) | Out-Null

#endregion Public