
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- View for displaying the AppMitigations object -->
        <!-- Control for displaying the DEPPolicy -->
                  <Text>Enable : </Text>
                  <Text>Disable ATL : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the ASLRPolicy -->
                  <Text>BottomUp : </Text>
                  <Text>ForceRelocate : </Text>
                  <Text>HighEntropy : </Text>
                  <Text>DisallowStripped : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the StrictHandlePolicy -->
                  <Text>RaiseExceptionOnInvalid : </Text>
                  <Text>HandleExceptionsPermanently : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the SystemCallPolicy -->
                  <Text>DisallowWin32kSysCalls : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the ExtensionPointPolicy -->
                  <Text>DisableExtensionPoints : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the DynamicCodePolicy -->
                  <Text>ProhibitDynamicCode : </Text>
                  <Text>AllowThreadOpt : </Text>
                  <Text>AllowRemoteDowngrade : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the CFGPolicy -->
                  <Text>EnableCFG : </Text>
                  <Text>EnableExportSuppression : </Text>
                  <Text>StrictMode : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the BinarySignaturePolicy -->
                  <Text>MicrosoftSignedOnly : </Text>
                  <Text>StoreSignedOnly : </Text>
                  <Text>MitigationOptIn : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the FontDisablePolicy -->
                  <Text>DisableNonSystemFonts : </Text>
                  <Text>AuditNonSystemFontLoading : </Text>
        <!-- Control for displaying the ImageLoadPolicy -->
                  <Text>NoRemoteImages : </Text>
                  <Text>NoLowMandatoryLabelImages : </Text>
                  <Text>PreferSystem32Images : </Text>
    <!-- Main display for AppMitigations -->
            <!-- Display properties from the AppMitigations Object -->
              <Text>ProcessName: </Text>
              <Text>Source : </Text>
              <Text>Id : </Text>
              <Text>System Call:</Text>