
    PowerShell data (psd1) tool kit
    The module provides the following commands:
    - Data persistence via PowerShell data (psd1) files:
        - ConvertTo-Psd - Converts objects to psd1 strings.
        - Import-Psd - Imports objects from a psd1 file.
    - Updates of psd1 files preserving comments and structure:
        - Convert-PsdToXml - Converts a psd1 string to PSD-XML.
        - Convert-XmlToPsd - Converts PSD-XML to a psd1 string.
        - Export-PsdXml - Exports PSD-XML to a psd1 file.
        - Import-PsdXml - Imports a psd1 file as PSD-XML.
        - Get-PsdXml - Gets the PSD-XML node value.
        - Set-PsdXml - Sets the PSD-XML node value.
    PSD-XML import/export scenarios:
        - Expressions except values and casts are not supported.
        - New lines, comments, and separators are preserved.
        - Spaces and tabs are not necessarily preserved.
        - The order of values is preserved.
        - Supported value types:
            - String
                single quoted '' or single quoted here-string @''@
                other strings are converted to one of single quoted
            - Number
                numbers with optional hex notation and suffixes
            - Variable
                $null, $true, $false
                other variables are supported but unusual in psd1
            - Table
                `key=value` separated by new lines or semicolons
            - Array
                @() with new line and comma separated values
            - Cast
                Expressions like [DateTime] '2018-01-01'
    PSD-XML get/set scenarios:
        Get-PsdXml and Set-PsdXml work well if you compose the changeable
        parts of psd1 properly. Namely:
            - avoid comments
            - avoid commas, use @() and separate values by new lines
            - avoid semicolons, separate hashtable items by new lines
        In this case, you get and set normal PowerShell data, you do not have
        to know the details of PSD-XML, except some simple XPath expressions,
        often the same 'Data/Table/Item[@Key="..."]'.
        Other parts of psd1 files (not supposed to be changed by scripts) are
        composed as you like, everything except some space formatting is kept
        when you change data and save.
    Write and read psd1 log file
        # Append log records several times
        @{time = Get-Date; text = ...} | ConvertTo-Psd | Add-Content log.psd1
        # Read log records
        Import-Psd log.psd1
    Change the version in a psd1 module manifest
        # Read psd1 as PSD-XML
        $xml = Import-PsdXml $FilePath
        # Set the new version
        Set-PsdXml $xml 1.0.2 'Data/Table/Item[@Key="ModuleVersion"]'
        # Save changed PSD-XML
        Export-PsdXml $FilePath $xml
    Convert JSON to psd1
        $Host | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 1 | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Psd
        The root node.
            Indent: inferred non-default indent (two spaces or one tab)
                    or some custom indent used as default on exporting
            String, Number, Variable, Cast, Array, Table,
            Comment, NewLine, Comma, Semicolon
            Type: "1" ~ single quoted here-string
            string value
            number value
            variable name without `$`
            Type: type literal, e.g. `[DateTime]`
            String, Number, Variable
        Array nodes for `@()`.
            same as <Data>
        Hashtable nodes for `@{}`.
            Item, Comment, NewLine, Semicolon
        Hashtable item for `key = value`.
            Key: hashtable key value
                "" ~ usual not quoted string key
                "String" ~ quoted string key
                "Number" ~ numeric key
            same as <Data>
            comment text including `#` or `<# #>`
        Empty nodes representing separators.