

The RoyalDocument.PowerShell module provides easy manipulation of Royal TS/X documents (Royal TS/X is a cross-platform remote connection management tool). New documents can be created and existing documents can be modified. The module also provides a number of cmdlets to create, update or delete connections, folders, tasks, credentials and more.

   For support: h
The RoyalDocument.PowerShell module provides easy manipulation of Royal TS/X documents (Royal TS/X is a cross-platform remote connection management tool). New documents can be created and existing documents can be modified. The module also provides a number of cmdlets to create, update or delete connections, folders, tasks, credentials and more.

   For support:
   For more information:
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name RoyalDocument.PowerShell

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name RoyalDocument.PowerShell

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2023 Royal Apps GmbH. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Royal Apps GmbH


RoyalTS RoyalTSX RoyalDocument Windows MacOS Linux RoyalApps


Desktop Core


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes


  • RoyalDocument.PowerShell.nuspec
  • netstandard2.0\Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll
  • netstandard2.0\Microsoft.Extensions.Options.dll
  • netstandard2.0\Rebex.Zip.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.PowerShell.deps.json
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.SecurityInterface.pdb
  • netstandard2.0\System.Buffers.dll
  • netstandard2.0\System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
  • RoyalDocument.PowerShell.psd1
  • netstandard2.0\Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll
  • netstandard2.0\Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalApps.Extensions.Logging.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.PowerShell.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.SecurityInterfaceLegacy.dll
  • netstandard2.0\System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll
  • netstandard2.0\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
  • RoyalDocument.PowerShell.psm1
  • netstandard2.0\Microsoft.Extensions.Http.dll
  • netstandard2.0\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalCommon.Server.RoyalServer.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.PowerShell.dll-Help.xml
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.SecurityInterfaceLegacy.pdb
  • netstandard2.0\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
  • netstandard2.0\System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
  • netstandard2.0\
  • netstandard2.0\Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
  • netstandard2.0\Rebex.Common.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalCommon.Server.RoyalServer.pdb
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.PowerShell.pdb
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalUtils.dll
  • netstandard2.0\System.Management.Automation.dll
  • netstandard2.0\System.Text.Json.dll
  • netstandard2.0\Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
  • netstandard2.0\Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll
  • netstandard2.0\Rebex.Security.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalDocument.SecurityInterface.dll
  • netstandard2.0\RoyalUtils.pdb
  • netstandard2.0\System.Memory.dll
  • netstandard2.0\System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll

Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
7.0.50821 (current version) 18,550 8/21/2023
6.1.51019 6,491 10/19/2022
6.1.50502 1,398 5/2/2022
6.0.60304 525 3/4/2022
6.0.50712 20,517 7/12/2021
6.0.50709 43 7/9/2021
6.0.50702 79 7/2/2021
6.0.20419-be... 43 4/19/2021
5.2.60224.0 1,463 2/24/2020
5.1.61201.0 530 1/7/2020
5.1.61128.0 162 11/28/2019
5.0.61706.0 667 5/7/2019
5.0.61501.0 42 5/6/2019
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