

This project contains Windows PowerShell modules that allow you to easily interact with the SDL Tridion / SDL Web content management system and perform various administrative tasks. Currently supported Tridion versions: 2011 SP1, 2013 GA, 2013 SP1 and Web 8.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Tridion-CoreService -RequiredVersion 2.4.1

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Tridion-CoreService -Version 2.4.1

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More


Package Details


  • Peter Kjaer


Convert-TridionApplicationData Get-TridionApplicationData Set-TridionApplicationData Remove-TridionApplicationData GetCoreServiceBinding NewAssemblyInstance GetClientCredentialType SetCredential SetImpersonateUser Get-TridionCoreServiceClient Close-TridionCoreServiceClient GetPublicationTargets Get-TridionItem Get-TridionPublication Get-TridionPublicationTarget New-TridionItem New-TridionPublication Remove-TridionItem Test-TridionItem Publish-TridionItem Unpublish-TridionItem Get-TridionPublishTransaction Remove-TridionPublishTransaction AddSettingIfMissing RemoveSettingIfPresent GetDefaultSettings GetSettings GetModuleVersion ConvertOldSettings RestoreSettings PersistSettings GetHostWithoutPort ValidateTimeoutSetting Get-TridionCoreServiceSettings Set-TridionCoreServiceSettings Clear-TridionCoreServiceSettings GetCurrentUser GetTridionUsers GetTridionGroups AddPublicationScope AddGroupMembership Get-TridionUser Get-TridionGroup New-TridionGroup New-TridionUser Disable-TridionUser Enable-TridionUser


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

- Most cmdlets and their parameters have been reviewed and adjusted to fit the "Strongly Encouraged Development Guidelines" from Microsoft (
 Aliases have been provided, so your existing scripts will likely continue to work.
 EXCEPTION: calling Get-TridionUser without parameters no longer returns the current user (see below).
- Added support for the PowerShell pipeline as input to most functions.
- Set-TridionCoreServiceSettings and Clear-TridionCoreServiceSettings now support -PassThru to return the updated settings.
- Get-TridionPublications have been renamed to Get-TridionPublication.
 - It now supports look-ups by ID and (partial) Title. This will return all Publications that match the given title.
 - The parameter 'Parents' has been renamed to 'Parent' and supports passing a single value or an array and the values may be strings (URIs) or objects (other Publications).
 - You may also set the parents using the pipeline (e.g. Get-TridionPublication -Title '500 Website *' | New-Publication -Title 'Inherits from all 500 Website Publications')
- Get-TridionUsers has been renamed to Get-TridionUser.
 - It now supports look-ups by ID, (partial) Title, (partial) Description, and a custom filtering script block. This will return all matching the criteria.
 - The -Filter parameter can now be piped into the method.
 - BREAKING CHANGE: When called without a parameter, it no longer returns the current user (but all users). To get the current user, specify the -Current switch.
- Get-TridionGroups has been renamed to Get-TridionGroup.
- Added support for basic HTTP connections to the Core Service (ConnectionType setting) and the ability to override the CredentialType (which also supports Basic now)
- Introduced Pester scripts to test the functionality and ensure backwards-compatibility. These are not installed but are run when code is checked into GitHub.
- Added a function to Unpublish items (Unpublish-TridionItem)
- Fixed an error during local installation that occurred if the My Documents folder does not exist.

Special thanks to Jacques Kors and @ronnqvistandreas for their contributions to this version.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.4.3 583 1/9/2020
2.4.2 416 7/20/2018
2.4.1 (current version) 177 1/5/2018 128 4/28/2017