

A PowerShell module for navigating web development projects

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name WebDevNavigator

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name WebDevNavigator

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2023 Forrest JB Hartley. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Forrest JB Hartley


Add-WebDevProject Get-WebDevProjects Open-WebDevProject Remove-WebDevProject Invoke-NantInit Restart-WebDevProject Import-WebDevProjects Export-WebDevProjects Open-WebDevSolution


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

WebDevNavigator PowerShell Module

WebDevNavigator is a PowerShell module that provides a simple way to manage and navigate between web development projects in Windows. This module allows you to:

-   Add new web projects to a list of tracked projects
-   Open a project in a code editor or file explorer
-   Navigate to a web development project's development or local web directory in PowerShell


-   Windows PowerShell 5.0 or later
-   Administrative privileges to install the module
-   IIS
-   [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/)
-   [Nant](https://nant.sourceforge.net/)


You can install this module from the PowerShell Gallery by running the following command in an elevated PowerShell session:

Install-Module -Name WebDevNavigator


### Adding a New Project

To add a new project to the list of tracked projects, use the `Add-WebDevProject` command with the project name, local development path, and web path:

Add-WebDevProject -Name "My Project" -DevPath "C:\src\myproject" -WebPath "myproject.local"

Note that the WebPath parameter assumes that the web server is running on the same machine as the local development environment, and that the web server root directory is located at `C:\inetpub\wwwroot`.

### Opening a Project

To open a project in a code editor or file explorer, use the `Open-WebDevProject` command with the project name and the appropriate switches:

Open-WebDevProject -ProjectName "My Project" -Code -Explore

This will open the project in Visual Studio Code and File Explorer.

### Navigating to a Project's Development or Local Web Directory

To navigate to a project's development or local web directory in PowerShell, use the `Open-WebDevProject` command with the project name.

Open-WebDevProject -ProjectName "My Project"

By default, using `Open-WebDevProject -ProjectName "My Project"` will `Set-Location` to the project's development directory.

Using the `-Local` switch will navigate to the project's IIS directory in PowerShell. You can also include `-Code` or `-Explore` when using this switch.

### Removing a Project
To remove a project from the list of tracked projects, use the Remove-WebDevProject command with the project name:

Remove-WebDevProject -Name "My Project"

This will remove the project from the list of tracked projects.

If you want to remove all tracked projects without confirmation, use the -Clean switch:

Remove-WebDevProject -Clean

You can also add the `-Force` flag with `-Clean`. Note that this will delete the projects file without prompting for confirmation. Use with caution.

### Restarting a Local Web Environment

To restart a tracked project site in IIS, use the `Restart-WebDevProject` command with the project name as a parameter.

Restart-WebDevProject -Name "My Project"

This assumes the website name in IIS and the web path are identical.

### Nant For Projects

Using `Invoke-NantInit` will execute `nant init -D:env=local` in the root development directory the specified project.

Invoke-NantInit -ProjectName "My Project"

This assumes Nant is being used for your web project and assumes a `nant.bat` is in the root of your development directory and `env=local` exists in your `build.xml`.

### Exporting projects

Exporting tracked projects is easy. Simply call `Export-WebDevProjects` and a .csv will be generated in your `~\Documents\WebDevProjects`.

### Importing Projects

You can import projects from .csv provided there is a header that includes `Name, DevPath, WebPath`

Import-WebDevProjects C:\Users\You\Documents\import.csv

Contributions are welcome! If you have a feature request, bug report, or would like to contribute code, feel free to create a pull request on [GitHub](https://github.com/bunchoftrees/WebDevNavigator).


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.2.2 (current version) 16 3/22/2023