
function Invoke-UrlUtility {
      Encodes or decodes a URL.
      The Invoke-UrlUtility function performs encoding or decoding of URLs. It uses the System.Net.WebUtility class to perform the operations. By default, it decodes URLs, but it can also encode them based on the action parameter.
      .PARAMETER Url
      Specifies the URL(s) to be encoded or decoded. This parameter accepts an array of strings and supports pipeline input.
      .PARAMETER Action
      Specifies the action to be performed on the URL(s). The valid actions are 'Encode' and 'Decode'. The default action is 'Decode'.
      Invoke-UrlUtility -Url ''
      This example decodes the URL ''.
      Invoke-UrlUtility -Url ' Scripts' -Action Encode
      This example encodes the URL ' Scripts'.
      '' | Invoke-UrlUtility
      This example demonstrates pipeline input, decoding the URL.
      You can pipe a string array to Invoke-UrlUtility.
      Invoke-UrlUtility returns the encoded or decoded URL(s).
      This function can handle multiple URLs at once if provided as an array or via pipeline input. It uses the .NET System.Net.WebUtility class for encoding and decoding.

    # Specifies the URL(s) to be encoded or decoded. This parameter accepts an array of strings and supports pipeline input.
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    # Specifies the action to be performed on the URL(s). The valid actions are 'Encode' and 'Decode'. The default action is 'Decode'.
    [ValidateSet('Decode', 'Encode')]
    [string]$Action = 'Decode'
  process {
    switch ($Action) {
      'Decode' {
        [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlDecode($Url) | Write-Output
      'Encode' {
        [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($Url) | Write-Output