
    Provisions a new sitefinity instance project.
    Gets latest from the branch, builds and starts a sitefinity instance with default admin user username:admin pass:admin@2. The local path where the project files are created is specified in the constants script file (EnvConstants.ps1).
    .PARAMETER name
    The name of the new sitefinity instance.
    .PARAMETER branch
    The tfs branch from which the Sitefinity source code is downloaded. It has predefined values that can be iterated by pressing tab repeatedly.
    .PARAMETER buildSolution
    Builds the solution after downloading from tfs.
    .PARAMETER startWebApp
    Starts webapp after building the solution.

function sf-proj-new {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$sourcePath,
        [string]$displayName = 'Untitled'

    if (!$sourcePath) {
        $sourcePath = _sf-proj-promptSourcePathSelect

    [SfProject]$newContext = _newSfProjectObject
    $newContext.displayName = $displayName

    _createProjectFilesFromSource -sourcePath $sourcePath -project $newContext
    if (!$newContext.webAppPath) {
        throw "Error creating the project. The project failed to initialize with web app path."

    _sf-proj-tags-setNewProjectDefaultTags -project $newContext
    _saveSelectedProject $newContext
    sf-proj-setCurrent $newContext        

    if (!$newContext.websiteName) {

    _createUserFriendlySlnName $newContext
    return $newContext

function sf-proj-clone {

    $context = sf-proj-getCurrent

    $sourcePath = $context.solutionPath;
    $hasSolution = !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sourcePath));
    if (!$hasSolution) {
        $sourcePath = $context.webAppPath

    if (!$sourcePath -or !(Test-Path $sourcePath)) {
        throw "Invalid app path";

    $targetDirectoryName = [Guid]::NewGuid()
    $targetPath = $GLOBAL:Sf.Config.projectsDirectory + "\$targetDirectoryName"
    if (Test-Path $targetPath) {
        throw "Path exists: ${targetPath}"

    try {
        Write-Information "Copying $sourcePath to $targetPath."
        New-Item $targetPath -ItemType Directory > $null
        Copy-Item "${sourcePath}\*" $targetPath -Recurse
    catch {
        $errors = "Error copying source files.`n $_";
        try {
            Remove-Item $targetPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorVariable +errors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        finally {
            throw $errors

    [SfProject]$newProject = $null
    [SfProject]$newProject = _newSfProjectObject
    $newProject.displayName = "$($context.displayName)-clone"
    if ($hasSolution) {
        $newProject.solutionPath = $targetPath
        $newProject.webAppPath = "$targetPath\SitefinityWebApp"
        _createUserFriendlySlnName -context $newProject
    else {
        $newProject.webAppPath = $targetPath

    sf-proj-setCurrent -newContext $newProject

    try {
        if (!$skipSourceControlMapping -and $context.branch) {
            _createWorkspace -context $newProject -branch $context.branch
    catch {
        Write-Error "Clone project error. Error binding to TFS.`n$_"

    try {
        Write-Information "Creating website..."
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Error during website creation. Message: $_"
        $newProject.websiteName = ""

    $oldProject = $context
    $sourceDbName = _sf-app-db-getName $oldProject.webAppPath
    $isDuplicate = sql-test-isDbNameDuplicate -dbName $sourceDbName
    if ($sourceDbName -and $isDuplicate) {
        $newDbName = $
        try {
            sf-app-db-setName $newDbName -context $newProject
        catch {
            Write-Error "Error setting new database name in config $newDbName).`n $_"                    
        try {
            sql-copy-db -SourceDBName $sourceDbName -targetDbName $newDbName
        catch {
            Write-Error "Error copying old database. Source: $sourceDbName Target $newDbName`n $_"

    try {
    catch {
        Write-Error "Error deleting app states for $($newProject.displayName). Inner error:`n $_"        

    Imports a new sitefinity instance project from given local path.
    A sitefinity web app project or Sitefinity solution can be imported.
    .PARAMETER displyName
    The name of the imported sitefinity instance.
    .PARAMETER path
    The directory which contains either Telerik.Sitefinity.sln or SitefinityWebApp.csproj files. The app automatically detects whether the full Sitefinity source code or just the webapp that uses Sitefinity CMS is available.

function _sf-proj-tryUseExisting {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][SfProject]$project,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$path

    if (Test-Path -Path "$path\SitefinityWebApp") {
        $path = "$path\SitefinityWebApp"

    $isWebApp = Test-Path "$path\web.config"
    if (!$isWebApp) {

    $project.webAppPath = $path
    sf-proj-setCurrent $project
    _sf-proj-refreshData -project $project
    _saveSelectedProject $project
    return $true

function sf-proj-removeBulk {
    $sitefinities = @(sf-data-getAllProjects)
    if ($null -eq $sitefinities[0]) {
        Write-Host "No projects found. Create one."

    $sfsToDelete = _sf-proj-promptSfsSelection $sitefinities

    foreach ($selectedSitefinity in $sfsToDelete) {
        try {
            sf-proj-remove -context $selectedSitefinity -noPrompt
        catch {
            Write-Error "Error deleting project with id = $($"       

    Deletes a sitefinity instance managed by the script.
    Everything is deleted - local project files, database, TFS workspace if no switches are passed.
    .PARAMETER keepWorkspace
    Keeps the workspace if one exists.
    .PARAMETER keepProjectFiles
    Keeps the project files.
    .PARAMETER keepProjectFiles
    Forces the deletion by resetting IIS to free any locked files by the app.

function sf-proj-remove {
        [SfProject]$context = $null
    [SfProject]$currentProject = sf-proj-getCurrent
    $clearCurrentSelectedProject = $false
    if ($null -eq $context -or $ -eq $ {
        $context = $currentProject
        $clearCurrentSelectedProject = $true
    # Del Website
    Write-Information "Deleting website..."
    $websiteName = $context.websiteName
    if ($websiteName -and (iis-test-isSiteNameDuplicate $websiteName)) {
        try {
            sf-iis-pool-stop $websiteName
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Could not stop app pool: $_`n"            

        try {
            _sf-iis-site-delete $context.websiteName
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Errors deleting website ${websiteName}. $_`n"

    # TFS
    $workspaceName = $null
    try {
        Set-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot
        $workspaceName = tfs-get-workspaceName $context.webAppPath
    catch {
        Write-Warning "No workspace to delete, no TFS mapping found."        
    if ($workspaceName -and !($keepWorkspace)) {
        Write-Information "Deleting workspace..."
        try {
            tfs-delete-workspace $workspaceName $GLOBAL:Sf.Config.tfsServerName
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Could not delete workspace $_"

    $dbName = _sf-app-db-getName -appPath $context.webAppPath

    # Del db
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dbName) -and (-not $keepDb)) {
        Write-Information "Deleting sitefinity database..."
        try {
            sql-delete-database -dbName $dbName
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Could not delete database: ${dbName}. $_"

    # Del dir
    if (!($keepProjectFiles)) {
        try {
            $solutionPath = $context.solutionPath
            if ($solutionPath) {
                $path = $solutionPath
            else {
                $path = $context.webAppPath
            Write-Information "Unlocking all locked files in solution directory..."
            unlock-allFiles -path $path

            Write-Information "Deleting solution directory..."
            Remove-Item $path -recurse -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ProcessError
            if ($ProcessError) {
                throw $ProcessError
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Errors deleting sitefinity directory. $_"

    Write-Information "Deleting data entry..."
    try {
        _removeProjectData $context
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Could not remove the project entry from the tool. You can manually remove it at $($GLOBAL:Sf.Config.dataPath)"
    if ($clearCurrentSelectedProject) {
        sf-proj-setCurrent $null

    if (-not ($noPrompt)) {

function sf-proj-rename {

    $project = sf-proj-getCurrent
    [SfProject]$context = $project

    if (-not $newName) {
        while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($newName)) {
            if ($newName) {
                Write-Warning "Invalid name syntax."

            $newName = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter new project name").ToString()

        if ($setDescription) {
            $context.description = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter description:`n").ToString()

    $azureDevOpsResult = _getAzureDevOpsTitleAndLink $newName
    $newName = $
    $context.description = $

    if ($newName -and (-not (_validateNameSyntax $newName))) {
        Write-Error "Name syntax is not valid. Use only alphanumerics and underscores"

    $oldSolutionName = _generateSolutionFriendlyName -context $context
    $context.displayName = $newName

    if ($context.solutionPath) {
        if (-not (Test-Path "$($context.solutionPath)\$oldSolutionName")) {
            _createUserFriendlySlnName -context $context
        $newSolutionName = _generateSolutionFriendlyName -context $context
        $oldSolutionPath = "$($context.solutionPath)\$oldSolutionName"
        if (Test-Path $oldSolutionPath) {
            Copy-Item -Path $oldSolutionPath -Destination "$($context.solutionPath)\$newSolutionName" -Force
            $newSlnCacheName = ([string]$newSolutionName).Replace(".sln", "")
            $oldSlnCacheName = ([string]$oldSolutionName).Replace(".sln", "")
            $oldSolutionCachePath = "$($context.solutionPath)\.vs\$oldSlnCacheName"
            if (Test-Path $oldSolutionCachePath) {
                Copy-Item -Path $oldSolutionCachePath -Destination "$($context.solutionPath)\.vs\$newSlnCacheName" -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                unlock-allFiles -path $oldSolutionCachePath
                Remove-Item -Path $oldSolutionCachePath -Force -Recurse
            unlock-allFiles -path $oldSolutionPath
            Remove-Item -Path $oldSolutionPath -Force
    $domain = _generateDomainName -context $context
    _changeDomain -domainName $domain
    Set-Prompt -project $context
    _saveSelectedProject $context

Undos all pending changes, gets latest, builds and initializes.

function sf-proj-reset {
    $shouldReset = $false
    if (sf-tfs-hasPendingChanges) {
        $shouldReset = $true

    $getLatestOutput = sf-tfs-getLatestChanges -overwrite
    if (-not ($getLatestOutput.Contains('All files are up to date.'))) {
        $shouldReset = $true

    if ($shouldReset) {
        sf-sol-clean -cleanPackages $true
        sf-app-reset -start -rebuild -precompile
        sf-app-states-save -stateName initial

function sf-proj-getCurrent {
    $currentContext = $Script:globalContext

    if ($null -eq $currentContext) {
        return $null

    $context = $currentContext.PsObject.Copy()
    return [SfProject]$context

function sf-proj-setCurrent {
    if ($null -ne $newContext) {
        _validateProject $newContext        

    $Script:globalContext = $newContext
    Set-Prompt -project $newContext

function _getAzureDevOpsTitleAndLink {
    $description = ''
    $titleKeys = @("Product Backlog Item ", "Bug ", "Task ");
    foreach ($key in $titleKeys) {
        if ($name.StartsWith($key)) {
            $name = $name.Replace($key, '');
            $nameParts = $name.Split(':');
            $itemId = $nameParts[0].Trim();
            $title = $nameParts[1].Trim();
            $resultTitle = ''
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $name.Length; $i++) {
                $resultTitle = "${resultTitle}:$($title[$i])";
            $name = $name.Trim();
            $name = _getValidTitle $name

            $description = "$itemId"

    return @{ name = $name; link = $description }

function _getValidTitle {
    param (

    $validStartEnd = "^[A-Za-z]$";
    $validMiddle = "^\w$";
    while (!($title[0] -match $validStartEnd)) {
        $title = $title.Substring(1)

    while (!($title[$title.Length - 1] -match $validStartEnd)) {
        $title = $title.Substring($title.Length - 2)

    $resultTitle = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $title.Length; $i++) {
        if ($title[$i] -match $validMiddle) {
            $resultTitle = "$resultTitle$($title[$i])"
        elseif ($title[$i] -eq ' ') {
            $resultTitle = "${resultTitle}_"

    if ($resultTitle.Length -ge 51) {
        $resultTitle = $resultTitle.Remove(50);
    return $resultTitle;

function _createUserFriendlySlnName ($context) {
    $solutionFilePath = "$($context.solutionPath)\Telerik.Sitefinity.sln"
    if (!(Test-Path $solutionFilePath)) {
        Write-Warning "Solution file not available."

    $targetFilePath = "$($context.solutionPath)\$(_generateSolutionFriendlyName $context)"
    if (!(Test-Path $targetFilePath)) {
        Copy-Item -Path $solutionFilePath -Destination $targetFilePath

function _saveSelectedProject {

    _validateProject $context

    _setProjectData $context

function _validateProject {

    if (!$ {
        throw "Invalid sitefinity context. No sitefinity id."

    if ($context.solutionPaths) {
        if (-not (Test-Path $context.solutionPath)) {
            throw "Invalid sitefinity context. Solution path does not exist."
    if (-not ($context.webAppPath -and (Test-Path $context.webAppPath))) {
        throw "Invalid sitefinity context. No web app path or it does not exist."

function _getIsIdDuplicate ($id) {
    function _isDuplicate ($name) {
        if ($name -and $name.Contains($id)) {
            return $true
        return $false

    $sitefinities = [SfProject[]](sf-data-getAllProjects)
    $sitefinities | ForEach-Object {
        $sitefinity = [SfProject]$_
        if ($ -eq $id) {
            return $true;

    if (Test-Path "$($GLOBAL:Sf.Config.projectsDirectory)\$id") { return $true }

    $wss = tfs-get-workspaces $GLOBAL:Sf.Config.tfsServerName | Where-Object { _isDuplicate $_ }
    if ($wss) { return $true }

    Import-Module WebAdministration
    $sites = Get-Item "IIS:\Sites"
    if ($sites -and $sites.Children) {
        $names = $sites.Children.Keys | Where-Object { _isDuplicate $_ }
        if ($names) { return $true }
    $pools = Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools"
    if ($pools -and $pools.Children) {
        $names = $pools.Children.Keys | Where-Object { _isDuplicate $_ }
        if ($names) { return $true }
    $dbs = sql-get-dbs | Where-Object { _isDuplicate $ }
    if ($dbs) { return $true }

    return $false;

function _generateId {
    $i = 0;
    while ($true) {
        $name = "$($GLOBAL:Sf.Config.idPrefix)$i"
        $_isDuplicate = (_getIsIdDuplicate $name)
        if (-not $_isDuplicate) {

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($name) -or (-not (_validateNameSyntax $name))) {
        throw "Invalid id $name"
    return $name

function _generateSolutionFriendlyName {
    if (-not ($context)) {
        $context = sf-proj-getCurrent

    $solutionName = "$($context.displayName)($($"
    return $solutionName

function _validateNameSyntax ($name) {
    return $name -match "^[A-Za-z]\w+$" -and $name.Length -lt 75

function _sf-proj-refreshData {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][SfProject]$project
    if ($project.isInitialized) {

    $errorMessgePrefix = "ERROR Working with project $($project.displayName) in $($project.webAppPath) and id $($"

    if (!(Test-Path $project.webAppPath)) {
        if (!$suppressWarnings) {
            throw "$errorMessgePrefix $($project.webAppPath) does not exist."
        else {

    _sf-proj-detectSolution -project $project
    _sf-proj-detectTfs -project $project
    _sf-proj-detectSite -project $project

    _saveSelectedProject -context $project
    $project.isInitialized = $true

function _createProjectFilesFromSource {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Sfproject]$project,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$sourcePath
    $handled = _sf-proj-tryCreateFromBranch -project $project -sourcePath $sourcePath
    if (!$handled) {
        $handled = _sf-proj-tryCreateFromZip -project $project -sourcePath $sourcePath

    if (!$handled) {
        $handled = _sf-proj-tryUseExisting -project $project -path $sourcePath

    if (!$handled) {
        throw "Source path does not exist"

function _sf-proj-createProjectDirectory {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Sfproject]$project
    Write-Information "Creating project files..."
    $projectDirectory = "$($GLOBAL:Sf.Config.projectsDirectory)\$($"
    if (Test-Path $projectDirectory) {
        throw "Path already exists:" + $projectDirectory

    New-Item $projectDirectory -type directory > $null

function _sf-proj-detectSolution ([SfProject]$project) {
    if (_sf-proj-isSolution -project $project) {
        $project.solutionPath = (Get-Item "$($project.webAppPath)\..\").Target
        _createUserFriendlySlnName $project
    else {
        $project.solutionPath = ''

    _saveSelectedProject -context $project

function _sf-proj-tryCreateFromBranch {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Sfproject]$project,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$sourcePath

    if ($sourcePath.StartsWith("$/CMS/")) {
        $projectDirectory = _sf-proj-createProjectDirectory -project $project
        Write-Information "Creating project files..."
        $project.solutionPath = $projectDirectory;
        $project.webAppPath = "$projectDirectory\SitefinityWebApp";
        _createWorkspace -context $project -branch $sourcePath
        return $true

function _sf-proj-tryCreateFromZip {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Sfproject]$project,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$sourcePath

    if ($sourcePath.EndsWith('.zip') -and (Test-Path $sourcePath)) {
        $projectDirectory = _sf-proj-createProjectDirectory -project $project
        expand-archive -path $sourcePath -destinationpath $projectDirectory
        $isSolution = (Test-Path -Path "$projectDirectory/Telerik.Sitefinity.sln") -and (Test-Path "$projectDirectory/SitefinityWebApp")
        if ($isSolution) {
            $project.webAppPath = "$projectDirectory/SitefinityWebApp"
            $project.solutionPath = "$projectDirectory"
        else {
            $project.webAppPath = "$projectDirectory"

        return $true

function _sf-proj-detectTfs ([SfProject]$project) {
    if (!(_sf-proj-isSolution -project $project)) {
        $project.branch = '';
        _saveSelectedProject -context $project

    $branch = tfs-get-branchPath -path $project.solutionPath
    if ($branch) {
        $project.branch = $branch
        _updateLastGetLatest -context $project
    else {
        $project.branch = '';
        Write-Warning "Could not detect source control branch"

    _saveSelectedProject -context $project

function _sf-proj-isSolution ([SfProject]$project) {
    Test-Path "$($project.webAppPath)\..\Telerik.Sitefinity.sln"

function _sf-proj-detectSite ([Sfproject]$project) {
    $siteName = iis-find-site -physicalPath $project.webAppPath
    if ($siteName) {
        $project.websiteName = $siteName
    else {
        $project.websiteName = ''
        Write-Warning "$errorMessgePrefix Could not detect website for the current project."