
    Displays a list of available sitefinities to select from.
    Sitefinities that are displayed are displayed by their names. These are sitefinities that were either provisioned or imported by this script.
    tagsFilter - Tags in tag filter are delimited by space. If a tag is prefixed with '-' projects tagged with it are excluded. Excluded tags take precedense over included ones.
    If tagsFilter is equal to '+' only untagged projects are shown.

function sf-proj-select {
    if (!$tagsFilter) {
        $tagsFilter = sf-proj-tags-getDefaultFilter

    [SfProject[]]$sitefinities = @(sf-data-getAllProjects -tagsFilter $tagsFilter)

    if (!$sitefinities[0]) {
        Write-Warning "No projects found. Check if not using default tag filter."

    $selectedSitefinity = _promptProjectSelect -sitefinities $sitefinities
    _sf-proj-refreshData $selectedSitefinity
    sf-proj-setCurrent $selectedSitefinity

    Shows info for selected sitefinity.

function sf-proj-show {

    [SfProject]$context = sf-proj-getCurrent
    if ($null -eq ($context)) {
        Write-Warning "No project selected"

    $ports = @(iis-get-websitePort $context.websiteName)
    $branchShortName = "no branch"
    if ($context.branch) {
        $branchParts = $context.branch.split('/')
        $branchShortName = $branchParts[$branchParts.Count - 1]

    if (-not $detail) {
        Write-Host "$($ | $($context.displayName) | $($branchShortName) | $ports | $(_getDaysSinceDate $context.lastGetLatest)"

    try {
        $workspaceName = tfs-get-workspaceName $context.webAppPath
        $branch = tfs-get-branchPath $context.solutionPath
    catch {
        Write-Information "Error getting some details from TFS: $_"    

    try {
        $appPool = @(iis-get-siteAppPool $context.websiteName)
    catch {
        Write-Information "Error getting some details from IIS: $_"    

    $otherDetails = @(
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 0; Parameter = "Title"; Value = $context.displayName; },
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 0.5; Parameter = "Id"; Value = $; },

        [pscustomobject]@{id = 0.6; Parameter = " "; Value = " "; },

        [pscustomobject]@{id = 1; Parameter = "Solution path"; Value = $context.solutionPath; },
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 2; Parameter = "Web app path"; Value = $context.webAppPath; },

        [pscustomobject]@{id = 2.5; Parameter = " "; Value = " "; },
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 3; Parameter = "Database Name"; Value = sf-app-db-getName; },
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 3.5; Parameter = " "; Value = " "; },

        [pscustomobject]@{id = 4; Parameter = "Website Name in IIS"; Value = $context.websiteName; },
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 5; Parameter = "Ports"; Value = $ports; },
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 6; Parameter = "Application Pool Name"; Value = $appPool; },

        [pscustomobject]@{id = 6.5; Parameter = " "; Value = " "; },

        [pscustomobject]@{id = 7; Parameter = "TFS workspace name"; Value = $workspaceName; },
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 8; Parameter = "Mapping"; Value = $branch; }
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 9; Parameter = "Last get"; Value = _getDaysSinceDate $context.lastGetLatest; }
        [pscustomobject]@{id = 10; Parameter = "Tags"; Value = $context.tags }

    $details = $otherDetails | Sort-Object -Property id | Format-Table -Property Parameter, Value -AutoSize -Wrap -HideTableHeaders | Out-String
    Write-Host $details
    Write-Host "Description:`n$($context.description)`n"

    Shows info for all sitefinities managed by the script.

function sf-proj-showAll {
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$output = @()
    foreach ($sitefinity in $sitefinities) {
        $ports = @(iis-get-websitePort $sitefinity.websiteName)
        [SfProject]$sitefinity = $sitefinity
        $index = [array]::IndexOf($sitefinities, $sitefinity)
                order   = $index;
                Title   = "$index : $($sitefinity.displayName)";
                Branch  = $sitefinity.branch.Split([string[]]("$/CMS/Sitefinity 4.0"), [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
                Ports   = "$ports";
                ID      = "$($";
                LastGet = _getDaysSinceDate $sitefinity.lastGetLatest;
                Tags    = $sitefinity.tags
            }) > $null

    $output | Sort-Object -Property order | Format-Table -Property Title, Branch, Ports, Id, LastGet, Tags | Out-String | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }

function _getDaysSinceDate {

    if ($dateFromAsText) {
        [datetime]$dateFrom = [datetime]::Parse($dateFromAsText)

    if ($dateFrom) {
        [System.TimeSpan]$days = [System.TimeSpan]([System.DateTime]::Today - $dateFrom.Date)
        return [math]::Round($days.TotalDays, 0)

function _promptPredefinedBranchSelect {
    $branches = @($GLOBAL:Sf.Config.predefinedBranches)

    if ($branches.Count -eq 0) {
        $selectedBranch = Read-Host -Prompt 'No predefined branches, enter branch path'
        return $selectedBranch

    $i = 0
    foreach ($branch in $branches) {
        Write-Host "[$i] : $branch"

    $selectedBranch = $null
    while (!$selectedBranch) {
        $userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Select branch"
        $userInput = $userInput -as [int]
        if ($userInput -gt -1 -and $userInput -lt $branches.Count) {
            $selectedBranch = $branches[$userInput]

    return $selectedBranch

function _promptPredefinedBuildPathSelect {
    $paths = @($GLOBAL:Sf.Config.predefinedBuildPaths)

    if ($paths.Count -eq 0) {
        $selectedPath = Read-Host -Prompt 'No predefined build paths, enter build path'
        return $selectedPath

    $i = 0
    foreach ($path in $paths) {
        Write-Host "[$i] : $path"

    $selectedPath = $null
    while (!$selectedPath) {
        $userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Select path"
        $userInput = $userInput -as [int]
        if ($userInput -gt -1 -and $userInput -lt $paths.Length) {
            $selectedPath = $paths[$userInput]

    return $selectedPath

function _promptProjectSelect {
    param (

    if (-not $sitefinities) {
        Write-Warning "No sitefinities found. Check if not filtered with default tags."
    $sortedSitefinities = $sitefinities | Sort-Object -Property tags, branch

    sf-proj-showAll $sortedSitefinities

    while ($true) {
        [int]$choice = Read-Host -Prompt 'Choose sitefinity'
        $selectedSitefinity = $sortedSitefinities[$choice]
        if ($null -ne $selectedSitefinity) {


function _sf-proj-promptSourcePathSelect {
    while ($selectFrom -ne 1 -and $selectFrom -ne 2) {
        $selectFrom = Read-Host -Prompt "Create from?`n[1] Branch`n[2] Build`n"

    if ($selectFrom -eq 1) {
    else {

function _sf-proj-promptSfsSelection ([SfProject[]]$sitefinities) {
    sf-proj-showAll $sitefinities

    $choices = Read-Host -Prompt 'Choose sitefinities (numbers delemeted by space)'
    $choices = $choices.Split(' ')
    [System.Collections.Generic.List``1[object]]$sfsToDelete = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List``1[object]
    foreach ($choice in $choices) {
        [SfProject]$selectedSitefinity = $sitefinities[$choice]
        if ($null -eq $selectedSitefinity) {
            Write-Error "Invalid selection $choice"


    return $sfsToDelete

function _setConsoleTitle {
    param (

    if ($newContext) {
        $ports = @(iis-get-websitePort $newContext.websiteName)
        if ($newContext.branch) {
            $branch = ($newContext.branch).Split([string[]]("$/CMS/Sitefinity 4.0"), [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]
        else {
            $branch = '/no branch'

        [System.Console]::Title = "$($newContext.displayName) ($($ $branch $ports "
        Set-Location $newContext.webAppPath
    else {
        [System.Console]::Title = ""