
    Cleans all project artefacts in case a project was not deleted successfuly - deletes websites, databases, host file mappings based on a search
    using the id prefix and checking whether a project in the tools database still exist or has been removed from the tool.

function sf-proj-tools-clearAllProjectsLeftovers {
    $projectsDir = $GLOBAL:Sf.Config.projectsDirectory
    $idsInUse = sf-data-getAllProjects | ForEach-Object { $ }
    function _shouldClean {
        param (

        if (-not ($id -match "$($GLOBAL:Sf.Config.idPrefix)\d+")) {
            return $false
        if (-not $idsInUse.Contains($id)) {
            return $true
        return $false

    $errors = ''
    function _addError ($text) {
        $errors = "$errors$text`n"

    try {
        Write-Information "Sites cleanup"
        Import-Module WebAdministration
        $sites = Get-Item "IIS:\Sites" 
        $names = $sites.Children.Keys | Where-Object { _shouldClean $_ }
        foreach ($site in $names) {
            Remove-Item "IIS:\Sites\$($site)" -Force -Recurse
    catch {
        _addError "Sites were not cleaned up: $_"

    try {
        Write-Information "App pool cleanup"
        Import-Module WebAdministration
        $pools = Get-Item "IIS:\AppPools" 
        $names = $pools.Children.Keys | Where-Object { _shouldClean $_ }
        foreach ($poolName in $names) {
            Remove-Item "IIS:\AppPools\$($poolName)" -Force -Recurse
    catch {
        _addError "Application pools were not cleaned up: $_"

    try {
        Write-Information "TFS cleanup"
        $wss = tfs-get-workspaces $GLOBAL:Sf.Config.tfsServerName
        $wss | Where-Object { _shouldClean $_ } | ForEach-Object { tfs-delete-workspace $_ $GLOBAL:Sf.Config.tfsServerName }
    catch {
        _addError "Tfs workspaces were not cleaned up: $_"

    try {
        Write-Information "DBs cleanup"
        $dbs = sql-get-dbs
        $dbs | Where-Object { $"$($GLOBAL:Sf.Config.idPrefix)") -and (_shouldClean $ } | ForEach-Object {
            sql-delete-database -dbName $
    catch {
        _addError "Databases were not cleaned up: $_"

    try {
        Set-Location -Path $PSHOME
        sleep.exe 5
        Write-Information "Projects directory cleanup"
        unlock-allFiles $projectsDir
        Get-ChildItem $projectsDir | Where-Object { _shouldClean $_.Name } | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_.FullName -Force -Recurse }
    catch {
        _addError "Test sitefinities were not cleaned up: $_"

    if ($errors) {
        throw $errors

    Quick naviagtion in project directories. Sets the console working directory.
    .PARAMETER xxxx

function sf-proj-tools-goto {

    $context = sf-proj-getCurrent
    $webAppPath = $context.webAppPath

    if ($configs) {
        Set-Location "${webAppPath}\App_Data\Sitefinity\Configuration"
    elseif ($logs) {
        Set-Location "${webAppPath}\App_Data\Sitefinity\Logs"
    elseif ($root) {
        Set-Location "${webAppPath}"
    elseif ($webConfig) {
        & "${webAppPath}\Web.config"