
    RootModule        = 'toko-admin'
    GUID              = 'a3de762d-9ea0-43b5-9476-3ea8bf8b1d93'
    Author            = 'Todor Mitskovski'
    Copyright         = '(c) 2018 Todor Mitskovski. All rights reserved.'
    Description       = 'More user friendly and powerful administration commands.'
    PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
    CLRVersion        = '4.0'
    FunctionsToExport = 'iis-get-websitePort', 'iis-show-appPoolPid', 'iis-get-usedPorts', 'iis-get-appPoolApps', 'iis-create-appPool', 'iis-get-appPools', 'iis-delete-appPool', 'iis-create-website', 'iis-get-siteAppPool', 'iis-test-isPortFree', 'iis-add-sitePort', 'iis-test-isSiteNameDuplicate', 'iis-get-subAppName', 'iis-rename-website', 'iis-new-subApp', 'iis-remove-subApp', 'iis-set-sitePath', 'clear-nugetCache', 'os-popup-notification', 'os-test-isPortFree', 'execute-native', 'unlock-allFiles', 'sql-delete-database', 'sql-rename-database', 'sql-get-dbs', 'sql-get-items', 'sql-update-items', 'sql-insert-items', 'sql-delete-items', 'sql-test-isDbNameDuplicate', 'sql-copy-db', 'sql-create-login', 'sql-delete-login', 'tfs-get-workspaces', 'tf-query-workspaces', 'tfs-delete-workspace', 'tfs-create-workspace', 'tfs-rename-workspace', 'tfs-create-mappings', 'tfs-checkout-file', 'tfs-get-latestChanges', 'tfs-undo-pendingChanges', 'tfs-show-pendingChanges', 'tfs-get-workspaceName', 'tfs-get-branchPath', 'tfs-get-lastWorkspaceChangeset', 'iis-get-binding', 'iis-set-binding', 'Add-ToHostsFile', 'Remove-FromHostsFile', 'get-sqlClient', 'iis-find-site'
    CmdletsToExport   = @()
    VariablesToExport = @()
    AliasesToExport   = '*'
    ModuleVersion     = '1.1.3'
    RequiredModules   = @(
        @{ModuleName = 'toko-posh-dev-tools'; ModuleVersion = '0.1.0'; MaximumVersion = '0.*' }
    PrivateData       = @{
        PSData = @{
            ProjectUri   = ''
            ReleaseNotes = @'
                iis-find-site now respects subApps
                Fixed not found IIS drive when getting all sites
                Getting branch sometimes gets fake result for specific location where it should return none.
                TF.exe error stream is redirected to powershell error stream.
                New api via global object
                    Find site name by path.
                    Errors from native operations improper error code handling when nesting scopes of modules.
                    Added SqlClient object API
                    Removed errors when unlocking files
                Add user configuration for tfPath
                Fix: default credentials not found for sql and server name for TFS
                Fixed unlocking files
                Ability to quickly add entries to hosts file. Add-ToHostsFile and Remove-FromHostsFile
                Initial release containing commonly used administration tasks on windows automated.
                Contains scripts for MSSQL, IIS, Windows, Nuget, TFS.
