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By: | 1,956 downloads | Last Updated: 10/12/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.1

Provides following cmdlets: * Measure-ItemSize - gets total size of input items including folders * Measure-DriveSize - gets free/used/total size for each drive See project site for examples:

By: | 2,556 downloads | Last Updated: 1/30/2022 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

PowerShell module wrapper for displaying folder/file dialogs in scripts.

By: | 1,482 downloads | Last Updated: 7/23/2020 | Latest Version: 1.1.0

A module to quickly find out what groups the currently logged on user is a member of (both local and domain).

By: | 408 downloads | Last Updated: 3/16/2023 | Latest Version: 0.1.6

Takes a string as input for the id of the winget package to get info on. Returns an object with all info as object.

By: | 500 downloads | Last Updated: 2/27/2021 | Latest Version: 0.2.5

ShowColumns provides prettier Get-ChildItem replacement and ability to display lists of objects in columns. Available cmdlets are: * Show-Columns - displays any data piped into it in columns with auto-calculated widths. * Show-ChildItemColumns - invokes Get-ChildItem with given parameters and displays results using Show-Columns.

By: | 282 downloads | Last Updated: 5/24/2017 | Latest Version: 1.0

Convert a HTML string to an HTML file