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By: | 5,542 downloads | Last Updated: 12/13/2017 | Latest Version: 0.9.0

A PowerShell based module that can decode System Errors, Exit codes, port numbers, HTTP Statuses and more. This module can be used to quick lookup Error descriptions, to add verbosity to your custom error messages and for a better Error Handling, Investigation and Analysis. System Errors : Windows System Errors and Exit Codes [Total = 2764] ... More info

By: | 374 downloads | Last Updated: 8/5/2019 | Latest Version:

The RedirectConsoleAppOutput module allows to redirect standard output and standard error of Windows console application as an object in memory. That is its diference from the Start-Process cmdlet which redirects output to file only. If redirecting output to file is enough for your purposes, you don't need this module. The module exports two fun... More info