
By: | 7,321 downloads | Last Updated: 4/27/2023 | Latest Version:

This PowerShell module that helps users communicate with a mail server with various protocols, e.g. IMAP(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3501) server, POP3(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1081).

By: | 2,354 downloads | Last Updated: 8/26/2022 | Latest Version: 0.1.3

ThisPowerShell module helps user communicate with a mail server with IMAP(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3501) server or POP3(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1081). The module supports both Basic Authentication(user/password) and OAuth authentication, with special support for Microsft's Office 365. In order to apply OAuth authentication, you ne... More info

By: | 362 downloads | Last Updated: 6/5/2020 | Latest Version: 0.1.2

This PowerShell module helps user diagnose Exchange Online issues.