
By: | 2,635 downloads | Last Updated: 9/8/2019 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

A set of utilities to explore ps1/psm1 file(s). Discover/Export function(s) declaration(s). You can draw a graph dependency of functions present inside a ps1/psm1 files, to see how they interact with each others

By: | 1,349 downloads | Last Updated: 9/24/2019 | Latest Version: 1.0.5

Retrieve module(s) infos from the psgallery using the psgallery api. You can also download them as Zip files.

By: | 1,296 downloads | Last Updated: 11/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.0.3

Set of cmdlets to draw the flowchart of a script