
By: | 52,734 downloads | Last Updated: 10/20/2019 | Latest Version: 0.8.2

Cross platform PowerShell module to generate HTML markup language and create awesome web pages!

By: | 4,651 downloads | Last Updated: 3/10/2019 | Latest Version: 2.6.3

Contains a set of utilities to work with Powershell Classes.

By: | 724 downloads | Last Updated: 6/18/2024 | Latest Version: 1.0.3

Create random files with meaningfull names of specific sizes.

By: | 717 downloads | Last Updated: 3/4/2018 | Latest Version:

Module PowerShell permettant d'exploiter les données de la vie politique Francaise mis a disposition par RegardsCitoyen.Org

By: | 669 downloads | Last Updated: 2/20/2019 | Latest Version: 1.0

Host and display webpages using PowerShell.

By: | 601 downloads | Last Updated: 4/17/2024 | Latest Version: 0.2.2

Ansible inventory automation framework

By: | 586 downloads | Last Updated: 7/22/2019 | Latest Version: 0.2.1

Module to manage Hosts files locally and remotley. Get/edit/remove entries from local or remote hosts file(s). Automatic backup integrated.

By: | 299 downloads | Last Updated: 7/6/2023 | Latest Version: 0.5.0

Pester ToolKit

By: | 268 downloads | Last Updated: 7/25/2024 | Latest Version: 0.5.1

Opinionated module to scaffold, manage and help build standardized powershell modules implementing best pratcises out of the box with ease.

By: | 253 downloads | Last Updated: 5/12/2023 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

Generate prometheus .prom files easily with this module

By: | 25 downloads | Last Updated: 8/14/2023 | Latest Version: 1.4.3

This script will tatoo the Windows Image with specefic values into one or all of the following locations: --> Registry --> environment variable --> WMI Repository