

A collection of common tools for use in Brownserve projects

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Brownserve.PSTools -RequiredVersion 0.13.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Brownserve.PSTools -Version 0.13.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



2023 Brownserve UK

Package Details


  • Brownserve UK


CI CD Brownserve-UK


Add-ChangelogEntry Get-SPDXLicenseIDs Initialize-BrownserveRepository New-BrownservePowerShellModuleBuild New-NuGetPackageVersion Read-Changelog Send-BuildNotification Update-BrownserveRepository Update-Changelog Install-ChocolateyPackage Assert-Command Assert-Directory ConvertTo-SortedHashtable Get-Response Invoke-DownloadMethod Invoke-NativeCommand Merge-Hashtable New-BrownserveTemporaryDirectory New-BrownserveTemporaryFile Read-ConfigurationFromFile Search-FileContent Test-Administrator Test-OperatingSystem Add-ModuleHelp Build-ModuleDocumentation ConvertTo-HTTPSRepoURL Copy-GitRemoteRepository Get-GitBranches Get-GitCurrentBranch Get-GitRemoteOriginURL New-GitBranch Switch-GitBranch Add-PullRequestComment Get-GitHubRelease Get-GitHubTags Get-OpenPullRequests New-GitHubRelease New-PullRequest Import-PlatyPSModule Import-PowerShellYAMLModule Invoke-ConvertToYaml New-BrownservePowerShellModule Update-BrownservePowerShellModule Send-SlackNotification Publish-TeamcityArtifact Set-TeamcityBuildNumber Write-TeamcityBuildProblem Write-TeamcityStatus Format-TerraformResourceName Get-Terraform Get-TerraformResource Invoke-TerraformApply Invoke-TerraformInit Invoke-TerraformPlan Invoke-TerraformShow Invoke-TerraformValidate New-TerraformResourceBlock Set-TerraformLogLevel Get-Vault Get-VaultSecret Split-URI


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

- Better handling of PlatyPS/powershell-yaml module loading
- Invoke-ConvertToYaml cmdlet created to allow for using the ConvertTo-YAML cmdlet more reliably when PlatyPS is also in use.
- Copy-GitRemoteRepository cmdlet added to facilitate cloning git repos from a remote

- Fixed bug whereby Assert-Directory wouldn't hard fail if the path is not a directory

Known Issues
- powershell-yaml and PlatyPS still cannot be used at the same time


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.16.0 23 9/9/2023
0.15.0 6 8/10/2023
0.14.0 8 7/29/2023
0.13.1 6 7/23/2023
0.13.0 (current version) 5 7/22/2023
0.12.0 7 6/4/2023
0.11.0 12 4/19/2023
0.10.1 5 4/13/2023
0.9.0 11 3/27/2023
0.8.2 75 2/21/2022
0.8.1 11 2/21/2022
0.8.0 13 2/20/2022
0.7.0 16 12/7/2021
0.6.0 11 12/7/2021
0.5.3 15 11/19/2021
0.5.2 11 11/18/2021
0.5.1 11 11/18/2021
0.5.0 11 11/17/2021
0.4.1 11 11/17/2021
0.4.0 11 11/15/2021
0.3.0 36 10/12/2021
0.2.1 13 10/6/2021
0.2.0 11 10/6/2021
0.1.1 12 10/5/2021
0.1.0 12 10/5/2021
0.1.0-rev 9 10/4/2021
0.1.0-dev 9 10/4/2021
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