

WIM Witch is a GUI driven tool used to update and customize Windows
Image (WIM) files and ISOs. It can also create WIM configuration templates and
apply them either with the GUI or programatically for bulk creation. WIM Witch
works as a stand alone tool, as well as integrating with Configuration Manager

-version 3.4.5
Fix Win10 22H2 check box label on Updates tab
WIM Witch is a GUI driven tool used to update and customize Windows
Image (WIM) files and ISOs. It can also create WIM configuration templates and
apply them either with the GUI or programatically for bulk creation. WIM Witch
works as a stand alone tool, as well as integrating with Configuration Manager

-version 3.4.5
Fix Win10 22H2 check box label on Updates tab
Added Win10 22H2 to the LP/LXP/FOD selection logic
Fix for Win10 22H2 updates downloading with ConfigMgr

-version 3.4.4
Support for Win10 22H2
Fixed bug when selection Windows 10 on Updates tab
Added try/catch to APPX removal function

-version 3.4.3
Support for Win11 22H2
Support for x64 OneDrive client
Bugfix for OneDrive client not updating

-version 3.4.2
Bug Fix on greeting message that caused an error.

-version 3.4.1
Bug fix for applying .Net binaries to Windows 10 20H2
Bug fix for applying LCU to Windows 11
Added error output from DISM for .Net injection

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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name WIMWitch

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More


Package Details


  • Donna Ryan


WIM Servicing Offline Image


Get-FormVariables SelectMountDir SelectSourceWIM import-wiminfo SelectJSONFile Parse-JSON SelectDriverSource MakeItSo SelectTargetDir Update-Log Set-Logging DriverInjection ApplyDriver Get-OSDBInstallation Get-OSDSUSInstallation Get-OSDBCurrentVer Get-OSDSUSCurrentVer update-OSDB update-OSDSUS compare-OSDBuilderVer compare-OSDSUSVer check-superceded download-patches update-patchsource Apply-Updates Apply-LCU Select-Appx remove-appx remove-indexes SelectNewJSONDir get-WWAutopilotProfile update-autopilot save-config load-config select-config reset-MISCheckBox run-configfile display-closingtext display-openingtext check-mountpath check-name replace-name check-install select-installfolder install-wimwitch import-iso set-version select-iso inject-dotnet check-dotnetexists Check-WIMWitchVer upgrade-wimwitch Backup-WIMWitch download-onedrive copy-onedrive copy-onedrivex64 select-LPFODCriteria select-LanguagePacks select-localexperiencepack select-FODs apply-LanguagePacks apply-localexperiencepack apply-FODs import-LanguagePacks import-LocalExperiencePack import-FOD update-importverCB select-importotherpath pause-makeitso run-script get-imageinfo select-DPs create-CMImagePackage enable-ConfigMgrOptions update-CMImage invoke-UpdateTabOptions invoke-MEMCMUpdatecatalog Invoke-MSUpdateItemDownload invoke-MEMCMUpdateSupersedence invoke-MISUpdates invoke-OSDCheck set-imageproperties detect-configmgr set-configmgr import-CMModule apply-startlayout apply-defaultapp select-defaultapp select-startmenu select-regfiles apply-regfiles invoke-dadjoke stage-isomedia create-iso copy-upgradepackage update-bootwim update-winrewim get-winvernum SelectISODir get-windowstype check-isobinariesexist invoke-checkboxcleanup invoke-removeISOmount check-freespace install-WWCMConsoleExtension invoke-architecturecheck invoke-admincheck invoke-2XXXprereq invoke-textnotification invoke-19041select


This script has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
3.4.6 (current version) 19,407 2/3/2023
3.4.5 3,706 11/7/2022
3.4.4 450 11/1/2022
3.4.3 2,046 10/12/2022
3.4.2 4,207 6/16/2022
3.4.1 33 6/16/2022
3.4.0 1,802 5/5/2022
3.3.5 68 5/4/2022
3.3.4 89 5/3/2022
3.3.3 24 5/3/2022
3.3.2 1,243 4/4/2022
3.3.1 33 4/3/2022
3.3.0 4,948 12/10/2021
3.2.5 603 12/1/2021
3.2.4 52 12/1/2021
3.2.3 25 12/1/2021
3.2.2 1,756 10/26/2021
3.2.1 239 10/22/2021
3.2.0 67 10/22/2021
3.1.2 2,227 8/24/2021
3.1.1 2,652 6/11/2021
3.1.0 355 6/8/2021
3.0.0 5,796 2/3/2021
2.4.4 801 1/17/2021
2.4.3 308 1/12/2021
2.4.2 2,076 11/3/2020
2.4.1 111 11/3/2020
2.4.0 80 11/2/2020
2.3.3 599 9/22/2020
2.3.2 893 8/25/2020
2.3.1 571 8/19/2020
2.3.0 530 8/19/2020
2.2.0 670 7/30/2020
2.1.2 1,367 6/11/2020
2.1.1 563 5/29/2020
2.1.0 137 5/28/2020
2.0.1 577 5/12/2020
2.0.0 2,397 4/13/2020
1.5.3 1,679 2/28/2020
1.5.2 188 2/26/2020
1.5.1 285 2/20/2020
1.5.0 341 2/14/2020
1.4.1 470 2/7/2020
1.4.0 213 2/5/2020
1.3.2 272 1/30/2020
1.3.1 1,096 12/16/2019
1.3.0 537 12/8/2019
1.2.5 460 11/20/2019
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